AuthorTopic: Ramblers VS the Army  (Read 2317 times)

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Ramblers VS the Army
« Reply #30 on: October 31, 2006, 15:08:38 »
Professional walkers?.....Do they get paid then

Offline blackbob

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Ramblers VS the Army
« Reply #31 on: October 31, 2006, 16:45:21 »
Quote from: "Manicminer"
It was used from the late 1800's up until the 1960's and the MOD just pulled out without doing any clean-up as would be required by the Environmental Agency these days.
It's full of unexploded artillery, handgranades, mortars,etc. Phosphorous shells are common.

send the bobble hats in to clear it then turn it in to an off road course :lol:
love's mud and lpg and the wife
skype ekken3011

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Ramblers VS the Army
« Reply #32 on: October 31, 2006, 17:42:30 »
It goes without saying that ramblers are hated by professional walkers as much as the members of this forum.  

Well being semi professional ( I'm in the midst of ML training) I'm not saying owt, But he isn't far off the mark!  :wink:

Comparing north and south Dartmoor the north is far cleaner, untrampled and inhabited by many spieces of wildlife. Unlike south Dartmoor where you find litter shoved under, and into crevases of the tors, has rutted paths on the sides of tracks where ramblers 'prefer to walk on soft terrain' and multitudes of disturbed birds nests and dead young of abandoned wildlife.  

Yep also true. The north moor isn't favoured by many as i have said in previous post's as it is very isolated. But going right into the midst of the south moor it can be the same In the areas around ducks pool to ryders hill and down to pupers hill and acroos to the trig point above GT trowlesworthy it is very unforgiving terrian very Boogy and coverd in very course grass. Much like most of the north moor away from the edges. It is very physically demanding and also mentally demanding as to navigate too as the south is very feature less unless you know which lump in the far distance is what. Many of the ramblers do not venture into thess area's as they don't have the skill or the stamina to cross them.
The ramblers prefere to hop from tor to tor on the edges of the moor or just follow the footpaths. on the edges or in the centre band where the road goes across the moor.
They Also look down their nose's at us for when we have groups out and we are wildcamping. So the offroading fraternity are not alone.

It is a very sad world but they don't favor any person who doesn't share their views on the countryside.

"Jemima" 2.25 Petrol SWB, ACR rear Silencer, 235/85 Macho's, MAP Capstan & HD Bumper, Tweeked suspension, CB, Light Bar.
"Baker" 2.6 Petrol LWB (former Tow Truck)
"Lizi" 4.2 V8i Discovery, Gone but not forgotten.
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Vorsprung Duch Ducktape. My website Searle Safari Info source.

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Ramblers VS the Army
« Reply #33 on: November 01, 2006, 14:04:09 »
Quote from: "att"
Has anybody found a use for a rambler yet :?:

Cleaning the cow muck out of youe tyre tread ? :(bigwicked): :(bigwicked): :(bigwicked): :(bigwicked): :(bigwicked): :(bigwicked):

Bobble hatted sand ladder ?

1993 Toyota Surf 3.0 Litre Green and Mud coloured :) protected by illuminated Evil Ducks  :twisted:

The Penny splash video is now on Youtube :)

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Ramblers VS the Army
« Reply #34 on: November 01, 2006, 14:13:09 »
Quote from: "att"
Has anybody found a use for a rambler yet :?:

Well, apparently they're bullet proof ;)

Can you imagine it next time there's a real war (i.e. not one we started)

Send out the Fleet !
Err... we don't have one chief
What do we have ?
We have the HMS Bobblehat, and err.. the Rainbow Warrior
Oh... well load the cannons with love and good intentions then, let's hope that incoming ordinance gets quite sirly and goes home...


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