AuthorTopic: 3 defenders stolen in a few months  (Read 1767 times)

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Offline landyman Ash

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3 defenders stolen in a few months
« on: December 20, 2005, 21:40:06 »
Bit of a warning guys, had 3 defenders stolen in 3 months in Aylesbury all stolen by the same gang the police said.

All been dark green metalic and two were TD5, one 300tdi.  Police said they have stolen more and are all being stolen off driveways with incredible skill

Watch out for new defeneders late at night with NO INDICATORS, oddly they remove them to disable the alarm?!?!??

Keep your eyes peeled  :shock:  :shock:  :shock:
Ashley (but everyone knows me as Ash...)

Roxanne the 88" 300tdi auto Hybrid Trayback thats broken more than its fixed
Rosie the 300 Tdi auto disco that picks the hybrid up when broken...
Daisey the trailer that sits behind Rosie and lies under Roxanne.
The sexy threesome!!!!!!

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3 defenders stolen in a few months
« Reply #1 on: December 20, 2005, 22:04:23 »
Thanks for the heads up Ash.

Offline Damonski

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3 defenders stolen in a few months
« Reply #2 on: December 20, 2005, 22:09:09 »
Some of the original early MOSS car alarms if you took out a bulb from the indicator it disabled the alarm. Im talking mid to late 80's.


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Offline Porny

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3 defenders stolen in a few months
« Reply #3 on: December 20, 2005, 23:14:56 »
They remove the indicators to stop them flashing....

Favourite trick is to remove passenger side headlamp/bowl and disconnect the horn and battery back up siren.
With indicators removed or disconnected, the bonnet and doors etc can be opened without the alarm sounding or lights flashing (Similar trick used on Rover's - though you remove the fog light)

Then (only surmising before anyone thinks I’m a car thief)….

I’d imagine they open the drivers door and swap the ECU for a decoded one that does not look for any security functions – i.e. does not look for the Alarm ECU.  (though there may be other ways!!)
Then bodge the ignition barrel with a slide hammer, breaking the steering lock, and allowing the car to be started.

If you wanted to be flash... with the use of a drill, the complete ignition barrel can be removed in a few minutes without causing any damage!!

The car can then be driven off.

The other way I’ve heard of is to disconnect the indicators, horn and back up siren, and then break the steering lock and the car can be towed away.

A pre TD5 Landy is even easier to pinch….

With two lengths of wire, the engine can be started from the engine bay – even if an immobiliser is fitted (late 300Tdi with a factory immobiliser are slightly different) – break the steering lock and your away.

This is at least the theory!!!!

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3 defenders stolen in a few months
« Reply #4 on: December 20, 2005, 23:21:35 »
Eyes Opened Lads :shock: ? And will keep them that way! :x

Offline landylass2a

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3 defenders stolen in a few months
« Reply #5 on: December 21, 2005, 09:41:37 »
:(mad): several yrs ago, not long after buying "dolly" 300tdi disco, the "spider " unit ceased to function, at the time you could not get them for love nor money. Each time she was parked up and the immobiliser activated she would not restart, I had one on order directly from LR but they kept on missing delivery dates week after week, I was making daily phone calls to them to try to gee them up but all to no avail. As the weeks wore on the immobiliser started to stop working more frequently, making it almost impossible to use her, as we never knew if she would re-start after having the key removed from the ignition, and then quite by chance, I had left her at the top of the farm yard and locked her up, because the milk wagon was lower down the yard. The yard has quite a slope on it, sure enough when I came to restart her...nothing.. but she could not be left at the top of the yard, so I switched her on sure enough she didnt start, but she Bump started!!
I was then told by one of the tech guys at LR, that this was a sure fire way to over ride the engine immobiliser, but obviously they did not broadcast it. So if you just unlock the central locking, put in a similar shaped key that will turn the barrel they will bump start!!!!! To all intents and purpose the engine should still be immobilised but it aint. So beware. This is why most insurance companies do not recognise the factory fitted immobiliser.  And the spider unit.....I eventually got one from a garge in far north of scotland who for what ever reason had a few in stock, It was then me who kept recieving calls from LR to ask where I had managed to find it, they also paid for it + postage+fitting at local LR dealers and courtesy car for the time she was off rd( she wasnt new when I bought her, and I didnt buy her from a LR dealers)  :D
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3 defenders stolen in a few months
« Reply #6 on: December 21, 2005, 13:46:47 »
apparently toyotas are been nicked aswell as landy`s, reason been the USA has been bombing the **** out of a part of the world where they are the main vehicles used, so.. one night a motor goes missing, over night its stripped down to core componants, packed in a container, often in between other goods, and the next day it could be well on its way to help mr bin laden!

be wary, use common sense, look out for others!

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Offline Jimbo

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3 defenders stolen in a few months
« Reply #7 on: December 21, 2005, 17:53:50 »
Thieving little scumbags - they should have their bo**ocks removed with blunt bolt croppers........that's if they ever get caught  :evil:

It dawned on me the other day (whilst fitting new horns to the Defender), how easy it was to get to the alarm siren - I guess the trick is to move it somewhere that's not accessed by removing the headlight, or how about replacing the headlight fixings with those 'security' screws - might make the little sh1ts think twice about trying to nick it !

Defender 110 Td5 Hard top, BFG MT's, and no EGR either

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3 defenders stolen in a few months
« Reply #8 on: December 21, 2005, 18:05:13 »
had a few 90s diaspper round this area as well lately - bedfordshire

a few of farms and some from driveways

will keep my eyes open, and encourage evryone to make sure there landrovers are secure as possible

mines got factory fit imboliser and alarm, extra cat 1 imboliser (insurance requsted it) one of them steering bar things, kept behind locked 6 ft gates with security lights - and a old lady living next door that misses nothing lol

v8 landrover hybrid - is mad fun!


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3 defenders stolen in a few months
« Reply #9 on: December 21, 2005, 18:48:31 »
ther are some scum round this area too- northampton, couple of lads i know have had there 90s nicked, with great skill to, as there was only a couple of inches front and rear to move the 90!!!!!! :evil:  :evil:


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3 defenders stolen in a few months
« Reply #10 on: December 23, 2005, 17:43:06 »
thats happen around my way. Someone stole a Range Roverand went joy riding round the park and knock over goal posts and a while back someone tried nicking the wheels off my landy :evil:  :evil:

Offline Bulli

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3 defenders stolen in a few months
« Reply #11 on: December 23, 2005, 18:16:21 »
its a sad state of affairs when nothing you own is sacred. I would hate for my disco to go walkies let alone one of my bikes. I have "mined" the garage with shotgun blanks. they are cheap and very effective....although my wife has set them off once or twice. The look on her face is fantastic!!!
If the [!Expletive Deleted!] set one off,which would be hard to avoid,the next thing they have to look forward to is me shooting them ..... with my paintball marker, which is always out of the kids reach but very handy. 13 rds a second anyone? If youve played it you know how much it hurts!
then all id have to do is phone the fuzz and ask them to catch the scumbags limping up the road covered in bright yellow paint! Even pc plod round here might be able to manage that!
3 link, lockers and 35's- NUFF said


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