(Bit of background first)
Due to my (seemingly eternal :roll:
) on-going quest to exchange my Discovery for a County Station Wagon, I've been enquiring about insurance.
Not decided, I'd really like a 110, but SWMBO reckons a 90 (as seen here)
'Now There's A Coincidence''Could I Be Lucky?'As I've just had to renew my policy, I asked them (Adrian Flux) to quote for a 1998 'S-plated' 90Tdi CSW.
The approximate figure quoted was around £220.
However, the actual company quoting that figure insists on a Thatcham Cat. 1 alarm
Now, the real point of this is;
1.Can anyone recommend a specific system for a 90/110
2. Will it offer a (future) interface for central door locking (Maplins kit?)
3. Approximate costs
4. What standard does the LR fitted item (if installed) reach?
Thanks in advance of replies