AuthorTopic: Driving whilst banned  (Read 6317 times)

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Offline thermidorthelobster

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Driving whilst banned
« Reply #30 on: December 18, 2005, 21:49:36 »
Quote from: "Budgie"
With regards to drink driving:
0% blood/alchohol limit on the roads, that way everyone knows the limit they can drink too and still pass the test and be safe to drive!

Agreed in principal;  but how do you deal with the person who has a few drinks on Friday night, and on Saturday morning has a small amount (less than the current limit, but >0%) of alcohol in their bloodstream?

I think the most effective way so far to combat drink driving has been to make it socially unacceptable;  to many (most) groups of people it now is.  I think they should re-run those "he's an as****e" adverts which were on telly a few Christmases ago.
David French
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Offline Bill jones

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Driving whilst banned
« Reply #31 on: December 18, 2005, 22:37:06 »
I agree with many of the other setiments that if you are prepared to do the crime you should do the time or ban as in this case.

Offline gecko

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Driving whilst banned
« Reply #32 on: December 18, 2005, 22:45:52 »
do the crime and do the time  

if you need to drive for a life or deth  thing then do so and admit it to the cop shop and see what thay say about it ..........

Offline Sheddy

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Driving whilst banned
« Reply #33 on: December 18, 2005, 22:53:47 »
I thionkk that in real "extreme" circumstances, anything is acceptable, not just driving while banned.

Take a look at the Gary Glitter scenario.  Caught once as a paed, do some time.  Caught a second time .... kill him, he'll never change.  Circumstances will always dictate the necessary action regardless of what that may be.
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Offline Budgie

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Driving whilst banned
« Reply #34 on: December 18, 2005, 22:54:55 »
Quote from: "thermidorthelobster"
Agreed in principal;  but how do you deal with the person who has a few drinks on Friday night, and on Saturday morning has a small amount (less than the current limit, but >0%) of alcohol in their bloodstream?

Easy: If you know you have to drive the following morning, don't drink the night before!  :wink:

Offline Lee_D

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Driving whilst banned
« Reply #35 on: December 18, 2005, 23:39:14 »
I voted for in an emergency.

I've no problem in explaining to a Judge if I were banned that I drove purely to save the life of another. This would be the only time I'd ever consider it. I'd even call the police and tell them prior to setting off.

I too have lived in the Country and whilst we were fortunate and when an Ambulance was required it found us, on a different occasion the house was allight and Fire and Rescue couldn't find us. We could hear them driving up and down the nearest main road with Blues and twos.

Dad was less than impressed, "Glad your here, we've been keeping it going for you!", he was a tad tense at this point. They had been out no less than a month before and attended the address to do a survey as we had a Massive Calor gas tank on site. So you can't rely on Emergency services being able to find you in the wilds even when they know where you are.

There seems to be some presumption in some replys that if you do drive in an Emergency whilst banned then you must also be drunk. Many people are banned as a result of totting up offences, including are beloved Gatsos.

With regards to driving whilst banned to save a life and not being insured then it's a question of proportionality. Again many replys seem to assume your going to crash and kill/mame some one on route to hosptial/help. You would have to be having the mother of all days for that to happen!

Given the choice of standing in Church asking myself if my driving would have made a difference, I'd rather do 6 months.

I've never been in Prison, never been banned and the views are expressly my own and not of my employer for those who know me.  :D

Would you pour water on to some one on fire in a drowt if it were the only bucket of water in the village  :?

Lee D
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Offline Merlin

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Driving whilst banned
« Reply #36 on: December 19, 2005, 12:49:58 »
Budgie, with you ALL the way on your comments--Cogs
1990 RR Vogue SE 3.9 EFI-Auto

Offline Sider

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Driving whilst banned
« Reply #37 on: December 19, 2005, 17:29:09 »
Quote from: "Budgie"
Quote from: "thermidorthelobster"
Agreed in principal;  but how do you deal with the person who has a few drinks on Friday night, and on Saturday morning has a small amount (less than the current limit, but >0%) of alcohol in their bloodstream?

Easy: If you know you have to drive the following morning, don't drink the night before!  :wink:

As many of us do. I can't afford to lose my licence, therefore, I don't risk it for the sake of a few pints.

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Offline discomummy

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Driving whilst banned
« Reply #38 on: December 19, 2005, 20:28:45 »

He should not be banned because he is a good driver. The fact that he persistently tailgated other cars until he did it with an unmarked police car that stopped him and breathalized him did not make him a bad driver in any way

I don't imderstand this sentence - how can anyone who persistently tailgates be a good driver - a tailgater is a crap driver hassling other people.  Brake in an emergency and he is in your boot.

And regards to driving whilst banned - i can't say no in any circumstances as if my kids needed emergency treatment and the only way was me as a banned driver - i would do it.  

However i hope to never be in that situation and i feel much the same as the others on this forum - cars are lethal weapons and should be treated with respect, this is not highlighted enuff to new drivers.


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Driving whilst banned
« Reply #39 on: December 19, 2005, 21:24:26 »
Quote from: "discomummy"

He should not be banned because he is a good driver. The fact that he persistently tailgated other cars until he did it with an unmarked police car that stopped him and breathalized him did not make him a bad driver in any way

I don't imderstand this sentence - how can anyone who persistently tailgates be a good driver - a tailgater is a crap driver hassling other people.  Brake in an emergency and he is in your boot.

I think it's ment as a sarcastic remark Ela!!  :wink:

Offline Dirty Gertie

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Driving whilst banned
« Reply #40 on: December 19, 2005, 22:37:01 »
Quote from: "discomummy"

He should not be banned because he is a good driver. The fact that he persistently tailgated other cars until he did it with an unmarked police car that stopped him and breathalized him did not make him a bad driver in any way

Ela, the way I understood it was the banned blokes own " logic"  as to why he 'didn't deserve the ban'; fairly similar to the drink driver who prompted me to post the poll.
Basically, I think anyone who has been banned will have some purile excuse as to why their ban is not their fault!! :(thinkhard):
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Offline diesel_boy

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Driving whilst banned
« Reply #41 on: December 20, 2005, 12:48:33 »
as a so called professional driver (hgv) (meany people think we aint and just call us wat thay want ect ect ) i dont think by far iam the best driver in the country but i do think that i have a good judement on other road users seeing some of the things ive seen in 20yrs on the road 15 beeing hgv driveing i wish i could be the law with the things ive seen just  cus some one likes to put there boot down now agine  letts face it we all do some time or other  wether in car van bus truck and yes i know  trucks and busses  are fitted with speed limiters but  there is allways a way around them    but when it comes to drinkin beeing on the fone or genral reclesness then take the valueble bit of paper from your hand  and yes  for extreem  emergency  drive if its life and death i rember years ago a 8y/o driveing his grandad to hospital with a hart attack
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Offline Sider

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Driving whilst banned
« Reply #42 on: December 20, 2005, 17:58:14 »
Ela, what Budgie and Janie said :D

Whenever I talk to someone who has been fined/banned/given points (and in my company, where most of the blokes come from somewhere deep in Essex there are a lot :D) they always blame the Police for their misfortune. The fact that they jumped a red light, drove on a bus lane or sped past a camera is not their fault, they have been setup by the police, deliberately trying to get them.

Oh, and they are the best drivers in the world.

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