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Blown Heater Matrix
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Topic: Blown Heater Matrix (Read 17633 times)
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Blown Heater Matrix
September 23, 2004, 08:13:56 »
Hi All
The story so far...
About 8 weeks ago, I popped the engine on the 90 - basically it looks like the turbo oil seal decided to let go, and this caused the head gasket to blow fairly spectacularly.
Anyway, a visit from the local fire brigade, and a tow home from a friendly 110 owner (thanks Adie!) and I've got a dead 90 on the drive.
Wind forward 6 weeks, and I've had a rebuilt 300TDi (from a disco, I think) put in, the rad's been pressure tested and ok'd, and new pipes throughout.
Now it's started overheating...
The one thing we didn't check was the condition of the heater matrix after suffering from the same excessive pressure as the rest of the system. It looks like the engine "end" of the system is solid and leak free. If I disconnect the heater and bleed the system through it seems to run at constant temperature. As soon as I reconnect the heater it starts to overheat.
It looks like I've blown a pipe somewhere inside the heater matrix box, which is leaking water out. It's not noticeable on a short trip, but the self bleed on the system refills the heater box when reconnected, and then it slowly drips away when left standing.
Short term remedy is to bypass the heater by reconnecting the hose back onto itself, and to wire up the heated seats...
Long term remedy is to find a replacement heater box. They look rather expensive though :( Expect a Wanted Ad!!!
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1999 Discovery TD5 ES 7 seater
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- Stolen June 2005
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Blown Heater Matrix
Reply #1 on:
September 23, 2004, 08:48:09 »
It's not as bad as it seems - as you can just replace the matrix. A super dooper high output one costs about 130 squid - you should be able to get a standard one for a lot less - or even get the old recored at a friendly radiator company.
Replacing the matrix is a relatively easy job - even I've done it, so it can't be hard.
Take heart, that man!
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Blown Heater Matrix
Reply #2 on:
September 23, 2004, 19:53:45 »
As Eeyore says,
Really not that hard to do, if anything it's a perfect excuse to get the heater working properly....
That is:
- Sealing the matrix in the heater box correctly,
- Making sure that the seal is in good condition between the heater box and the bulkhead,
- Checking the seal that links the 'ram' pipe from the wing intake to the heater box is ok
- Adjusting the cable so that the flaps in the heater moves as they should
All you need to disassemble the heater box is a drill and drill bit (amazingly) to drill out the old rivets and then some new rivets and a riveting tool to put it back together.
Obviously you also need spanners and sockets, and a screw driver, to take the heater box out in the first place!!!
Any problems give us a shout, as have done this a few times!!!
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Blown Heater Matrix
Reply #3 on:
September 24, 2004, 09:04:42 »
'Ello :? Now my matrix was held in with a screwed down panel, and not riveted in (which I had expected). How curious - must investigate.
But yeah, - sort the seals, makes lots of difference!
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Blown Heater Matrix
Reply #4 on:
September 24, 2004, 09:17:56 »
Thanks Guys - I was beginning to lose heart - it just seems to be one thing after another. The drivers door window has decided to jump off it's winder as well...
I think I'm going to bypass the heater for now, just so that I can use it on the forthcoming Derbyshire weekend... Just need to get the heated seat pads in...
I'll see how easy it looks when I've got the replacement matrix. If it looks all too much, I might take you up on the offier Ian!
Previous Vehicles:
1999 Discovery TD5 ES 7 seater
1996 Defender 90 300TDi Truck Cab
- Stolen June 2005
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Blown Heater Matrix
Reply #5 on:
September 24, 2004, 11:48:54 »
Drivers window glass jumping out of it's channel.....
Been there, done that!!!!
Once got home at 1.00am in the morning, did my window up and it jumped out of the channel....DOH!!
Didn't really won't to leave the window down all night, so quickley stripped my door down and put the glass back.
My neighbours must have thought I was mad !!!!
