AuthorTopic: Is it just me?  (Read 993 times)

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Offline Yoshi

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Is it just me?
« on: December 25, 2006, 11:09:58 »
Or is this journalist somewhat of an insensative prat!  His comments as quoted below only seem to make some peoples lives even more of a misery than they already are at this time of year.

That said, I should not overlook the possibility that you are spending the nativity season alone, without friends or family, through no choice of your own. In which case, I apologise for my insensitivity, and belatedly acknowledge that Christmas must be a miserable time of the year for some people, and I've probably made it worse, and I feel very bad about that. There, now you've spoilt my Christmas too. Thanks.

Think there might be time to complain, how the hell they thought it was good to print something like that, even if meant in humour, if your massively depressed and alone this time of year its really not helped promoting going out and meeting new people does it.

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Offline Stormin

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Is it just me?
« Reply #1 on: December 25, 2006, 11:23:55 »
I spent many a Christmas Day alone after my marriage went wrong. Didn't brood though. Enjoyed the empty roads on my motorcycles. :D  Now , myself and partner are awaiting youngest daughter and hubby for dinner. Eldest and family came round last night. I have known people who are alone dreading Xmas though. :(

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Offline Yoshi

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Is it just me?
« Reply #2 on: December 25, 2006, 13:39:24 »
Indeed, but its those who are alone this christmas who are going to read something like that and think they are going to be imposing themselves on people by going out, i am thinking a strongly worded letter to the bbc explaining this and seeing what they respond with.

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Is it just me?
« Reply #3 on: December 26, 2006, 10:56:10 »
Well I spent all afternoon on the internet - I've recently left my Husband, my Son went to his Dad's after dinner & my family & friends live too far away or went to their family's.

To me the internet was something to do

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Is it just me?
« Reply #4 on: December 26, 2006, 11:52:59 »
Quite possible to be alone surrounded by people too.....
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Is it just me?
« Reply #5 on: December 26, 2006, 13:33:52 »
I do not like friends or family much at any time of the year.

I find people dull.

Offline Sooty

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Is it just me?
« Reply #6 on: December 26, 2006, 14:14:17 »
Quote from: "missroadrage"
To me the internet was something to do

You and me both.
Wife no longer on this mortal coil, children all old enough to look after themselves and me too old (51) to give in monkeys about this time of year.
So Christmas dinner at my daughters (6 doors away) and then play with the grandson’s new toys.
When my grandson had gone to bed I wandered home and went on the internet to see what the rest of the world is up to.
I am not Bah Humbug but this time of year has become the time when many people drive long distances to give presents of things that are not needed to people they done get on with having paid high prices with money they haven’t got and then spent the next 6 months wishing they hadn't.
Not me, I browse the internet in my own home and save my credit card bill.
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Offline Eeyore

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Is it just me?
« Reply #7 on: December 26, 2006, 14:29:20 »
Quote from: "missroadrage"

To me the internet was something to do

Yep, four hours Skyping a really good friend. Watched about two hours of telly at about 11pm. Fantastic.

Me? Christmas ain't my festival for a whole host o' reasons. Now, New Year however.....

But if I'd realised you were about (MIssRR) I'd have PM'd you too!

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Is it just me?
« Reply #8 on: December 26, 2006, 17:39:08 »
I think people don't realise how important the internet has become to some poeple.  Take us as a case in point, I have many friends on this sight, we share a commmon interest and we meet up when possible after all, but does that make me a sad act? No, I don't think it does.  I could spend all day on the 'phone and no-one would think any less of me, so why not the internet.

I don't enjoy christmas as much as I used to, despite best efforts I still have it in mind that this time a few years ago I was watching my dad dying of cancer, that's still hard on me.

Yesterday I took thew dogs out for an hour, I love the peace and quiet for a while.  Had it been nice weather I'd have loved the opportunity to take the RS out for a spin on those lovely empty roads.

Thing is we all do our own thing don't we? and who has the right to say one thing is better than another?

Julie is a practicing Christian, so we went to the midnight service on Christmas eve, I actually enjoy it despite being agnostic.  It's a great atmosphere and a nice way to start Christmas proper, but would I inflict it on everyone, no.

A quick scan through that article and I get the impression that I am being chastised for reading it, like I should have something better to do,

"Except that you're reading this, and if you believe it's going to get useful and informative in the second half, you are only fooling yourself."

So is this an admission that the BBC has nothing better to print? I'm reading this because there's nowt worth watching on TV aren't I :evil:
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