AuthorTopic: Help Me Crush My Range Rover  (Read 19264 times)

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Help Me Crush My Range Rover
« on: December 12, 2006, 10:09:41 »
I own a 2006 Range Rover Vouge Supercharged. Keeps breaking down (3 times in 5 weeks), and now I am in legal battle with the dealer and finance company - I want them to take it back!
I plan on selling sponsorship spaces on vehicle (£10 for 50 words) and raise money to crush it - seriously. This will send a strong message to Land Rover that they should value their customers. Anyone wanting details please let me know!
To date I have over 50 people pledging money (£5k) and a web site will be launched in 2 weeks. I am also preparing a professional media launch and have contacted all major motoring media.
Guys - this is your chance to show the world how crap Land Rover is, by having their flagship 4WD crushed!

Offline Bishops Finger

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Help Me Crush My Range Rover
« Reply #1 on: December 12, 2006, 12:28:15 »
Would it be easier to reject it under the sale of goods act?
Sue Land Rover in a small claims court then take the monies to your local Jeep dealership and buy a Commmander
Wouldn't be as much fun I guess :wink:
Jeep drivers don't eat quiche

Offline fudge

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Help Me Crush My Range Rover
« Reply #2 on: December 12, 2006, 15:21:45 »
Quote from: "Bishops Finger"
Would it be easier to reject it under the sale of goods act?

Not as easy as that..... The dealer has to have been given reasonable opportunity to repair the fault (s).... if its the same fault 3 times then there's an issue but if its differing faults each fault needs fair consideration, also this guy does not say how old it is.... or what the breakdowns are...

3 breakdowns on a car with so many bits / sensors and stuff.... think about it.

it could be 11.5 months old, in which case you can't just reject it, there would be a contribution required from the customer, and seeing what these are valued at in the trade, its not suprising he wants to reject it..... It would be easier to get rid of a dose of the clap than sell it!

I have a customer that's just bought one, to be registered before month end and the discount gained would settle a small 3rd world country's debt!

Apart from all that, 3 breakdowns in what could be 11.5 months..... on a Landrover..... is that not low?

As for telling Landrover about the quality of their product... Do you not think they know.... the people that matter at Landrover have them for company cars.... and have probably broken down more than this guy! you only have to look at threads on here.... people suggesting that Oil Leaks are only OIL LEAKS when there's a puddle when left for a couple of minutes and stuff like "when you need to worry is when it doesnt leak"
or that the only reliable thing about a running landrover is that it will breakdown soon...

Good luck with your case,  but I think your looking for support in the wrong place! the people on here know their cars are unreliable but still love them, want them and strive for newer / different ones!

Offline waveydavey

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Help Me Crush My Range Rover
« Reply #3 on: December 12, 2006, 16:34:08 »
Try asking for a swap, I would exchange mine for it, trouble is by the time I get there you will have had loads first.
P38 Range Rover (BMW !!!)
Off Road camping Trailer - SA Design
And a boat - if you can call QM2 a boat?

Offline Hamster

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Help Me Crush My Range Rover
« Reply #4 on: December 12, 2006, 16:35:14 »
Car broke down 3 times in first 5 weeks I had it - I brought it when it was 4 months old. 2 Main faults being:
1. Gearbox fault - keeps locking in 4th gear and having jerky gear changes
2. Engine fault. Can lost power (could not accelerate). Had 40 miles fuel left on trip computer. Stopped car (rang Land Rover Assist) started car after waiting 45 minutes and drove another 5 miles and problem happened again (now 30 miles showing).

So - £65K I paid for it, is this acceptable?

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Help Me Crush My Range Rover
« Reply #5 on: December 12, 2006, 16:42:53 »
Also, if the hassle is with the dealership and finance company, why "send a message to Land Rover"?

What are the faults with the vehicle? [Edit: I see you answered that while I was typing.  :wink: ]
Has the dealership actually sorted the faults?
If not then have you spoken to Land Rover Customer Service about it?

One last thought, if the vehicle is on finance then surly you are the "Keeper" not the legal "Owner" of the vehicle and therefore have no right to crush it?

Offline Hamster

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Help Me Crush My Range Rover
« Reply #6 on: December 12, 2006, 16:57:53 »
Dealer with Land Rover, Dealer and Finace Company. At the end of the day Land Rover built it. There exect words (and I have this in writing) is 'Land Rover does not take vehicles back'!

The vehicle is finance, but through minimal sponsorship, and I will chip in what I was going to spend in legals I can pay out and crush it - and broadcast it! Then I will place a banner on it saying something like 'I wish I brought a Lexus' and tow it round and leave out the front of Land Rover Dealers. A bit extreme, but after spending £65K and not getting any meaningful support I am fed up.

