AuthorTopic: reply from green peace  (Read 644 times)

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reply from green peace
« on: November 08, 2006, 17:54:37 »
after reading a post on mud club i e-mailed green peace-
Different story
Why not use one of the other 115 vehicles? Only 24 of them are 4x4s,
so there were plenty of cars or MPVs that could have been chosen.
The bulletin then compared statistics over a supposed journey from
London to Edinburgh. Naturally the 4x4 they'd picked came off worst -
it would have produced 135kg of carbon emissions, compared to the 95kg
produced by a smaller car.
A diesel Land Rover would have come in at 106kg, while a 1.6 Mini
Cooper S would have generated 107 kg. That tells a different story,
doesn't it?

I  thnk you should get your facts straight before slating 4x4's your
not doing your cause any good and your new advert against 4x4's, well
talk about harresment at work and bullying in the work place isn't
this what the goverment is against? people have been took to court and
won for exactly the same treatment in the work place. but well done on
putting just how you operate in a video or advert for everyone to see
beacause that says it all for me what green peace i, nothing but
bullys who will spit the dummy out and blame other people because they
can't get their own way.

this is their reply
Issy Griffin    
<issy> to me
    More options     8:33 am (9 hours ago)
Thanks for your email and your thoughts, the video is a spoof made by
people in the industry on our behalf - it has amused some and not others
- which is the way with satire! However I take on board your comments
and will pass them on.

In answer to the comment about different vehicles - you are of course
right and it would also depend on how many people were traveling and at
what speed etc etc.  our point about 4x4's is more to do with their
inappropriate marketing for urban use where they are ridiculously over
powered and consume far more fuel than is necessary.  It is meant to be
a start to a longer conversation about transport and how we have to
tackle it to reduce emissions.

I realise that the campaign may seem oversimple but you have to start
somewhere and the fact that many large 4x4's are misused in cities and
actively marketed that way seemed to us an excellent starting point.

Best wishes

Issy Griffin
Greenpeace UK
Canonbury Villas
N1 2PN
tel:  0800 269065
Fax: 02078658203

North Nottinghamshire rep for GLASS

Offline Boggert

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reply from green peace
« Reply #1 on: November 08, 2006, 20:38:40 »
I wonder how many inches to the gallon their fleet of Ships do??
I wonder how they would comment on that?
If want to walk it walk it, if you want to ride it ride it just leave me alone to drive it!

"Save The Cheer leader, save the world"


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reply from green peace
« Reply #2 on: November 08, 2006, 20:57:01 »
I've copied and pasted the response into word, magnified it and if you look carefully you can make out between the lines that it says "4x4's are in the public eye as child killing gas guzzlers so we'll jump on that band wagon to get our point across as they're already an easy target"

Offline redneck

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reply from green peace
« Reply #3 on: November 08, 2006, 20:58:41 »
I recently read an old Top Gear article written by James May, he quite rightly points out that the car industry IS doing something about polution, cars are being designed now with polution in mind, they now polute less than they used to, use less resources to produce than they used to, and are recycleable more now than ever. He poses the question If the motor car is guilty of at most 20% of the worlds polutants (taking the very worst figures, which are debatable  :roll: ) what about the other 80%  :?:  what other industries are making as much effort to preserve the earths resources as the car industry  :?: none
I think the 4x4 is being used as a scape goat, they can hit individual motorists with extra taxes without risk of much resistance, but try hitting any of the big industries in the same way and they have trouble on their hands, if they try increasing fuel costs to raise revenue they only have partial success because they have the big haulage industry against them, we 4x4 drivers are a soft target, that's all there is to it.
Rant over.
I would also add to that, all my 4x4's are more than ten years old, I'm doing my bit by recycling old metal  :lol:  :wink:

Offline fatusbloke

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reply from green peace
« Reply #4 on: November 08, 2006, 22:58:02 »
Steps up,
 Places soap box down squarely
 Dusts off said box
 Steps boldly onto box

 In many a recent survey for want of a better word, so callled 'GREEN' cars have a much higher lifetime pollution leval than even the worst innapropatly used 4X4, the hybrid cars being the worst of the bunch due to the methods in which they need to be dissposed off at the end of there meager life,  :x
 personally my disco is a living recycle site - defender front axle internals, coke can on exhaust, beer can heat shield on turbo, ali trailer body chequer plate on seat backs and rear door, thin steel cut from fridge side to patch up body, and it all naturally rusts back to mother nature, at a constant rate of one panel per M.O.T,
 So i'm of ferm belief that my disco is green  :lol:


 Steps down
 Picks up soap box
 And departs
I'm an agent of Satan - but my duties are now mostly cerimonial.

 Land Rovers - Attracted to water like Fly's to POO POO.

Offline Mudlark

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reply from green peace
« Reply #5 on: November 08, 2006, 23:38:09 »
At the end of the day and the antis and the greens are right

and global warming melts the ice caps

and the sea level gets higher

and the rivers swell up and flood the land

and the torrential rain turns everything into a quagmire




WE'RE GOING TO NEED BLOODY 4x4s TO GET AROUND ANYWAY :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:
Click the pic get my NEW site

1988 2.5td manual Shogun SWB

Offline UDTrev

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reply from green peace
« Reply #6 on: November 09, 2006, 07:58:19 »
Quote from: "Mudlark"
WE'RE GOING TO NEED BLOODY 4x4s TO GET AROUND ANYWAY :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

Actually I disagree  :shock:  :shock:  :shock:  :shock:

WE will NOT be going to need bloody 4x4s, WE ALREADY HAVE THEM, the treehuggers and others not worthy to be waffle boards WILL need them then though - Shame we won't be lending ours out isn't it ?  :(biggrin): :(biggrin): :(biggrin): :(biggrin): :(biggrin): :(biggrin):

1993 Toyota Surf 3.0 Litre Green and Mud coloured :) protected by illuminated Evil Ducks  :twisted:

The Penny splash video is now on Youtube :)

Offline Boggert

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reply from green peace
« Reply #7 on: November 09, 2006, 08:09:25 »
Hmmmm Perhaps Its time to look for a Snorkel for my Zuk!  :lol:
If want to walk it walk it, if you want to ride it ride it just leave me alone to drive it!

"Save The Cheer leader, save the world"


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reply from green peace
« Reply #8 on: November 09, 2006, 10:34:54 »
Quote from: "UDTrev"

 Shame we won't be lending ours out isn't it ?



Who said anything about lending? Rental at the very least.


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