Ok, nothing to with Land Rover - but someone might have an answer !
My Parents use LPG for heating/cooking etc, and have a largish tank in the garden. Calor do this thing where they fit a telemetry sender on the top of the tank, fit a small fag-packet modem by the phone, and every night the modem dials up Calor (freephone) and gives the level of gas left in the tank - sort of like an automated meter reader.
So far, so good.........but (like a lot of us), my old man had got ADSL, the engineer (I'll call him that for now) says 'no problem, done loads of these', and connected the Calor modem into the main phone socket - but on the line side of the ADSL filter. He couldn't get the modem to work, and said that they'd get a techy out, he leaves. Dad goes to play on the computer, and ooops, no ADSL connection - calls me (free tech support), I advise to remove the Calor modem, everything springs back into life.
My question is this:
Does any MC'er have this Calor telemetry thing working on an ADSL enabled line - and does it work ?