AuthorTopic: Wheel Lockup  (Read 15024 times)

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Offline Guy90

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Wheel Lockup
« on: May 11, 2004, 20:20:16 »
I seem to have a small problem with the drum brakes on my 90. I have rebuilt everything from the stub axle onwards. There are new bearings, seals. New brake back plates, shoes, springs, wheel cylinders and drums. When all put back together with the wheel on, everything spins round fine. Put the wheel on and it still turns fine. Tighten the wheel nuts up and the whole thing locks solid. The wheel will not turn even with the brake shoes adjusted in as far as they will go.

Any ideas why this is happening?



Offline karloss

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Wheel Lockup
« Reply #1 on: May 11, 2004, 21:33:15 »
Are your drums and back plates the right ones? I.E. are they both for a 90? Do you have the same problem at both sides of the motor? Give us some more info. Someone on here will know. They always do!
Cheers, Karl..

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Offline Guy90

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Wheel Lockup
« Reply #2 on: May 11, 2004, 22:19:38 »
The drums are definately for a 90. The back plates came from salvage but are identical to the ones I took off. I've done the same work on both sides and the other side is fine. The only diffrence is that the problem side doesn't have a brake drum screw (you can't buy them anymore). However I was told by numerous people this is not a problem.


Offline Porny

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Wheel Lockup
« Reply #3 on: May 12, 2004, 17:27:07 »
The lack of screw shouldn't cause any problems, however....

Please don't think I'm taking the micky, but are you doing the wheel nuts up correctly?  
Without the screw in the drum, if you are not doing the wheel up correctly, then the wheel 'may not' be going on square, thus resulting in the drum being slightly askew.  If that make sense.

See diagram.

Each wheel nut should be tightened in turn, and gradually, i.e. don't go round tightening each wheel nut to the required torque on the first pass.

Please, please don't think I'm taking the micky!!!
This problem is made worse with the use of an air gun.....  have seen it at work, exp by some of the trigger happy work experience kids (and apprentices)

Have you cleaned the mating surfaces, removing any traces of rust?  Ensuring that the drum can go on square.

Make sure you give the drum a couple of good wacks with a copper/plastic hammer when it's all back togther, ensuring that the shoes inside the drum seat/centralise correctly?

If the problem still persists, try swapping the drums over, if your sure everything else is correct.

Also, if you get some washers the thickness of the wheel, put these on after the drum and tighten the wheel nuts down onto them.  Saves having to keep lifting the wheel on and off while investigating.

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Offline Guy90

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Wheel Lockup
« Reply #4 on: May 13, 2004, 08:03:28 »
Following Porny's instructions it all works perfectly :D  :D  :D . I had no idea there was specific way of doing up wheel nuts but doing Porny's way and then the way I've always done it, it does make all the diffrence. Because the drum was slightly loose with there being no drum screw then the wheel was not going on straight.

Thanks for the advice. Total lifesaver.


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Wheel Lockup
« Reply #5 on: May 13, 2004, 08:19:56 »
I always tend to do them the otherway starting at the left then going right.. hey... go figure.

The correct way (apparently) to do any wheel up is to do oposites, which is interesting on a five stud wheel :)  On a landy, you do one, then skip one and do another, that way you always end up doing all 5 :)

Offline hobbit

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Wheel Lockup
« Reply #6 on: May 13, 2004, 08:49:41 »
Yes that is the usual way I to do this too, but never come across one locking the wheel because of off centering though

At least the problem was easily sorted, no great strip down or part replacement


 :)  :)  :)

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Wheel Lockup
« Reply #7 on: May 13, 2004, 09:05:48 »
Quote from: "hobbit874"
Yes that is the usual way I to do this too, but never come across one locking the wheel because of off centering though

I don't think the issue here was caused by the wheel being off-centred, it was due to the drum not being square on the wheel studs.  If you tighten one side up too tight, the effect is that the drum gets snagged up and stays crooked.

This means that it won't run properly around the shoes, and also there is a risk of it working its way flat causing the brakes to respond differently and potentially leaving some of the wheel nuts loose.
Tim Burt

Offline davidlandy

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Wheel Lockup
« Reply #8 on: May 13, 2004, 09:32:55 »
Clearly some wise werds from Ian!

nice one :wink:
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Offline Guy90

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Wheel Lockup
« Reply #9 on: May 13, 2004, 10:51:01 »
It was as Tim describes. The drum was not sitting square so neither was the wheel.

I had no idea about doing up the wheel nuts in a certain order. I've always just done them up any old way and never had a problem. But then the brake drum screw was always there and holding the drum square on. What does amaze me is that you can't buy this screw. The ones sold are too big. I have been to Craddocks and we test fitted both types of screw against various hubs dating right though the drum brake era and it doesn't fit any of them. Craddocks admit they have never sold one but have now withdrawn them. The other thing I have learnt is that a Britpart wheel cylinder does not allow the brake shoes to seat straight whereas the Girling is fractionally smaller (and therefore the right size) and does.

All this means that I can go to the LRO show this weekend!


Offline davidlandy

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Wheel Lockup
« Reply #10 on: May 13, 2004, 13:12:16 »

u can go if Vince hasnt given your room away !
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Offline Guy90

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Wheel Lockup
« Reply #11 on: May 13, 2004, 13:22:37 »

He's booked me another one :D  :D . Still going to go in the car :( . I don't think I want the first time it leaves the drive to be a 200 mile thrash up the motorway!


Offline Porny

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Wheel Lockup
« Reply #12 on: May 13, 2004, 17:44:16 »

Glad you got it all sorted in the end!


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