AuthorTopic: F.A.O. the Scottish Contingent  (Read 1208 times)

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Offline Andy the Landy

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F.A.O. the Scottish Contingent
« on: November 20, 2005, 00:27:21 »
Where do I start.
Possibly moving to Scotland next year and wanted to know what its like for the foreigner moving in.
Need to know how well kids are accepted in schools (9yr old and 4yr old). How well are British workers accepted into Scottish vacancies.
Currently looking at 3 areas -Argyll & Bute (Job vacancy) in Oban. Inverness-Shire (vacancy in Inverness) and Aberdeen (vacancy in Aberdeen). For those that dont know I drive coaches for a living so am looking at Citylink or Stagecoach Express (have interviews lines up with both). Need stabling for 2 horses and easy access to kennels for dogs when we go on holiday.
Most important question is - How many of you get out off roading and laning within easy reach of the 3 locations?
Cheers in advance

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F.A.O. the Scottish Contingent
« Reply #1 on: November 20, 2005, 11:59:40 »
i cant really help with the first part of your question as im based in fife,

But for the offroading & laning i can give some info just now,in the 3 areas you mention there is highland 4x4 club (oban) & buchan offroad drivers club (bordc) in the inverness,aberdeen area.both clubs do fun days & gentle rtvs i think,
as for laning its totaly different to england as there is one maybe 2 recognised rights of way in scotland (correyairick pass & one in midlothian)
to go offroad uphere you either need a friendly landowner to let you play or be in a club,also uphere AFAIK there is no tresspass law,tresspass only comes into force if causing damage to the land BUT this doesnt give you the right to drive anywhere :!:  :!:

im sure budgie & a few others should be able to help out with more info for you
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F.A.O. the Scottish Contingent
« Reply #2 on: November 20, 2005, 15:52:35 »
I'm mixed Scottish/Maori decent so I have some experience. School wise was not a great problem, I think I got into as much fights as the next kid. But it was quite a long time ago that I was in school.

Scotland, and particularly my bit (Edinburgh) is extremely multi-cultural, and the government is encouraging people to come as our active workforce is apparently declining. I've had absolutely no difficulties work-wise, including when had the sort of job that required me to be a British national.

Off-roading wise, join a club, and there are plenty of clubs around, or alternatively, you have to pay-to-play. I can't really compare it to anywear else in the UK as I have done so little outside Scotland. If I wanted to I could go out every weekend and break my motor...  :P

Aside from that, there are a couple of pubs in Glasgow that I wouldn't recommend you go into if you have anything other than a Glasgow accent but in general I would say it should really be no bother for you at all.

Plus we get the sort of snow that blocks the roads to mere 2 wheel drive vehicles  :D  :D  :D
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F.A.O. the Scottish Contingent
« Reply #3 on: November 20, 2005, 17:06:37 »

The missus and I moved to Skye from Northampton almost 2 years ago. we've been made very welcome and fit in with the locals well. you'll always find the odd one that does'nt like the english, but there in the minority and tend to be miserable old gits anyway.

We took early retirement to move here and run a B&B so not had any experience in the job market.  however my brother worked on the buses in Aberdeen earlier this year and didn't like the money, plus he was promised expenses that he didn't get. So would do a bit more research if aberdeen's your first choice.

Can't comment on schools, as our kids are well past that stage. but the local kids are polite and friendly, they're no bother at all so that would suggest either the parents, the schools or just the enviorment is doing something right.

As for off roading, like the other guys have said, its about finding a sympathetic landowner or a club.

Other benifits are the slower pace of life, the lack of crime and the fantastic countryside. We've no regrets about moving, hope you make the right decission too.

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F.A.O. the Scottish Contingent
« Reply #4 on: November 20, 2005, 18:16:38 »
Err, like they said really. We moved here nearly 18 months ago. I was made to feel very uncomfortable at work for the first couple of weeks by a very small minority. One of that minority is now a very good mate! Once I had got through the first couple of weeks everyone seemed to accept "another bl**dy englishman" and I have been made very welcome since then. Having said that, a large majority of the people I work with are from the central belt, where the anti English thing is a lot more pronounced, in fact the further north you get the more welcome you are likely to be! Inverness is a great wee town (it's called a city but that's a bit of a joke). The local schools are great, the class sizes are tiny compared with "down south". The schools in Inverness itself however are packed. Depends where abouts you plan to live if Inverness is your chosen place to work. Property gets cheaper as you radiate from Inverness centre. There's a lovely detached bungalow round the corner from me for a lot less than you'd pay down your way! Can't really comment on anywhere else, sometimes work in Aberdeen and frankly can never wait to leave the place, but what it's really like I don't know. (Sorry, dinae ken. Eh Mikee?)
Cheers, Karl..

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F.A.O. the Scottish Contingent
« Reply #5 on: November 20, 2005, 18:53:26 »
(Sorry, dinae ken. Eh Mikee?)

theres some gid pae n mash shops in aroond auberdeen
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F.A.O. the Scottish Contingent
« Reply #6 on: November 20, 2005, 23:00:28 »
Ahhh......more Incommers!!!  :(scared):

Na, nothing worry about Andy.
I moved to Scotland in 1992 and lived near Greenock for 7 years before moving up here. Not really had any problems in either place, as the others have said, you get the odd one or two as you do anywhere.

Out of your three options I would go for Inverness or Oban.
Oban gets crowded in the summer with tourists but lovely areas to live just outside the town and you're in handy reach of Glasgow for larger shops.
Inverness has everything you need but find somewhere south of the Kessock Bridge as it gets closed occasionally due to high winds. The main route north to Inverness, the A9, also gets closed during the winter due to snow, so something to think about if you're planning Christmas with the family!

Schools, I don't know much about, no kids! But I understand that they are very good here on the island with low class numbers.

Offroad wise: As said above.
Although there is the Argyll 4x4 Club that has the occasional trip into the forest areas around Lochgilphead which isn't too far from Oban and I'm sure Scotland West All Terrain Club (SWAT) will have something that you could go to as well.  :wink:

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F.A.O. the Scottish Contingent
« Reply #7 on: November 21, 2005, 00:01:14 »
Thanks for replies fella's :D . Oban would be number 1 with Inverness a close 2nd :wink: .
Used to do a lot of coach tours round Scotland years ago. Regularly stayed at Oban and visited Inverness many times whilst based at Pitlochry or Newtonmore (know the A9 very well). Me and the missus fancy a slower pace of life and get away from the rat race 8)

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F.A.O. the Scottish Contingent
« Reply #8 on: June 27, 2007, 12:26:54 »
Quick revival of this thread.
House in Manchester up for sale but no takers yet.
Got a job lined up in Perth with Stagecoach driving
Plan is hopefully to rent a room/flat within 40 miles of Perth until house is sold. Missus and kids are staying on in Manchester to look after all the animals, so just need accomodation for myself.
Are there any areas to avoid?
Or has anyone got a room to rent out or know of any cheap rooms available?
Ta in advance
Andy :D


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