AuthorTopic: Negative vibes  (Read 1050 times)

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Offline Lee_D

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Negative vibes
« on: February 19, 2006, 23:53:49 »
Further to a thread here reference most apauling driving by Russian off roaders, I've just had a further reminder of how the Anti's can take a dim view, In this case of a picture as negative, where more than the prescribed (by Glass) 4x4's parked in a row. The image has been removed from my own web site to save any Upset.  

It made me take a flick through the site and question why I've been reluctant to post here previously, I've followed it since the early days when Thrasher plugged it in AFL.  "Mud Club" as a name it's self sparks an image which can hardly be held to be whiter than white as a name goes but like mud I guess it's stuck now. The proactive approach of the moderators has gone firmly to dispell any misunderstandings the clubs name creates, but thats only something you get to learn by hanging around, something which I doubt the passing Antis do.

Then looking at peoples Avatars, some of whom include Links to Glass in their signature, many depict 4x4's up to their bonnets in Mud which has no doubt been bought about by an off road pay and play day but you have to look at it from the wider perspective, what does the layperson see.  :-k

It's a sad enditement that I feel I can't post an image of my children on the Internet for my family and friends to view. Now as has been identified by moderators, perfectly innocent images could be used to fuel debate against our past time.

This is just a heads up as to my observations, it's a shame that we have to be so sensitive about "image" and it's effect but it's a fact and here to stay.  :x It may well be worth ensuring all our Avitars and signatures are of positive images of our hobby and can't be mis-interpreted.
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Offline suzota

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Negative vibes
« Reply #1 on: February 20, 2006, 08:59:42 »
While i understand where you are coming from and to some point i agree.

But why should we be made to feel ashamed by our chosen hobby.
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Negative vibes
« Reply #2 on: February 20, 2006, 09:06:16 »
Quote from: "suzota"
While i understand where you are coming from and to some point i agree.

But why should we be made to feel ashamed by our chosen hobby.

Exactly. If we enjoy off roading then we should be allowed to show that. I guess it's just the problem with modern society that everything can be taken from 2 angles, and it's crap...

If the Anti-Bridage have a problem then it's their problem not ours. We have as many rights to the countryside as they have, and it's proven that they can do as much damage as we can.

At the end of the day I guess it's a little matter of give and take, unfortunatley the Anti Brigade give nothing and take everything...

Offline Rich_P

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Negative vibes
« Reply #3 on: February 20, 2006, 09:19:24 »
Quote from: "dew1911"
We have as many rights to the countryside as they have, and it's proven that they can do as much damage as we can.

No, we don't have as many rights in the countryside anymore.  Just take a look at the NERC bill, and compare how much land we can drive and how much land the Ramblers can walk.  :roll:

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Re: Negative vibes
« Reply #4 on: February 20, 2006, 09:23:04 »
I see your point but,

Quote from: "Dude"
Then looking at peoples Avatars............. 4x4's up to their bonnets in Mud..................what does the layperson see.  :-k

The pictures of vehicles covered in Mud, whether Avatar or in a Glaaery will be at a pay and play site (as you said), but equivalent pictures on a green lane should be avoided.

For example, I didn't see your picture before you removed it, but potentially (and for those who weren't there) we had a group of 4 and a group of 3, we met 3 Landrovers coming the other way and so had to stop to try to squeeze past - this left the second group catching the first up..... and by then they had gained another vehicle on the back, so a picture taken then could have had all three groups together i.e. 11 vehicles on one bit of lane. Looking back it was unplanned and unavoidable, but if we'd have taken a picture there of 11 vehcle on one lane, AND all muddy (not that we were, but go with it for now  :wink: ), then this would have looked like we were there ripping the lanes up. Any pictures of this downloaded from here by the antis would have had one major difference to the other muddy pictures on here...... scenery.

Background in these pictures could have identified where we were, and showed that we were on a paticular lane, this would then be exactly the sort of amunition the anti's want to try to close a lane.

That is why we must use a little self moderation.

I myself have had to remove pictures at the request of the moderators, I had driven over a small hill and had a picture taken, this was perfectly legal (and fun!) but from just looking at the picture itself it could easily have appeared that I was off track and hence driving illegally, so I removed it. I know I was doing nothing wrong (as you do), but we just have to avoid opening ourselves up for attack.

Don't think of it as bowing down to the anti's, think of it as defence against them  :D
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Offline Eeyore

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Negative vibes
« Reply #5 on: February 20, 2006, 09:33:35 »
Quote from: "dew1911"

Exactly. If we enjoy off roading then we should be allowed to show that. I guess it's just the problem with modern society that everything can be taken from 2 angles, and it's crap...

That it may be, but it's also life, I'm afraid.

