AuthorTopic: Three / Two Engine Differences ?  (Read 18160 times)

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Three / Two Engine Differences ?
« on: September 21, 2003, 17:11:47 »
Ok, having finally gotten fed up of Petro running like a bag of nails (he's also developed a big end knock, and I never did quite get to the bottom of that overheating problem) I've decided to give up with the current engine and swap it out...

I have aquired a Series3 lightweight for this purpose.  The question is are there any differences or problems in putting a series 3 engine into a two.

1.  I know that there are some differences regarding the clutch mouting, but I seem to recall those being mention with regards to putting the three box in, which I'm tempted to not bother doing as the series2 boxes are stronger, does anyone have a definitive opinion / experience on this ?

2.   Assuming there are no real differences between 2 1/4 petrol engines (early to later) is there anything stupid that I'm forgetting ?

3.   I'm also assuming that swapping the overdrive over would be a reasonable idea as well.

4.   Does anyone know how I can get Col to expediate his tidy-up of the garage and then give me a hand :)

Any thoughts?  Suiggestions?  Advise....

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Re: Three / Two Engine Differences ?
« Reply #1 on: September 21, 2003, 17:48:10 »
Quote from: "datalas"

1.  I know that there are some differences regarding the clutch mouting, but I seem to recall those being mention with regards to putting the three box in, which I'm tempted to not bother doing as the series2 boxes are stronger, does anyone have a definitive opinion / experience on this ?

2.   Assuming there are no real differences between 2 1/4 petrol engines (early to later) is there anything stupid that I'm forgetting ?

3.   I'm also assuming that swapping the overdrive over would be a reasonable idea as well.

4.   Does anyone know how I can get Col to expediate his tidy-up of the garage and then give me a hand :)

Any thoughts?  Suiggestions?  Advise....

1. The differences are in the bellhousing, mostly the location of the clutch slave cylinder and linkage.

2. Differences are all pretty minor AFAIK. Very early S2 2 1/4s originally had a different exhaust manifold.

3. Yes I'd definitely swap the OD over. Not a big job anyway.

4. Blackmail, Bribery.

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Three / Two Engine Differences ?
« Reply #2 on: September 21, 2003, 18:39:10 »
the question regarding the clutch, and the linkage is this...

does it present a problem?   I've heard stories of cutting whopping great holes in the bulkhead, but this would upset me (seeing as there is barely any bulkhead left anyhow :) )


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