AuthorTopic: fox hunting  (Read 3112 times)

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Offline blackbob

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fox hunting
« on: December 26, 2006, 18:44:56 »
wot do u think of fox hunting
now its illegal to hunt wild animals
are the scent trails good enough  
although some foxes still got hunted (by mistake)
should it still be a total ban

i think not
have been to a hunt b4 it was banned and the anti's were there
there idea to stop the hunt was to cut a bard wire fence down and strech
it across the bridle path
so save a fox and kill a horse
what a bunch of tssrs

now they cant attack the hunts so now they seem to have switch to 4x4s :?
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fox hunting
« Reply #1 on: December 26, 2006, 18:52:05 »
good! its an age old tradition that people are trying to ruin like evrything else

they would soon moan when they have problems with foxes in their gardens in rubbish etc. same as rabbits pidgeons the lot,

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Offline Boggert

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fox hunting
« Reply #2 on: December 26, 2006, 18:56:43 »
We've found the anti hunt sabs are now turning on us shooters as well, it can be very nasty when they show up.
From a policing point of view it is so hard to police the hunt, almost impossible.
The vids the sabs bring in tend to be out of date by a few years! :lol:
I know of one vid that was brought in in the early days of the ban, it showed hunting etc when questioned the master pointed out him getting into his Rang Rover...... That he sold 2 years ago!  :lol: A quick check with the garage he sold it to confirmed his story!

The sabs admitted their scam and were charged and convicted with "Wasting police time"  :lol:
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fox hunting
« Reply #3 on: December 26, 2006, 19:03:41 »
Quote from: "thumbs"

they would soon moan when they have problems with foxes in their gardens

Maybe it  would be better if they did something about hoodies in the garden and left the foxes alone

Offline blackbob

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fox hunting
« Reply #4 on: December 26, 2006, 19:04:46 »
soon be overrun with foxes and then they will starve due to over population
if u manage animals its done to stop over population thats why they cull deer ect on forrest land
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Offline Mudlark

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fox hunting
« Reply #5 on: December 26, 2006, 19:07:01 »
I used to hate the hunt especially when the lanes were overrun with abandoned Land and Range Rovers when I was trying to drive them on a Saturday.

But in recent years I've seen the damage a fox can do when he gets in to a chicken run.

I've seen the stupidity of the RSPCA releasing urban foxes into a farming community and then wondered why the farmer has shot 25 foxes in a night - the ones that they released :roll:  :roll:

Hunting the fox kept them on the move kept the numbers down but never exterminated them. How long will it be before the fox is shot into extermination by this stupid law?
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Offline Timi

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fox hunting
« Reply #6 on: December 26, 2006, 19:31:04 »
Tally Ho!
Woh there bessie.
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Offline Rich_P

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fox hunting
« Reply #7 on: December 26, 2006, 20:35:09 »
Quote from: "thumbs"
good! its an age old tradition that people are trying to ruin like evrything else

Oh yes.

Offline Dave

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fox hunting
« Reply #8 on: December 26, 2006, 20:47:15 »
I like foxs leave them alone if they need to be reduced in numbers then it can be done quickly and humanely.

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Offline gtomo2

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fox hunting
« Reply #9 on: December 26, 2006, 21:20:13 »
we have a couple of familys of foxes that live in the woods by my house and play on the common in front of the house. everyone in the street feeds them. we have never had a problem with them in the bins or gardens. And when food is put out for them the local cats join in and its a commom sight to see the cats and foxes eating side by side. So the way i look at it if they are not a threat then they should be left alone. But If a farmer see them near a chicken shed then yes shoot it. but must say i cant see the fun in chasing a fox. Its not much of a "sport" one little fox against 20 horses and people and about the same amount of dogs.
Oh and i dont agree with the antis as well. injuring or having to have a horse/dog put down because of there actions in not been very animal freindly in my book.

Rant over. Going back to me whiskey now am i. :wink:
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Offline barnhill4x4

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fox hunting
« Reply #10 on: December 26, 2006, 21:26:41 »
Whatever the excuse for hunting fox's, whether it be keeping the numbers down, the damage they do to a chicken run, they kill for fun, blah, blah, blah.
  There is no excuse on this earth for a human to chase a living creature with a pack of dogs and then rip it to bits. Defend the hunt all you like but there is just no need to be barbaric.
  If the numbers are too high then cull them humanely, if they do a lot of damage to a chicken run then protect it better and if they still have a go then shoot it, just because they kill for fun it does not give you the right to do the same, what do you think you are doing? teaching it a lesson?
  Rant over!

