Since nobody got this one last time...
"how many times can you" <something> "I do not know, but I'll let you have a go on..."
and some new ones...
"fighting for the things you know are right" <something> "the power is there at your command"
"he could walk down the street, girls could not resist his hair"
"I would lie awake and cry at night"
"I have seen you on the edge of dawn, felt you here before you were born"
"I tightly lock the door, I'm trying to catch my breath again"
"one of my legs is shorter than the other"
"sally could barely rally, she lived in a cardboard alley"
"I could think about all I'm missing, lift my head and see what I've been taking"
"I know your faces but I don't know your name"
"maybe I'm just too demanding, maybe I'm..."
"translucent black capes, back on the rack"
"people get hired, drink coffee to stay wired"
"I'm really a cat you see, but it's not..."