Seams like ages since i have been on here, have been mad busy. just spent the best part of an hour reading through all the new post's.
You may remember my post some time ago about me starting a new job as a IT technician with a local school.
Well four weeks in and it's definitely been a bit of a shock coming from a business environment, and the amount of equipment that gets abused is horrendous. We go through Mice, Keyboards and CD ROM drives at an amazing rate. All the mice and keyboards are cable tied to the computers inside the case, so someones darling little angle takes it upon them selfs to cut through the mouse cable to nick the mouse!
Certainly a lot of work , three technician on all the time and we are permanently run off our feet. You don't realize just how much goes in to a school network. Still enjoying it mind. Just can't get used to the kid's calling me sir.