The Anti's make their problem our problem and if we're brutally honest, there are a minority of hardcore offroaders and laners who really do not care about the environment and sustainablity. Some of these guys have even admitted that a ban won't stop them (why should, seeing as straying off of byways in search of a laugh is already commonplace for them?). This kinda stuff happens across the nation, time and time again.  :evil:

Do we, as the responsible majority, really want to be associated with this type of behaviour (wether by intention or by accident)?  :-k  Sadly, and most frustratingly, this is what happens.  :roll:  If we are to have any chance of a continued laning future, then we are going to have to demonstrate a united and responsible front. So if it means we've got to be a bit more carefull about what we do, then I really don't see what the problem is.

The crap thing about it all, in my view, is that we have to work so damned hard (for example by being cautious with our photos) to prove our passion for our hobby and our countryside, only to find some muppet somewhere posting a picture of his car parked on a burial mound, or some such.  :evil:

Suzota asked why we should be made to feel ashamed. Sadly the answer is frighteningly simple; because they day we stop caring, is the day the we get stopped from laning, permanantly.   :(

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Offline Lostboy

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« Reply #6 on: February 20, 2006, 10:43:26 »
I'm reluctant to voice this out loud - as I'm sure the extremist anti's have this site on their 'watch' list, but given some of the propaganda, narrow mindedness and lies they spread, does it really matter what your avatar shows? They'll look at a spotless 4x4 on a gravel track and still see an environmentally destructive monster chewing up kids and funding terrorism.
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Offline paul_humphreys

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« Reply #7 on: February 20, 2006, 10:53:05 »
We were out yesterday around the Wayfarer in a group of 4. We met a group of green laners that had payed to be lead aroung by a commercial operator. They had the leader and 14 YES 14 following. This is "Simply" way to many. They all got CRAG flyers and told they can go laneing for FREE. But as yet there is no law to stop them, just like there is no law to stop mass ramblers.

As for the NERC bill, there seems sofar, to be lots of loop holes. That need to be worked on.

LC 80 series 1993. 285/75/16s Cooper STTs, OME 850s on the front with 25mm packer, 868s on the rear. 4.88 diffs. Winch bumper with 12000lb winch. Factory lockers. HD rear bumper with wheel carrier and winch mount.

Offline Eeyore

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« Reply #8 on: February 20, 2006, 12:45:20 »
Quote from: "paul_humphreys"
. We met a group of green laners that had payed to be lead aroung by a commercial operator. They had the leader and 14 YES 14 following. This is "Simply" way to many.

Amen, man.

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Negative vibes
« Reply #9 on: February 20, 2006, 14:15:55 »
MUD Club wasn't originally called Mud Club because of anything to do with mud or mud plugging.

It was based on

Modified Unusual Derivatives

Not a lot of people know that..........
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Offline Rocketman

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Re: Negative vibes
« Reply #10 on: February 20, 2006, 20:56:07 »

  :x It may well be worth ensuring all our Avitars and signatures are of positive images of our hobby and can't be mis-interpreted.[/quote]

But my avatar does represent my hobby :lol:  :lol:  :lol:
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Offline Sheddy

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Negative vibes
« Reply #11 on: February 20, 2006, 21:07:03 »
Whilst I agree with the last post, I think its a no win situation.  If you show your vehicle off road then its ammunition for the R.A. and Gleam.  If you show it parked on the road its ammunition for GreenPiss.

Whatever you do, wherever you do it, there will always be someone who thinks its wrong.

I think it was Voltare who said "I may not agree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it"  To some extent this applies to passtimes.  My greatest passions are fishing and metal-detecting.  Both of these hobbies have supporters and anti's.  To be honest, I cannot think of one hobby that does not have the anti's in one form or another.  Personally, I am anti football.  I wouldn't see it banned though, just banned from mainstream telly! :)
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Re: Negative vibes
« Reply #12 on: February 20, 2006, 21:09:34 »
Quote from: "Rocketman"

  :x It may well be worth ensuring all our Avitars and signatures are of positive images of our hobby and can't be mis-interpreted.

But my avatar does represent my hobby :lol:  :lol:  :lol:[/quote]

Point taken so I've changed mine.
Although it was the bomb hole at Bramcote Mains pay and play site.
Lord help us if they got hold of the video :)

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« Reply #13 on: February 20, 2006, 21:20:47 »

or some of mine, from the off road sites :lol:

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Offline paul_humphreys

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« Reply #14 on: February 20, 2006, 22:05:33 »
I think there SHOULD be more Pay and Play sites. Lots more. I have been putting this to a few counclis, as would keep some people from trashing green lanes, but then you have the antis trying to close them.

LC 80 series 1993. 285/75/16s Cooper STTs, OME 850s on the front with 25mm packer, 868s on the rear. 4.88 diffs. Winch bumper with 12000lb winch. Factory lockers. HD rear bumper with wheel carrier and winch mount.


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Re: Negative vibes
« Reply #15 on: February 21, 2006, 07:00:46 »
Quote from: "Rocketman"
But my avatar does represent my hobby :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

Same, until I get my hands on a machine for my hobby I'm with the Owl.


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