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What to look for before buying
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Topic: What to look for before buying (Read 1319 times)
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What to look for before buying
August 11, 2006, 22:02:14 »
Hi All,
I'm looking to buy my first landy. For practical reasons it's got to be a CSW.
I've been offered a 110 CSW on a 1990 G plate. It's a 2.5TD besides the obvious chassis and bulkhead rust issues what else should I be looking out for.. The vehicle has apparently been used for launching a boat (I don't know whether its been fresh or sea water). IIRC the milage is about 116K
any thoughts appreciated :)
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"Jingle" 200Tdi 110 - Which way to the mud ??
What to look for before buying
Reply #1 on:
August 11, 2006, 22:40:42 »
reciepts for oil chenges/servicing etc.
wheel bearings/swivel balls
sill damage/scrapes indicate pretty heavy offroading.
check for leaks from diffs etc.
If in doubt, take another mud-club member with you to give it the once over and check for unusual noises etc.
What to look for before buying
Reply #2 on:
August 11, 2006, 22:41:32 »
Oh- and make sure everything electric works as it should.
116k is nothing..... my P-reg 300tdi has done over 140k miles.
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What to look for before buying
Reply #3 on:
August 11, 2006, 22:53:42 »
if its been a boat launcher takea 1/2" drive & check the diffs actually have oil in rather than a mix of oil & water in :)
Hela - Disco 200TDi, Still stock for now but watch this space.......
+ 1 battlescar
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What to look for before buying
Reply #4 on:
August 11, 2006, 22:56:28 »
boat launcher :?:
You need to know DEFFINATLY if its salt or fresh water if its salt water walk away I would even be inclined to walk if they say fresh unless its spotless underneith.
Take a small hammer get under it and tap the chasis all along the length of the motor a dull thud means big expenditure as this will indicate tin worm or rover rot and unless you are prepaired to spend on welding or a re-chasising your throwing cash away.
Make sure you check the rear cross member in the same way and all the body mountings etc
If at all possible take someone who is in the know about land rovers as there are some real dogs out there.
Dont rush into a buy and regret it later take your time and look around and you will find a nice motor
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What to look for before buying
Reply #5 on:
August 11, 2006, 23:32:40 »
Thanks for the replies...Obviously if its been in saltwater I shall be running away quicker than a quick thing
I've had a quick look under it and it
solid enough with a tap of the fist...
To give a little more of the story...Until yesterday the lady was owned by some person who sent it to the local independant dealer for some work doing...It needs a new clutch, CV joint, couple of tyres and a couple of patchs putting on the front door pillars just above the bottom hinge (both sides)..according to the dealer they gave the owner a quote for the work totaling about 1k..Bloke couldn't afford it so sold it to the dealer...I'm seeing this landy before the dealer works his magic with a bit of tyre black etc etc..
How reliable are the 2.5TD'd
they are serviced regulary etc ??
Cor so many questions lol...
Hit it till it breaks then hit it some more !
"Jingle" 200Tdi 110 - Which way to the mud ??
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What to look for before buying
Reply #6 on:
August 12, 2006, 00:00:57 »
You need to be aware that the TD is a scary engine that has two schools of thought, first is if it ain't bust by now it must be a good 'un, the other is OMG they are weak as hell, run away. On the plus side it isn't as dear a do to replace / rebuild as the lovely TDI. The usual rust thing applied as You say, it is a Landy after all, check bulkhead and rear x member particularly. It is also blessed with the lt77, commonly known as probably the worst gearbox in the world ever, in a TD it may be ok but check for backlash, it will have some but if it has a lot then that could be expensive.
I don't want to put You off, Landys are the best and most versatile Vehicle going, and You will love it but it took me a long time to find the right one. Don't get dewey eyed and buy a Dog
'ear all, see all, say nawt; Eyt all, sup all pay nawt; An' if ivver tha does owt fer nawt; Allus do it fer thi sen.
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What to look for before buying
Reply #7 on:
August 18, 2006, 18:38:27 »
Thanks Jim-Willy, I thought I'd replied to this but obviously I haven't :oops:
It's interesting in the fact that there are a hell of a lot of TD's out there (and for sale)
You certainly wont put me off Landys m8 not at all..Like you say it is very easy to become stary eyed..I'll keep looking and the right one will turn up :)
Hit it till it breaks then hit it some more !
"Jingle" 200Tdi 110 - Which way to the mud ??
