which reminds me...
was passing past mount skip in hebden a couple of week back, its an old quarry and theres tracks straight off the road up onto it, had pulled into the layby adjacent to one of these tracks when the police landrover comes flying up and out jumps a CSO, states i was about to go on, which i couldnt really argue againts... and proceeds to tell me that the land owner doesnot approve, and following complaints from nearby houses and farms (?) about the mud on the road as a result of using the site i could get issued with a section 59 warning.
...she then decided to give me a section 59 warning, and basically, if i am found on non-organised, un specicified, public or other land that isnt a private organised event i will have my truck crushed!
i was cross, and explained that there was noting to remotley imply that i was doing anything wrong, and that i would like to know where i could go.. she assured me she would send details through the post...
...i`m still waiting for those details.
apparently a lot had been collared that sunday. but it means if i am anywhere near a site that is iffy i could loose my car...
...i think an old £50 metro, lots of velocity, and make em work for it! :lol:
anyway, just be warned!! organised events only from now on! (although the bushes at sainsburies are soooo tempting!)