AuthorTopic: incident yesterday  (Read 710 times)

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the loon

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incident yesterday
« on: September 10, 2006, 11:57:39 »
While out on a laning trip yesterday with another club came across an accident involving a biker who had lost control on a corner and had a spill.
No one seriously injured except the guys pride and a few scrapes to the bike but it was the land rover drivers who stopped to assist.
6 discos and a rangie to be precise.
Some gave medical assitance others controled traiffic etc
Every other motorist who came along just passed by.

The guy had come into a corner to fast and managed to drop alot of speed but still slid into the hedge.
He was an american out with his uncle a local guy for a day touring northumberland.
We managed to give some minor medical assistance (he just had a few scrapes nothing to serious) and was a little shaken
the bike was undrivable due to damage to clutch but a local allowed them to store the bike in his shed untill arrangements could be made for collection and the guy was taken to meet with a lift home while the other biker made his own way back.

The main things out of this -
(1) no one was bably hurt
(2) 7 4x4's stopped to assist - about 20 cars didnt but did slow down to have a good look
(3) proof that not all 4x4 drivers are anti-social idiots
(4)the message spread that we dont all just go tearing about with out thinking of others
but then we all knew about point 3 and 4 anyway.

Offline Sharpshooter

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incident yesterday
« Reply #1 on: September 10, 2006, 12:08:23 »
Well done mate. I have done similar things in the past.

The trouble is, the right people arnt the ones who see these ts.

We (as fellow 4x4'ers) know what the others do to help. But unfortunately, it is still only the bad things we do that stand out.

Yesterday, a mate of mine was collecting some spares for his 110, when an artic lorry infront of him, tipped over on a roundabout. He stopped immediately and so did 1 other driver, to make sure the driver was ok.
He then spent the next half hour, reasuruing the foreign driver that he was ok. And directing the traffic until emergency services got control.

He was pleased to get a Big thankyou from the driver, His company and the Police.

the loon

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incident yesterday
« Reply #2 on: September 10, 2006, 12:16:23 »
Yeah and the story in the local press probably never even mentions him
Sad fact of life in cases like these

The other is that people assume the person/persons who are stopped have caused the accident or have been involved.

Offline Skibum346

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incident yesterday
« Reply #3 on: September 10, 2006, 13:33:49 »
Sounds like it want's mentioning in the TV programme someone on here has posted about... good chance to highlight the good samaritan bit.

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incident yesterday
« Reply #4 on: September 10, 2006, 13:35:26 »

Offline Sooty

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incident yesterday
« Reply #5 on: September 10, 2006, 18:13:51 »
Quote from: "landyloony"
Yeah and the story in the local press probably never even mentions him
Sad fact of life in cases like these

The head line in the paper would read "7 Gas Guzzling 4X4s block road after bike accident.
Not "Good Samaritan 4X4 Drivers"
Need to sell papers not report the truth.
Am I cynical or just observant
Too Much Tarmac
Cheers Bev
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incident yesterday
« Reply #6 on: September 10, 2006, 18:47:46 »
Quote from: "Sooty"
Quote from: "landyloony"
Yeah and the story in the local press probably never even mentions him
Sad fact of life in cases like these

The head line in the paper would read "7 Gas Guzzling 4X4s block road after bike accident.
Not "Good Samaritan 4X4 Drivers"
Need to sell papers not report the truth.
Am I cynical or just observant

Either that or some twisted factless tripe like "Dangerous 4x4's cause biker to crash"

Still, good on you lot for stopping and helping out :)
'04 90 TD5 - Written off :(

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the loon

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incident yesterday
« Reply #7 on: September 10, 2006, 20:56:43 »
and another tonight....
On the way home from a friends and there was an old VW camper stopped next to the road with hazzards going - stopped and offered assistance but the guy knew what he was doing although he was very glad of the extra light - theres a lot to be said for having a light bar on the roof

Disco Geordie

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incident yesterday
« Reply #8 on: September 10, 2006, 22:21:32 »
As I was the one leading the "convoy" of 4x4's that stopped for the biker.

I was more surprised at the ones in the "euro" box right behind the biker who'd just sat in their car and looked at him :?

Well done to landyloony who helped control the folw of traffic on a busy road with out causing further incident along with others while I helped with the biker.

All involved deserve commended

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incident yesterday
« Reply #9 on: September 10, 2006, 22:26:08 »
Well done all involved

You definately did the right thing =D>  =D>  =D>
Richard A Thackeray 
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