I hope there's no problem posting this here but please remove if you feel it is inappropriate.
Self and a couple of mates will be driving to The Gambia, West Africa starting on Boxing Day this year in a 50 year old DAF truck and an american Ford camper van, nicknamed "Tigger" and "Pooh" respectively. The trip is to Banjul and will take a month or so. We are raising money for the British Heart Foundation, the Cardio-Vascular Unit at Royal Shrewsbury Hospital and several Gambian Charities. Our cash target this year is £10,000.
Various links in my sig, there is also a thread on one of my "other" forums
http://forums.teamphoenixrising.net/showthread.php?t=40269 which tends to be the place where ongoing progress is discussed.
We are now in full scrounging and fundraising mode, having already spent a small fortune on the vehicles and fittings. We are looking for personal sponsors/donations, and company donations of cash or goods/services which can be used on the trip, or used in the Gambia (for example, school and medical supplies). A couple of mud club stickers would look nice on the truck *hint* ;)
If you would like to support this effort please follow the links to the forum, the website or the online donation site and have at it. If you feel your employer may be interested in similarly supporting us then please please put a word in. All company sponsorship will be acknowledged on our website and the vehicles themselves.
Thanks for reading, tiggerstravels.net will be updated regularly from now on and during the trip so by all means follow his progress. After all, he is black, orange and cute :) If you want to see Tigger he is parked outside my pub in Shropshire, up close he's quite a sight so if you're passing why not drop in and say hello?