AuthorTopic: Grrrrrr bloody cyclists  (Read 1174 times)

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the loon

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Grrrrrr bloody cyclists
« on: July 07, 2005, 22:38:11 »
Was coming home from work driving through Newcastle and stop at some traffic lights on a crossroads.
Light turns green to turn right so light coming towards where on red.
Some prat in a wool suit with a beard on a folding bike wearing what looks like a cavers helmet goes through the light straight into junction and stops in path of traffic crossing road to turn.
then to cap it all he starts giving drivers abuse about no respect for other road users and sees me in the 90 and begins the whole green bit about urban 4x4.
needles to say the taxi driver infront of me got out walked towards him and he seemed to get the urge to be somewhere else as pedeled off rather sharpish when the taxi driver started to pull his sleaves up


Offline EvilEd

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Grrrrrr bloody cyclists
« Reply #1 on: July 08, 2005, 09:29:49 »
Sounds about par.... We have then running races on a dual carriageway near us.... and doing a U-turn on the roundabout... except that they seem to want to go all the way round the outside..... so anything trying to pull off the roundabout ends up with a puchbike on the outside of them...

They get very upset when they are forced to exit the roundabout at the wrong point too... had a shouting match with a whole load of them and their marshalls one morning...

I swear the Highway code states no racing... I'm sure if we did it in cars we'd get a ticking off.... We are talking the head down not look where we're going type.

Other half thinks it's weird as where I have lived in a village all my life, I slow right down for Horses, families on bikes and even the oldies walking beside the road, but I have no time for these guys.

Offline hobbit

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Grrrrrr bloody cyclists
« Reply #2 on: July 08, 2005, 09:47:38 »
The best one I saw was in London a few years ago when I was doing a delivery, a cyclist in the full spandex setup came up the outside of the standing traffic on a red light, as he drew level with a bollard by the lights he nonchantly leaned on it so he didn't have to let go if his pedals, and slowly and surely found out that the bollard was new and was not bolted down,,,,,,   TIMBERRR!!!, tilt and fall rider+bike+bollard, I was gone, I couldn't stop laughing, he had a face like a bulldog chewing a wasp

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the loon

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Grrrrrr bloody cyclists
« Reply #3 on: July 08, 2005, 10:45:12 »
Quote from: "hobbit"
The best one I saw was in London a few years ago when I was doing a delivery, a cyclist in the full spandex setup came up the outside of the standing traffic on a red light, as he drew level with a bollard by the lights he nonchantly leaned on it so he didn't have to let go if his pedals, and slowly and surely found out that the bollard was new and was not bolted down,,,,,,   TIMBERRR!!!, tilt and fall rider+bike+bollard, I was gone, I couldn't stop laughing, he had a face like a bulldog chewing a wasp

I can picture it now
I'll lean here ahh,thats bet ARRRRRRRRRRRRR......look cool,look cool, I ment to to that.

 :wink:  :lol:  :wink:  :lol:  :wink:

Offline Bishops Finger

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Grrrrrr bloody cyclists
« Reply #4 on: July 08, 2005, 10:54:04 »
Once saw a pile of them stop at a T junction ready to turn right one toppled over and took the whole lot with him - really funny I thought
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Offline Niel

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Grrrrrr bloody cyclists
« Reply #5 on: July 08, 2005, 11:15:05 »
Sounds about par.... We have then running races on a dual carriageway near us....
They get very upset when they are forced to exit the roundabout at the wrong point too... had a shouting match with a whole load of them and their marshalls one morning...
I swear the Highway code states no racing... I'm sure if we did it in cars we'd get a ticking off.... We are talking the head down not look where we're going type.

Well cycle racing (not just time trialling) on open roads is legal, and even road closures for theTDF, motorised *racing* is illegal.

Its not an uncommon problem, when I lived in Nash the local lot regularly raced in the lanes, with a turning point to return up the same lane, often with then seconds apart from both directions you couldn't get out of a junction.
One farmer lost it one day and just pulled out with his tractor and bail trailer and only to stop when right accross the road, the collection of bent wheels etc was impressive as the junction was on a blind bend no-one in a car would drive round at more than 5-10mph, most of the lycra clad cyclistas were doing well over 20 mph with blind faith and little sense!

Needless to say the police were called, and the cyclists never came back after that...

Offline Bush Tucker Man

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Grrrrrr bloody cyclists
« Reply #6 on: July 12, 2005, 22:36:28 »
Whilst being on the side of the cyclists I always leant on 'Street Furniture' (railings/lamposts) & not cars.
Buses & trucks perhaps
Richard A Thackeray 
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Grrrrrr bloody cyclists
« Reply #7 on: July 12, 2005, 22:40:33 »
Seen that one before BTM, very very very funny.  :lol:

Digsit tried to do something similar, but on a parked car in our close and missed - and promptly broke his elbow!  Yes, I did laugh then too! :shock:   He also laughs now about it! :lol:

Have wellies, get muddy ;-)

Offline hobbit

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Grrrrrr bloody cyclists
« Reply #8 on: July 12, 2005, 22:45:27 »
I like it, not seen that one Richard, if he'd tried it on the bonnet on my lightweight, he would have burnt his hand, it was that hot today you could cook an egg on it

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Grrrrrr bloody cyclists
« Reply #9 on: July 12, 2005, 22:48:48 »
It's meant to be hotter tomorrow - could you try cooking an egg and post the picture of what happens?  :(biggrin):

Have wellies, get muddy ;-)

Offline Wanderer

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Grrrrrr bloody cyclists
« Reply #10 on: July 12, 2005, 22:55:41 »
Watched the video....

Nearly wet misen..........
 :lol:  :lol:  :lol:
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Grrrrrr bloody cyclists
« Reply #11 on: July 12, 2005, 23:12:55 »
Hmmm, thats an Idea, I like egg sarnies.Wouldn't be the first time either :lol:  :wink:

'91 stretch Discovery 200 Tdi
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Not every problem can be solved with duct tape, and it's exactly for those situations we have WD 40

the loon

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Grrrrrr bloody cyclists
« Reply #12 on: July 12, 2005, 23:49:38 »
going back a few years now to when CB was a lot more popular (back in the early 90's) friend of mine put CB into car and fitted a PA speaker so would pull up at trafic lights etc switch on PA and just say boo
cyclist's,pedestrians etc loved him


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Grrrrrr bloody cyclists
« Reply #13 on: July 13, 2005, 08:02:42 »

Have wellies, get muddy ;-)

Offline barmiebrumie

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« Reply #14 on: July 13, 2005, 09:29:33 »
switch on PA and just say boo
cyclist's,pedestrians etc loved him


Thats a great idea :(biglaugh):


the loon

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Grrrrrr bloody cyclists
« Reply #15 on: July 13, 2005, 19:35:21 »
started to get like police academy as he was going to buy some BBC sound effect tapes but never got around to it.

saw the same cyclist again today as well. Needless to say He stoped at the lights instead of going through this time so didnt get chance to use him as decoration on steering guard


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Grrrrrr bloody cyclists
« Reply #16 on: July 15, 2005, 17:59:18 »
We have groups of them doing cycle races round the villages here in the summer, most of the lanes are single track and they seem to like the 5 & 6 abreast rule.

They wont move over for a car atall, and recently whilst we were silaging they wouldnt move over for a rather large tractor & trailer. It gets frustrating when there like that - they seem to think they own the whole road
Joe O'Halloran
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