Offline tomarse

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fox hunting
« Reply #11 on: December 26, 2006, 21:52:07 »
There should have been another option in the poll for 'no problem with shooting them as pests but no need to hunt them'.

Offline bezzabsa

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fox hunting
« Reply #12 on: December 26, 2006, 21:55:22 »
arent there more fox's killed by vehicles than hunts?? yet the hunts say they are keeping numbers down?????????
let them hunt - the Hoodies :D:D:D:D:D :twisted:
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Offline Jas278

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fox hunting
« Reply #13 on: December 26, 2006, 21:59:16 »
Ban it, but like all other reforms it 's the civil liberties being taken away that I dont like......


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Offline Boggert

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fox hunting
« Reply #14 on: December 26, 2006, 21:59:52 »
Quote from: "tomarse"
There should have been another option in the poll for 'no problem with shooting them as pests but no need to hunt them'.

yep agreed, not into hunting and i I do not get on with horses, I agree they should be culled from time to time then shoot them.

Don't agree with the ban, we just seem to pamper to all the anti's at the moment!

However I was out shooting and the beautful big male silver white (albino) fox just walked out of a wood and right by me only 10 feet away, he paused looked at me then strolled off, some one shouted shoot! but no way..... I lowered my gun and turned my back... It was a stunning animal. To be honest I don't think I could ever shoot one again, not after that.
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Offline Grant

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fox hunting
« Reply #15 on: December 26, 2006, 22:05:08 »
Quote from: "bezzabsa"

let them hunt - the Hoodies :D:D:D:D:D :twisted:

They should start hunting in dover- i have a feeling the illegals would hiding under lorries going to france instead!  :twisted:

Offline Robbo

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fox hunting
« Reply #16 on: December 26, 2006, 22:06:17 »
For me, I beleive in fox hunting and other kinds come to that, but I respect the beliefs of those against it.  I wish this veiw was accepted on both sides of the argument but hey its a bigotted country and 'others' beliefs seem to get forgotton on all kinds of matters.

It is traditional it does keep some fox numbers down, and it does employ a huge number of country folk - barbaric yes probably - but hey we're humans - just look what we do to each other on a daily basis..........
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Offline muddyman

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fox hunting
« Reply #17 on: December 26, 2006, 22:36:51 »
I have no time for the hunt at all!!

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fox hunting
« Reply #18 on: December 26, 2006, 22:43:38 »
A very emotive subject. I shall try to play 'devil's advocate' here.

I have never 'ridden to horse',but my wife and daughter have. Having lived and worked in the 'Cundry' for a great number of years, I tend to take the stand of 'let it be'.
The Hunt ban came into to force in Scotland first, and the number of foxes killed by the Hunts shot up. The reason for this was that the quarry was flushed out by blokes on quad bikes, with the horses and hounds following. The foxes were then shot.
A more humane way than being ripped apart? Suggestions have been shoot them. Over to the shooters on the forum. I have never shot, but may I suggest that to kill any animal cleanly and quickly it has to be a 'head shot'. Not easy on something that small or quick.
Snareing? The law states that a snare must be checked once every 24hrs. Hardly humane if an animal,not necessarily even the target species,is left strangling it self to death.
Poisoning? again slow suffocation.
Foxes need control, but may I suggest that the foxes caught may be the sick, old or injured.
I have seen urban foxes and they are a pretty poor site compared to their country cousins, but they are a product of our way of life.
So yes, I agree with hunting of foxes, but once cornered,a shot to the head to enable a quick clean kill.
Mink hunting? Yes, as mink are indiscriminate killers, that will take out the indigenous wildlife?
Stag hunting? Only for the pot
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fox hunting
« Reply #19 on: December 26, 2006, 22:51:06 »
Im agaist the ban on hunting as its people from the citys coming into the countryside and dont like the traditions which hav been followed for years, but i dont agree on the way the hunt kill foxs for fun, but as being a farmer and seen wat foxs do to chickens and lambs,but i think its ok for a farmer to shoot a fox for killing his chickens which he needs for making a living

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fox hunting
« Reply #20 on: December 26, 2006, 23:05:01 »
'The Hunt' as a method of keeping numbers down is bullshit.  20 people on horses, 20 on foot and say 30 hounds taking 2-3 hours to kill 1 fox  :?