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Help Me Crush My Range Rover
« Reply #7 on: December 12, 2006, 17:00:19 »
Be afraid. Be very afraid
Life's a journey - so remember to pay FULL fare!

Offline fudge

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Help Me Crush My Range Rover
« Reply #8 on: December 12, 2006, 17:11:55 »
You bought the car 2nd hand.......

Why would LANDROVER buy back a 2nd hand car, your contract is with the seller, not the manufacturer and this is even more the case with a 2nd hand vehicle, it wouldn't even go to court, you could try the Finance Co... but TBH you'll just end up with adverse against you...

From a dealers point of view your issues are minor... yeah yeah I know that to you they're not.... but to them they are.

I am in the trade and have had issues with customers just like you.... the only way you'll "win" is if the dealer buckles, if they stand yjeir ground you'll be fighting this for ages!

Again, fyi your fight is with your dealer not Landrover, even buying a new car your contract is still with your franchisee not them, buying 2nd had distances you further.

Bet you a tenna it was already a "Buy Back" your one hope is that it was, and that it was sold new and bought back buy the dealer you bought it off, by contacting owner 1 you could persue your claim along the lines of the fact they sold it in full knowledge that it was a lemon... but its a long shot!

Offline Hamster

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Help Me Crush My Range Rover
« Reply #9 on: December 12, 2006, 17:26:45 »
Cheers Fudge,

I know this and am currently in legal with Lombard - they are subsequently engaging the dealer - it is a mess and has been going for 5 months - that is why I am at this stage now!

Just FYI - I have written correspondence from Land Rover - initially saying the issue was with the Dealer, then a second letter refusing my claim and offering me two free services. Strange when they have no obligation?

At the end of the day 5 months ago the dealer could have said - Lets help you out of this car - it obviously is not good, and even sold it on consignment and taken no commission. We would have all been happy.

Last Year Jeremly Clarkeson had an issue with his GT40 - made a phone call to ford and the next day he had £129K in the bank and a man came and took his car away. I am hoping that through media pressure the same will happen.

So far I have £5K pledged to get car crushed, from over 50 people. So hey, maybe as a collective we (myself and other sponsors) can send a message strong message of 'this is not how you treat customers' and get some publicity damage for Westover, Land Rover and Lombard.

This is the worst customer relations I have ever experienced and every single party declines responsibility. Westover also appear to have declined an 'independent assessor' to test the vehicle for 1000 miles driving to assess if it was fit for purpose (of which I would pay a third). I am awaiting confirmation from my solicitors.

Offline M19 ROO

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Help Me Crush My Range Rover
« Reply #10 on: December 12, 2006, 17:48:49 »
lol soooo funny

if i saw you at the side of the road with a crushed car specially one so expensive i would laugh so hard at you.

really whats the point crushing it, give it them back and give them all the time to fix it... to be fair if u can afford 60k on finance im sure u could afford a few hours labour! and then youd still have yaself a mint 4x4

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Help Me Crush My Range Rover
« Reply #11 on: December 12, 2006, 18:25:47 »
You pays your money and take your chance.
Its the way of the world,
Best of luck finding 6,500 people to give you a tenner to crush a car they could only dream of owning  :shock:
Just put your dummy back in, get back in your pram and get it fixed,
And as for dumping it outside Land Rover.... I HOPE THEY ARREST YOU FOR FLY TIPPING
You may have guessed I feel no pity for you and my tenner will stay firmly in my pocket  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

OH and at £10 for 50 words.... 50 people does not make 5k unless they write 500 words each......
     :?  :?  :? At £10 for 50 words  Ã‚£65000 = 325000 words   :?  :?  :?

 :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol: HOPE ITS A LIMO OR YOU CAN WRITE SMALL PLUS YOU GOT 6 MONTHS TO WAIT WHILE ITS WRITTEN  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

You might find this offensive but you are either full of [PooPoo](edited), taking the pee pee(edited), extreeeemly stupid or you think everyone else is???????
(edit: And yes I had a bad day at work)
'88 RR 3.5 efi, an on going project :o) evolving daily/slowly

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Re: Help Me Crush My Range Rover
« Reply #12 on: December 12, 2006, 18:26:27 »
Quote from: "Hamster"
show the world how crap Land Rover is,

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Offline Keri

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Help Me Crush My Range Rover
« Reply #13 on: December 12, 2006, 18:38:48 »
After reading this all i have to say is riiiiiight  :?

