I know quite a few on here utilise this service, but recently I've been getting worried.
At present I have 2,196 images in 74 albums, didn't think I had so many albums :shock:
Until recently the limit was 3,000 images for 'Premium' members.
Then the site was upgraded to how it looks now & the limit was raised to 5,000.
But, on 'My Statistics' page, it shows I've had 118,604 views :shock:
Then it goes onto state I can upload 24,500 images :(bigshock):
Now I don't that even I can manage that :lol: (though some may say otherwise)
So I asked;
I just wish to ask about the limits imposed on uploadable images.
On the ' My Statistics' page, it states I have 2,196 loaded, & the upper limit is 24,500
However, on the FAQ page (still in the old site format) it states 5,000 images
Which figure is correct?
I got the reply;
Response (Belynda) 09/25/2006 02:17 PM
Thank you for contacting Webshots Customer Support.
Beginning storage for premium members is 5,000 plus 500 more photos per month as long as your a premium member.
We prorated the storage space back to your the first day your premium membership began.