We had a rather interesting visitor yesterday afternoon.
There's a lot of interim refurbishment being done in the department at the moment, as a stop-gap to the commencement of the new Hospital.
As part of the work new water-treatment & air-conditioning plant had to be positioned on the roof.
During this undertaking we were partially evacuated & an exclusion zone around the working area was set up.
For some reason the contractors were worried about the strength of the roof - surely it should have been checked & cleared in advance?
It was a bit of a rest for everyone, as we were closed to 'Blue-Lights' as well for an hour or so (they were diverted to Pontefract, Dewsbury or Leeds)
The only qualm for me was that my Discovery was parked just under where the units were swung around from the truck to the roof.
(Damn I could have had a 110CSW out if them :) )
It would have been just the job for Tong last weekend, they could have made a fortune picking the unfortunate out of the mire :D
photos deleted 12.5.04