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Help Me Crush My Range Rover
« Reply #14 on: December 12, 2006, 18:41:31 »
Quote from: "Hamster"

Last Year Jeremly Clarkeson had an issue with his GT40 - made a phone call to ford and the next day he had £129K in the bank and a man came and took his car away. I am hoping that through media pressure the same will happen.

Well enough said

Offline fudge

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Help Me Crush My Range Rover
« Reply #15 on: December 12, 2006, 18:57:28 »
Your offer of free services is standard accross the industry, and although made by LR <insert>  infact this would be provided by your stealer... upon acceptance you would close the matter (legally) and the dealer would put their offer in writing.... wording escapes me, I have a letter somewhere.....  anyway the offer would state that the gesture was just that and not an admission of fault / blame....

IMHO you should give them the car, take a demo and ask the service manager nicely to use it for a few days once they've fixed it.... when they are happy with the car you might suggest they valet it for you, stick some go go in it and deliver it back to you.....

One dealer I worked at had an issue with a car, a 4x4 that used to cut out.... after loads and loads of grief and visits and parts the service manager used it, and still couldn't fault it but upon return to the cust it broke down....

Buy back time, but the service manager could not belive it.

The service manage asked the customer to take him out in the car for a long drive, immediately the cust got his car key out of his pocket, there were apporx 35 keys on the ring...(straight up) the cust only ever gave the garage one key!

the weight of the keys made the ignition barel break contact and made the car cut out and the immobiliser come on, the garage would NEVER have created this fault..... the keys were reduced and the fault rectified.....

If they are offering, give them another chance!

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Help Me Crush My Range Rover
« Reply #16 on: December 12, 2006, 18:58:33 »
but its got warranty left then all the work is done for free so your not loseing money  join me here (my site) (come and have your offroad lessons  here)

  1992 defender 90 200tdi (mine)
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Offline waveydavey

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Help Me Crush My Range Rover
« Reply #17 on: December 12, 2006, 19:16:12 »
Only a total idiot would think of damaging this car

I must be stupid to put all this on my car

I drive this and still get upset about it

I want your money to destroy a car you can't afford!

you can't afford it, I don't want it!

I make that about 50 quids worth? Do we get the choice of where it goes on the car and how big the letters are?
P38 Range Rover (BMW !!!)
Off Road camping Trailer - SA Design
And a boat - if you can call QM2 a boat?

Offline jpc

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Help Me Crush My Range Rover
« Reply #18 on: December 12, 2006, 19:16:15 »
@ hamster r u 4 real :?  :?  :?  :?

98% of the internet population has a MySpace, if you're the 2% that isnt self-obsessed, paste this into your sig.

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Help Me Crush My Range Rover
« Reply #19 on: December 12, 2006, 19:26:42 »
Hey, I misread that, the whole lot is only a tenner!
Any more ideas?
P38 Range Rover (BMW !!!)
Off Road camping Trailer - SA Design
And a boat - if you can call QM2 a boat?

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Help Me Crush My Range Rover
« Reply #20 on: December 12, 2006, 20:16:36 »
so ur gonna crush a car for 5 grand un then carry on payin the rest of the 60 grand for sumit u dont have, thats just plain crazy or have i missed sumit

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Help Me Crush My Range Rover
« Reply #21 on: December 12, 2006, 20:58:08 »
He wants you to pay for the car, that's what you missed.

You can buy some space on the car for some message and then it gets crushed so no-one can read your message.



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Help Me Crush My Range Rover
« Reply #22 on: December 12, 2006, 21:01:19 »
yer i know, but hes never gunna get 60 grand cus the car aint big enough

Offline ScrumpyJack

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Help Me Crush My Range Rover
« Reply #23 on: December 12, 2006, 21:25:23 »
Do you think I could get 350 of you to give me £10 each for fifty words each which I will write on the side of my classic,
I’ll have it crushed and buy that LSE I always wanted, Save me fixing that bloody air suspension again :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:
If it moves Funk it, if it stops drive over it.

You can take away my freedom, But you can't take my LandRover.

1994 3.9 Vouge SE RRC. Now sold :(
1972 V8 S111 88".  For Sale :(
1968 S11 100" V8 Hybrid. Now sold :(
1969 S11A 2 1/4 88" .for the son to learn to drive in.
1987 110 station wagon V8 The new play thing :)
1994 P38 4.6 HSE lpg

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Re: Help Me Crush My Range Rover
« Reply #24 on: December 12, 2006, 21:29:03 »
Quote from: "Hamster"

Guys - this is your chance to show the world how crap Land Rover is, by having their flagship 4WD crushed!

