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Dew popped up on another forum making a real nuisance of himself.....but then it turns out he's only 16 and has been pretending to be the great font of all knowledge...just goes to show appearances arent everything
MC SIR is there any poss we can vote for PUX back on a trial period....or is it not up for questioning....
The less said the better is how the rot sets in, it leaves folk wandering if they will be next and is usually indicative of someone trying to hide something or worse still being unable to completely qualify a decision and feeling embarassed about it.I could say more but do not have the freedom as I am not quite sure where the boundaries are and besides, it is only a website forum at the end of the day, I have an off button as do others.Silence is not the golden rule, it is the rotten rule.
and, yes they walked... their own decisison i think.
I had been aware that something had been going on, despite a significant lack of interest on my part I was still aware. Now I did not have the facts and kept out of it, so thanks Muddyweb for setting the record straight.Now I have to agree with Bulli's sentiment, yes I get the points about censorship but to add fuel to the fire without knowing the whole story is just that, fuel on a fire and fire is destructive.Things I am aware of are just how much work goes into running MC and how much it costs certain individuals. We all enjoy a great deal of freedom on this site and the few rules that exist are there for good reason, not to descriminate against any minorities. No-one has been picked on here, save perhaps the goading of certain admin team members.Now I'm going to suggest we leave this alone and get on with being a club, it's all very healthy to get things out in the open and discuss them but I don't think there is anything to be gained by raking over this time and again.So let's draw a line under it and look foreward to the coming months, I am sure there are many club activeties to get involved in over Christmas and these should be where our efforts go, not into trying to change the past.(exits stage left)
you can get in touch with him on trying to cause trouble, just keeping peeps in touch. just seen another site go belly up and by fortune we've managed to keep in touch and set our own place up)EE