Chance's are, all the window channel is a bit knackered in your door, or at the least come loose. (its' usually the bottom section that goes)
Not too difficult of a job though, and channel amazingly isn't that expensive (if I rember correctly) - probably about £20 ish.
Quite often made worse if the window winder mechansism itself is worn (i.e. the glass jumps as you wind it down) again these aren't too expensive - £15 I paid for the last one new - just don't buy secondhand, cost me £11 for a used one!
Again, if you need a hand, give us a shout.
Buy me another drink - you're still ugly!
Land Rover Diesel Tuning and Diagnostic
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Blown Heater Matrix
Reply #6 on:
September 24, 2004, 11:54:08 »
Thanks... :D
Just bypassed the heater on the 90 and went for a quick drive. After 10 miles, no movement above normal on the temp gauge, so I'll be investing in the new matrix... Just need to strip mine down to find out which direction the pipes go in...
I've managed to wedge the window shut for now - it'll be a job for one evening next week, once I got the parts from Paddocks...
Previous Vehicles:
1999 Discovery TD5 ES 7 seater
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- Stolen June 2005
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Blown Heater Matrix
Reply #7 on:
October 23, 2004, 05:29:07 »
there's a complete heater matrix, new on ebay at
cheers! 8)
Shiny Blue Crew Disco 200 Tdi J236 RVM
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Blown Heater Matrix
Reply #8 on:
October 23, 2004, 17:29:09 »
Thanks Tina - I've managed to get hold of the matrix "bit" from Paddocks - just need to get it fitted before the weather gets too much colder!
Unfortunately, I haven't got the rest of the vehicle back to normal yet - the new engine is still overheating and over pressurising the cooling system. I think it's a leaky gasket - it's hopefully going in to the local garage to sort it out once and for all next week...
Previous Vehicles:
1999 Discovery TD5 ES 7 seater
1996 Defender 90 300TDi Truck Cab
- Stolen June 2005
2000 Defender 90 TD5 SW
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2002 Freelander TD4 GS Auto
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Blown Heater Matrix
Reply #9 on:
October 24, 2004, 13:28:14 »
At least it's a vehicle!
My D90 is still a pile of bits. Well, a body and a pile of bits, the latter is getting smaller though :lol:
cheers! 8)
Shiny Blue Crew Disco 200 Tdi J236 RVM
as yet unamed (aww!) Defender 90 2.25D E50 KEH
thrive under pressure and seize the day!
Blown Heater Matrix
Reply #10 on:
October 24, 2004, 18:02:35 »
I've just replaced the chanels of 3 of the doors in the 110, completely striped the door down, de rusted and painted and managed to get the windows back in. They still work 1 month on, and I didn't even 'save' any bits!
Basically if I can do that, and it still works, then any one can
Good luck with the matrix, mine blew up 2 weeks after I got her, :roll: good job I had the 3 month warrenty
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It's Back
Reply #11 on:
November 23, 2004, 09:12:05 »
:D :D :lol: :D :D
Well, it's back...
Picked it up on Saturday morning, and am now £425 lighter. Very pleased as I've had the following done whilst it's been away:
- New head gasket (including skim and hot pressure test)
- Fitted new radiator / intercooler / oil cooler (fit only)
- Fitted new heater matrix (fit only)
Even more pleased when I heard a friend had just paid £600 for a head gasket change in a vectra SRi!!!
Drove it into work this morning (about 25 miles) and it's behaved perfectly. The smile is definately back on my face :D
Now just need to get some confidence back in the engine (blown 2 head gaskets in 3 months), and then I'll be up for some laning - hopefully not as a passenger this time!!!
Previous Vehicles:
1999 Discovery TD5 ES 7 seater
1996 Defender 90 300TDi Truck Cab
- Stolen June 2005
2000 Defender 90 TD5 SW
- Stolen, Recovered, then Sold
2002 Freelander TD4 GS Auto
Current Vehicles:
2004 VW Touran 2.0 TDi Sport 140bhp
Kids. Who'd have em:)
2005 Renault Clio Expression DCi 65 5 door
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