see attached image....
Installation Engines with adjustable tappets: Slacken all tappet adjusting screws to allow camshaft to rotate freely.
1. Ensure timing marks aligned [6] & [7].
2. Fit timing belt, starting at crankshaft sprocket. Ensure belt is taut between sprockets on non-tensioned side.
3. Slacken tensioner locknut [5]. Allow tensioner to operate.
4. Turn crankshaft two turns clockwise.
5. Ensure timing marks aligned [6] & [7].
6. Tighten tensioner locknut to 11 Nm [5].
7. Tighten tensioner bolt to 26 Nm [4].
8. Fit timing belt cover and seal [2] & [3].
9. Fit crankshaft pulley [1]. Tighten bolts to 12 Nm [8].
10. Engines with adjustable tappets: Adjust tappet clearances (cold). Inlet: 0,13-0,17 mm. Exhaust: 0,16-0,20 mm.
11. Install components in reverse order of removal.