If you going to kill it, get a gun and shoot it.  Bang... DEAD Problem solved in less than a minute, at a cost of 50 pence  :wink: If it not doing any harm.. leave it

Yes I have snared rabbits, shot pheasants and had a bloody good day out, and an excellent dinner :wink:

It is just chasing a fox for miles and then it being ripped to bits, poor bloody fox, then off to the pub to pat each other on the back  :?
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Offline barnhill4x4

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fox hunting
« Reply #21 on: December 26, 2006, 23:08:16 »
Lots of "old traditions" have been stopped, like drowning witches, slavery, children working in mines etc, etc, etc.
  Do you want those back too?


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fox hunting
« Reply #22 on: December 26, 2006, 23:13:50 »
when i said traditions i mean things lik fishing, shooting, ferreting etc

Offline Rich_P

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fox hunting
« Reply #23 on: December 26, 2006, 23:23:20 »
Quote from: "Dave"
I like foxs leave them alone if they need to be reduced in numbers then it can be done quickly and humanely.

How do you propose that they then be rounded up?  Foxes can be quick, as you will most likely know yourself.  Then, there is the decision of the method of 'humanely' putting them down, as described in an earlier post.

There's also the question, who will pay for the "humanely" method of putting them down?  The sport is paid for by the people who play the sport isn't it?  So that means they're covering the costs...  But if you want them to be put down differently, then you're likely going to have to pay for it by being taxed even more.  :wink:

EDIT:  Ooops, didn't realise that one of my chosen words are filtered.  :oops: Changed for a better word.

Offline Sider

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fox hunting
« Reply #24 on: December 26, 2006, 23:24:09 »
Speaking from the Spaniard point of view, I do see fox-hunting a bit like bull fighting. Personally, I do not see the atraction of either (although in the case of fox-hunting it could be a nice ride in the countryside) but I have no moral qualms about either.

In my eyes, although I do not actively support any of said sports, I cannot think of any good reasons to ban them.

Having said that, since the law says that it's now illegal to hunt foxes with hounds, I can't see any good reasons to break the law, either. I believe it is an unfair law, and that it should be fought, but it should be fought in parliament, not giving the Antis any more munition by flaunting it.

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Offline andycwb

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fox hunting
« Reply #25 on: December 26, 2006, 23:25:49 »
While I disagree with fox hunting, I don't advocate it being banned.  Too many things are being banned these days because someone else doesn't like it.  Today fox hunting, tomorrow 4x4s.

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Offline muddyman

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fox hunting
« Reply #26 on: December 26, 2006, 23:28:47 »
Just to add abit more,,, I have SEEN Hunt horses come back from what they call a day of fun with more cuts from barded wire and being made to go through brambles.

I also thought the law of the countryside was that ALL dogs be kept on a lead  :?  Or is this one law for the likes of me and one for the likes of the hunt?

How about the  dogs that get cut to bits when they run across railway lines and are hit by trains ( yes I have seen this)

How can the hunt kennels say that all the dogs are wormed and vaccinated when they are kenneled together? How many of you hunt supporters have heard of TOXICARA CARNIS?

Offline waveydavey

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fox hunting
« Reply #27 on: December 26, 2006, 23:30:16 »
Quote from: "andycwb"
While I disagree with fox hunting, I don't advocate it being banned.  Too many things are being banned these days because someone else doesn't like it.  Today fox hunting, tomorrow 4x4s.

Live and let live.

100% Agree
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Offline Rich_P

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fox hunting
« Reply #28 on: December 26, 2006, 23:36:19 »
Quote from: "muddyman"
I also thought the law of the countryside was that ALL dogs be kept on a lead  :?  Or is this one law for the likes of me and one for the likes of the hunt?

Well, I doubt there's an exact "requirement" for the law to be followed such as Police pressing charges.  It's more likely a case of if you let your dog loose, and it goes near livestock then don't be surprised if there is a bang and the dog drops dead.

Where as the hounds are trained to follow the fox scent.

Quote from: "muddyman"

How many of you hunt supporters have heard of TOXICARA CARNIS?

Yes I have.  It's a type of worm that resides in a Dog's small intestine if the Dog is infected with the disease.  :wink:

Offline Robbo

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fox hunting
« Reply #29 on: December 26, 2006, 23:46:31 »
sadly what ever the feelings are, the laws the law and thats that. I do feel I must abide by the law but will protest legally as and when I think it will be heard, this is a democratic country and voices must be heard in a fair manner what ever the subject....
Daisy SWB series 3 station wagon, 1975 and pretty in mud

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