My 1990 RRc has been very erratic on tick over for some time now. I put a thread on earlier but none of the iteas put forward cured it. It ticks over OK after start up (when cold) but when I pull up at a shop or anywhere when it's warmad up the engine revs up to 1800/2000 & then slowly drops down to normal 550 ish. Also when I start up when it's warmed up it does the same. I have done the following -1) cleaned & oiled the Stepper Switch & fitted a new washer--2) checked the timing-3) replaced all plug leads, dizzy cap & plugs--4) new coil. + a general clean up of all pipes/wires/ flame trap etc relavent to that area.
None of these worked BUT I then adjusted the "Base idle speed setting", following the steps in the"Grey Bible" --FUEL SYSTEM, 19 Fault Diagnosis (page 4) I barely adjusted the setting & the car was ticking over great. I reved it up a few times & it returned to proper tick over straight away, I took it for a run, still with the hose blanked off at both ends & performance was normal in all ways, stopping, driving, starting.
I have left the Air by-pass hose blanked off at both ends for a week now & the car is running great IN ALL WAYS.
Will this do any damage if I leave it like this permanantly ? & what effects is it likely to have, if any.
Also can anyone tell me how this has happened !!!