AuthorTopic: Perkins prima lift pump, sorted  (Read 1476 times)

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Offline hobbit

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Perkins prima lift pump, sorted
« on: May 18, 2006, 09:44:24 »
Here's one for yer

The lift pump on a prima engine, is it the same as the landy one, as in cam operated off the engine block?

Got a friend with one thats packed up on him

'91 stretch Discovery 200 Tdi
Hybrid for running round (got to go now)
Srs 3 Lightweight petrol (got to go)
Srs 3 Lightweight petrol, runabout

Not every problem can be solved with duct tape, and it's exactly for those situations we have WD 40

Offline hobbit

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Perkins prima lift pump, sorted
« Reply #1 on: May 19, 2006, 19:05:43 »
He sorted it, found out that the screw on the top of the unit was not sealing due to lack of washers, and sucking air in, 10 mins and sorted :wink:

'91 stretch Discovery 200 Tdi
Hybrid for running round (got to go now)
Srs 3 Lightweight petrol (got to go)
Srs 3 Lightweight petrol, runabout

Not every problem can be solved with duct tape, and it's exactly for those situations we have WD 40


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