AuthorTopic: Higher tax for 4x4's?  (Read 1991 times)

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Offline Karen696

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Higher tax for 4x4's?
« Reply #30 on: March 02, 2006, 23:35:27 »
First, let me say I agree with Thrasher
More tax? What do they think VAT is? What do they think fuel *tax* is?

So, a car (whatever type, 2wd or 4) uses more petrol - the owner AUTOMATICALLY pays more tax.  

So having proved that the treehuggers can't add up (or maybe its multiplication that is there problem?)

Why shouldn't the treehuggers concentrate on cars that, "can't" be practical, like my ex-boss's top of the line sports cars?

Gas guzzlers?  yep thats them

Practical? Nope, only seat two people and can't carry more than an overnight bag in the luggage compartment

Driving Style encouraged?  welll the're barely ticking over at 50 mph, speed was what they were built for, and that was all.

Whats more, its the stupid 17 - ?9 year olds males that lust after them that cause one heck of a lot of the accidents on the road today...

But picket a Porsche dealership?  naw, Greenpeace would rather try to drive more jobs out of the UK than actually do their sums.

Of course this is my opinion, but I am sure I am not alone.

Incidentally, has anyone else noticed the rise of 'people carriers' occupied by just one lonely male in the rush hour traffic, most of which are longer, and wider than my 110!

Oh and before the treehuggers come to lynch me, my 110 runs on LPG....
"Sally" 3.5L V8 110 - a Camper Van with Attitude!
"Daisy" 200TDi Defender 90 - when he lets me play with it


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