AuthorTopic: Landy fuses  (Read 628 times)

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Offline yer auld aunt nelly

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Landy fuses
« on: December 18, 2005, 09:55:46 »
Is it me or
 Every time you look in your fuse box you find blown fuses.Yet you change them and nothing happens.Including the reason you looked in there in the first place.So now your in the situation where you still have no heating/lights/whatever and you repaired something that made no differance anyway! Dont you love landys  :roll:
yer better not naff this up an come back to these shores or god help me yer auld aunt nelly will jump out of her grave an like as not kick yer teeth in......


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Landy fuses
« Reply #1 on: December 18, 2005, 10:20:36 »
Have you checked the fusable links under the bonnet?
Quite a common fault with Disco's?

Offline yer auld aunt nelly

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Landy fuses
« Reply #2 on: December 18, 2005, 14:27:57 »
Dont get me wrong
 For once I've sorted my probs I was just making a general observation.
 The real culpret for that sort of behavior was my series3 deasel.Im sure
 I could have taken out every damned fuse in that thing,And it still wuold have made not a jot of differance,And yet would that indicator/full beam/radio or what ever do like it was supposed to?
yer better not naff this up an come back to these shores or god help me yer auld aunt nelly will jump out of her grave an like as not kick yer teeth in......


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