Yeah, like you are going to get a lot of support on here   :roll:
Good Idea - choose a forum full of land rover addicts to get them to pay for crushing your Land rover
I am pretty sure this is a wind up but in case it's not consider this - you should be thankful that you are in a position to be able to buy/finance a motor costing this much - if you no likee go buy a B*W and leave us all alone
People like you get on my tits
The nice part of living in a small town is that when I don't know what I am doing, someone else does

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Help Me Crush My Range Rover
« Reply #25 on: December 12, 2006, 21:37:48 »
Quote from: "ScrumpyJack"
Do you think I could get 350 of you to give me £10 each for fifty words each which I will write on the side of my classic,
I’ll have it crushed and buy that LSE I always wanted, Save me fixing that bloody air suspension again :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

How about £10 gets you 4" x 2" on my rangie and you can put your advertising on it for a month, Hey make it 2 months and I will drive round advertising whatever you like, as for crushing it.........
 :twisted: " YOU CRUSHA MA RANGIE..... I CRUSHA YOUR FACE"  :twisted:

As for the lse..... is that not also on air??  :wink:
'88 RR 3.5 efi, an on going project :o) evolving daily/slowly

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Help Me Crush My Range Rover
« Reply #26 on: December 12, 2006, 21:54:29 »
your right, the LSE is air, but i'd rather have the air probs on the car I wanted and not the 1 the wife chose, bless her cotton socks :lol:  :lol:  :wink:
even if it is a bit bling.
If it moves Funk it, if it stops drive over it.

You can take away my freedom, But you can't take my LandRover.

1994 3.9 Vouge SE RRC. Now sold :(
1972 V8 S111 88".  For Sale :(
1968 S11 100" V8 Hybrid. Now sold :(
1969 S11A 2 1/4 88" .for the son to learn to drive in.
1987 110 station wagon V8 The new play thing :)
1994 P38 4.6 HSE lpg

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Help Me Crush My Range Rover
« Reply #27 on: December 12, 2006, 23:24:02 »
Quote from: "hairyasswelder"
You pays your money and take your chance.
Its the way of the world,
Best of luck finding 6,500 people to give you a tenner to crush a car they could only dream of owning  :shock:
Just put your dummy back in, get back in your pram and get it fixed,
And as for dumping it outside Land Rover.... I HOPE THEY ARREST YOU FOR FLY TIPPING
You may have guessed I feel no pity for you and my tenner will stay firmly in my pocket  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

OH and at £10 for 50 words.... 50 people does not make 5k unless they write 500 words each......
     :?  :?  :? At £10 for 50 words  Ã‚£65000 = 325000 words   :?  :?  :?

 :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol: HOPE ITS A LIMO OR YOU CAN WRITE SMALL PLUS YOU GOT 6 MONTHS TO WAIT WHILE ITS WRITTEN  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

You might find this offensive but you are either full of PooPoo(edited), taking the pee pee(edited), extreeeemly stupid or you think everyone else is???????
(edit: And yes I had a bad day at work)

 =D>  =D>  =D>  =D>  =D>
I get into my 1989 Defender worth less than one of the wheels on that Rangie and all the sympathy goes out the window.
The one consolation is that I own my Defender and not a finance company.
Caveat Emptor my friend Caveat Emptor
Too Much Tarmac
Cheers Bev
Discovery V8
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Help Me Crush My Range Rover
« Reply #28 on: December 13, 2006, 01:34:40 »
I can sympathise a llittle with your predicament, we are currently taking a caravn dealer to court becasue they sold us not one, but two caravns that leaked like a sieve.  Now had I bought it on finance that's where i'd be going.  The consumer credit act obliges Lombard to wade in to your defense, have you now had any proffesional advice on this matter?  Try Citizen's advice or look on the Yellow pages for a no-win no-fee solicitor who will probably give you an hour free.
Blue,  1988  Range Rover 3.5 EFi with plenty of toys bolted on
Chuggaboom, 1995 Range Rover Classic
1995 Range Rover Classic Vogue LSE with 5 big sticks of Blackpool rock under the bonnet.

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Help Me Crush My Range Rover
« Reply #29 on: December 13, 2006, 01:55:42 »

Some people really do appear to have more money than sense
Currently : ' 03 Range Rover Vogue TD6 Auto, '90 110 CSW TD
Previously : 101 Ambi Prototype, Jaguar powered IIa Auto , '83 RRC , '90 RRC , '97 Disco ES Auto LPG'd


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