Some of you may remember way back in Feb i fitted a luminition kit to my Series 3, after some timing problems, the unit ran O.K but never 100%, and then recently started to play up in a major way. Working fine from cold for 30mins, but then starting to miss, eventually stalling and refusing to re-start.
So into the local workshop it went, for a little bit of timing. They rang me to say that the Electronic unit had failed and that the only way they could get the unit to run was be putting points and condensor back on.
Now for my money i would have believed i got a warrenty, but can not find any info anywhere...... so as im lothes to spend the ame amount of money for the same fault to possibly occur, andyone got some ideas.....
Coincidentally the landy ran fine from the garage, but discoverd this morning that she won't idle atall when cold... apparently due to a worn out carb - but its only 6 years old!!! Anyone any good at timing?