4 Weeks a go I started putting a new clutch in Godzuki..... now I have tried many things, Discs, Pads, Shoes, Smart Panels, Even a smart Engine transplant, all 4 bolts and 100 tubes and wires!, and the bigest job to date was the head on my BMW 528i......
When IT permited the purchase of "Godzuki" IT said "NO GARAGE BILLS" Thus "YOU BREAK IT, YOU MEND IT" so at Bircham Newton I fried the clutch.... Gets me a clutch and four weeks ago on a Saturday I stripped the car... Haynes said to take far too much stuff off... anyway, wrong clutch, gets new new clutch, busy next weekend, Away next weekend so that left today..... since then the Zuke's been on ramps and axle stands right outside he front door..... depressing me every day!
but now,
And did it all with just me and me dad!
The best bit......
IT is now scrubbing the bath... and has just said that because of the mess, depression and arguments, next time i can have it mended.... but I've got the taste for it now...... I need a welder and some night classes!