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I'm a trusting fellow yes... that's not the same as a stupid fellow
Of course if you believe that the good of the many outways the good of the few (just as the communists and the nazis did) then this law is an ideal solution and trust is not an issue. The chances of you being one of the few is remote after all.
I would trust very few people with things that are not easly regained. I trusted a complete stranger with a tow rope a few months ago and was plesantly surprised when he bought it back. I would never trust anybody with my good name or something I hold dear. Even for a short time. I have been shafted too many times by 'friends' to trust strangers. To trust a policeman to be perfect and to trust his superiors to make sure he is perfect is plain stupid.Of course if you believe that the good of the many outways the good of the few (just as the communists and the nazis did) then this law is an ideal solution and trust is not an issue. The chances of you being one of the few is remote after all.
This kind of thing does not do the Police - Public relations any favours. judges really that far removed from general society?
Quote from: "Bob696"Of course if you believe that the good of the many out ways the good of the few (just as the communists and the Nazis did) then this law is an ideal solution and trust is not an issue. The chances of you being one of the few is remote after all. :? Not sure what that means.
Of course if you believe that the good of the many out ways the good of the few (just as the communists and the Nazis did) then this law is an ideal solution and trust is not an issue. The chances of you being one of the few is remote after all.
That was what the Nazis stood for and i have looked everywhere and can find no reference to the German Nazi government giving more powers to Police to remove property.
Chancellor Hitler caused the German President in 1933 to issue an emergency decree which suspended until further notice several sections of the constitution. The decree declared it a criminal act to provoke or incite an act contrary to public welfare. The Decree eliminated freedom of the person ....................... the right to privacy in mail and telephones, and the warrant and due process requirements for searches and seizures of private property.
The atrocities committed within Germany and the occupied countries were carried out by the military or the police supervised by the military...not just the police. Neither did they start by making things illegal for the ENTIRE populace.
To use this as a reference is just showing you have a weak argument and simply clouds the issue. Or that you really are paranoid.
Edit - enough with the Nazi's already, its not comparable to the topic - it's melodrama. Do you when you cut your finger start saying oh my god I'm going to die it'll get infected and I'll get blood poisoning and that’s my life over?
Lets look at an example of the 'safeguards' currently in place for a similar on the spot fine system. If you are clocked speeding by a camera you are required to pay a fine (£40-£60) and receive 3 points on your license. The road conditions time of day do not matter and neither does the degree to which you broke the speed limit (up to a certain extent, twice the speed limit?). If you opt to go to magistrates court you will almost certainly receive 6 points and a several hundred pounds fine. It is straight forward, you broke the law, you pay the fine. However, there is no 'give' in the system. If somebody fitted over sized tires to his landy (say me for instance) and for a brief second I forgot to allow the 10-12% variation on the speedo and I get my photo taken. Yes, I broke the law but even given I have a completely clean license am I likely to got o magistrates and ask for a bit of understanding? Am I hell. Produce photo, wasting the courts time, 6 points, £300 fine.
you're telling me you object to being caught just because you put on oversize tyres and you forgot? ..... I shan't go down the line of pointing out to you then that technically by law you're speedometer should read accurately ... so the fact you forgot it didn't is a very poor excuse.
a poor comparison used in desperation to over emphasise a weakening point
Not being able to see the possibilities simply shows a lack of imagination. Seeing the possibilities but believing they could never happen is foolish
Study the past if you would define the future.
To make no mistakes is not in the power of man; but from their errors and mistakes the wise and good learn wisdom for the future.
Actualy the point I was makeing was about justice rather than the law, sorry if it wasnt clear. In an ideal world then yes I should have been punished but to the same degree as Mr Chav? Would not something like a a simple fine with no points be a suitable punishment?As I say its the law but isnt justice. When a society values the law more than justice then it has gone down the pan.
I'm not about to respond in any further depth to your use of Hitler or Mussilini to argue against points or the crushing of a motor vehicle because they are ridiculous and highly over exagerated - its the old can't seem to get my point over try aligning it with something serious to make it stronger - but it doesn't
Now I see your point clearly you don't want to accept any responsibility so the law is unfair - it counts for all of us, we're not going to invade Poland and you are distorting serious issues in history to justify a paranoia that the law is out to get everyone.
The results of speeding and other such things can often be catastrophic for someone elses life
Ask the people who's cars were wrecked by an ass with no insurance or the tax increases to pay for those that dodge it or the inexperienced no licence driver who kills your friend - tell him it's ok then ....... Shocked deserve to have it crushed outright
The price of freedom is eternal vigilance.
Bob, Man you really are way off.Right then Bob see if you can tell me why those legal infractions should be ignored. Which are not serious? Please tell me, im stupid and have read about Gengis Khans' widespread introduction of the driving test but couldnt see the link. Please enlighten me.Yes i am taking the mickey, sorry. I do however think that all of the above are serious and if you dont please tell me why?
I have NO problem with the basis of the law as it stands ONLY with the way the judgment and punishment are arrived at.
I just think comparing the fate of some muppet who did know the law to the major villains of the last century is crazy.
sorry ATT but by allowing it you condone it.
Now BOB will dress that up that restricing my extreme views for the general good is the slippery slope into a dictatorship.
This was simply about if its right or wrong to destroy anothers property.
Att i understand what you are saying.And yes it is wrong i know i wouldnt want to be in that position but its harldy a generalisation. I have never seen anything that i was unable to freely talk about.I think i am very much in the majority.what would stop me driving down to you now and having a face to face debate about this?Nothing. My point is that i quite fancy a pint and nothing and nobody would stop me if thats what i want to do. I can leave my house now, in an hour. Whenever i am not dictated to. I can drink when i want , i can eat when i want . I can talk to who i want and most importantly i can say what i want. Yes if i say something extreme then i should be held accountable but that is hardly a dictatorship is it?Now BOB will dress that up that restricing my extreme views for the general good is the slippery slope into a dictatorship.I dont think it is.
Att - incorrect fact. Judge Dredd did NOT have a Land Rover based vehicle. He drove a Lawmaster which was a MOTORBIKE (albeit a flying one...)The Land Rovers were simply taxis.....nothing more. Trouble is you've got that fact if we unravel the strings....what do we get? :shock: :twisted: :roll:
who is clearly guilty.