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What to look for before buying
Reply #8 on:
August 18, 2006, 23:34:46 »
Its true, i just found one or myself!! :D
It has been said that, given enough time, a million monkeys bashing at a million typewriters would eventually produce the complete works of Shakespeare. Thanks to the Saxo forums, we now know this to be wrong
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What to look for before buying
Reply #9 on:
August 19, 2006, 11:35:15 »
The TD is a
engine if well maintained, and with only 116k on the clock it's just run in!
I gave you an outline in PM over what to check, so basically just follow that. Also make sure the locks, low range ect.. all work fine.
Good luck! I think we should start the TD owners club Ja :)
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What to look for before buying
Reply #10 on:
August 19, 2006, 14:04:35 »
The TD had a reputation that was given to it by the early models. They the development engines and a few cases in the early production models had the standard big ends and with the turbo charging caused problems as the big ends couldn't handel the strain and so a few were known to knock big time or stick a leg out of bed. Short of giving you a history of the project falcon engine. essentially a 2.5N/a adapted to take the turbo so there is the extra oilways, hardend pistons, hardend exhaust valves. etc the list goes on. as above originally the big end wasn't adapted and so they begain to go wrong and so that started to give them a bad name.
Next up is the breathing system The TD with the current pipe set up for the engine breathers gives it the next inherit trademark
heavy breathing
the air filter should have been renewed every 3K miles as to keep it clean. Look on the breather pipes for excess oiling and then check the airfilter to see what condition it is in and the pipework leading to and from it, check for excess oil around the intake pipes around the turbo. Why do they breath so heavy? Well again it was due to the idea of having to design an existing engine to take a turbo. ( not like the gemini's that were a clean sheet of paper job) when the engine starts to wear in the bores then the extra pressure in the cylinders due to the turbo will cause heavy breathing, where the pressure escapes past the pistons into the sump and then it'll work it's way through the engine and be evident as crankcase pressure, so there it'll push oil mist ( in the worst cases actully push oil) out of the top breather on the rocker box. With this heavy breahting and the standard breather set up means that the oil filter gets glogged with oil and even worse is the next TD trademark. Running on.
With a very worn TD ( this has happed to TDI's i'll tell you too so it isn't just a unique problem) there will be such an amount of oil mist being pushed out of the engine and that the current breather configuration, will actually cause the engine to run on it's own oil! So it'll speed up, more oil gets pushed out, it runs faster etc..etc..etc.. It'll either Rev it's self into oblivion and go bang. Or it'll run out of oil at some rev's and then go bang as the bigends run dry. But either way it is expensive.
So after this you might be a little put off by the TD, well thats a maybe but i wouldn't. I'll give you case study A my dad's 90.
It is maintained and serviced as per the book.
Regulary used and abused, commonly found either doing 60 - 70 on the M-way or towing 3 ton trailers or Off roading.
It has
had the head off it it has
had the injectors out. it is on clutch number 3. turbo number 2, injector pump number 2. yes i know they are spose to be reconditioned every 80 odd K but why bother when they don't need to be.
and the Mileage ladies and gents?
It is now strting to get tired and we are looking for a replacement engine.
But it is not alone i'm sure at a guess there is plenty more TD's that are still going well. so it isn't all badnews when your here the words TD.
Other wise just look out for oil leaks, odd noises etc..etc.. after cheecking the chassis, bulkhead and the doors for rust.
Starting from cold shouldn't be anything longer than 30 seconds on the glowplugs and 3 or so seconds on the starter. See for a puff of smoke on starting and then it should be no other smoke. Take it for a run and give it a good test to make sure it pulls ok and that there isnt any excessive smoke under power. Listen to hear the turbo cut in a pull. The TD's have little turbo lag but it's usually around 2K RPM when the whistle is eveident. cheeck to see if it is keeping it's temperature.
When you get back leave the engine running and check under the bonnet to see if there is any signs of blowing round the manifolds and the turbo. lift of the rocker breather and put your hand there and check for any signs of excessive pressure a little is acceptable but anymore and it is a sign that things are a little worn. Listen for any rattles or knocks now the engine is warm.
Well i think i have coverd everything.
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What to look for before buying
Reply #11 on:
August 22, 2006, 12:38:01 »
AND after you have checked all the above's the bloke will think you are a total Landy freak and you can knock him down in price.....he he.
I have a better Idea why not put a post up asking for someone to go with you in your area to help you check it out. You will look silly turning up with a printout from Mud Club to check everything.....LMAO.
There are plenty on here that will help you out....
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