AuthorTopic: another goverment anti  (Read 849 times)

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Offline old joe

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another goverment anti
« on: January 24, 2007, 00:26:34 »
jonathon porrit has been at it again

can't realy call it sir can we

Old Joe (Dazza)

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Offline laser_jock99

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another goverment anti
« Reply #1 on: January 24, 2007, 09:11:33 »
Not sure about the particular area they are planning for this site- but surely Wales has plenty of 'brown field' sites (quarries, mines etc) that might be better? Personnaly I'd like to see parts of the big forest plantations opened up! (home Surf forum) (more 4x4 photos) (Online Gallery Of My Surf)
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Offline datalas

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another goverment anti
« Reply #2 on: January 24, 2007, 09:43:08 »
We the undersigned would like to raise a series of issues which we believe are not only rather poignant in the current climate, but are also factual and being overlooked by the current government.

[1] We drive cars, cars as a whole are bad for the environment.  We tend not to use public transport and avoid biofuels.  This is however not because we are ecological terrorists, or because we happen to like killing squirrels, causing cancer in rats and making greenpeace cry; but because there is a simple lack of alternative.  In order for me to travel to work,

I can choose to spend 35 minutes in the car, or three hours on a train and on foot, saving myself an outstanding 52p a day but requiring a 12 mile walk.   I could move closer to work, but the absurdly inflated house prices mean that I would have to sell most of my major organs in order to get a room large enough to fit in.  

I could use biofuels, which would more or less make my car carbon neutral, only the round trip to basingstoke to fill up would rather negate the point if the exercise.

[2] A five meter long car adds less length to a traffic jam than a seven meter long car, regardless of the number of wheels which happen to not be driven as it's stuck in a traffic jam.

[3] A vehicle with a 4 litre engine will, when parked with the engine off emit the same level of co2 as a vehicle with a 1 litre engine, it will also emit about the same amount of co2 as a house brick, and moderately less than an asthmatic hamster.

[4] The problems in the NHS aren't because we're all too sick too often.

[5] The reason people don't use trains is because the rail system is a shambles, the reason the rail system is a shambles is *not* because people don't use it, it's because asside from a lack of steam trains it's not much further on from where Mr Brunel left the smegger.

[6] The economic difficulties and reluctance to pay more tax is because we simply do not understand why the cost of running the country every year goes up significantly more than the amount of money we as a population are earning.

[7] We do however suspect it has something to do with the fact you keep invading countries and blowing stuff up

[8] Why are you going on about CO2 emmissions and on about taxing everything including being out of breath, and on the same hymn sheet firing rockets at iraqis on a whim, and having fireworks displays to commemorate having flown half way across to the globe to discuss how you can stop people flying half way round the globe for no reason

[9] Taxing people who have a personal wealth of more than £100K or a family wealth above £200K basically means that anybody who happens to live in a house..  Oh, except those that have their rents paid for them I guess....

[10] Stop saying that you are pumping government money back into the country as if you're doing us a favour... it's not "government money", it's ours, we gave it to you (grudgingly), putting it back into the country is your stuffing duty and is only tantamount to giving it us back anyhow.

[11] Never *ever* forget who you work for...

Offline SimonHarwood

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another goverment anti
« Reply #3 on: January 24, 2007, 09:57:55 »
Quote from: "datalas"
[11] Never *ever* forget who you work for...

Pick one from this list:
a) They already have.
b) They don't care.
c) Both of the above.

I suspect c.
Gas Main works are like ants... You never see them in the winter, but once the summer arrives they appear everywhere.

Offline smo

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another goverment anti
« Reply #4 on: January 24, 2007, 13:08:49 »
Nice post datalas - made me smile, and so true in many ways.
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Offline hingmy

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another goverment anti
« Reply #5 on: January 24, 2007, 14:36:43 »
Now that is one well rounded rant.

Good to see that rantcraftspersonship is alive and well in these dark times.

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another goverment anti
« Reply #6 on: January 24, 2007, 16:23:17 »
Couldn't we just make it more simple?

They are all a bunch of egotistical, self-opinionated, self promoting, nest feathering, hypocritical to**ers?

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another goverment anti
« Reply #7 on: January 25, 2007, 02:54:34 »
Don't forget they are hypochrites too!

And b***y liars.

"All animals are equal, but som eare more equal than others".  It's finally coming true here too.
Blue,  1988  Range Rover 3.5 EFi with plenty of toys bolted on
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Offline Llanigraham

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another goverment anti
« Reply #8 on: January 25, 2007, 19:54:45 »
Dolau is a small village just off the A488, to the north east of Llandrindod. The major industry is farming, with tourism coming a close second. It is on the main route to Radnor Forest, which is noted by the Forestry Commision as a Forest suitable and used for Motor Sport (rallying, 4x4 Baja, motorcycle enduro and nmountain biking)

There have been some problems with an element of residents that have tried to stop rallies and the Baja , but in general the INDIGENOUS population do not have a problem with it.

Does Dr Porritt live in the area? I very much doubt it, but he may have a "temporary" home in the area.

I loved this quote:

Dolau resident and organic farmer Bob Kennard, who is leading the local campaign said people loved the area because it was one of the "remaining quiet spots left in Britain".

"Now it is under threat and for what? A noisy, unnecessary and habitat-wrecking climate change factory," he added.

considering that probably 75% of the local farms use 4x4's!!!
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Offline Stormin

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another goverment anti
« Reply #9 on: January 25, 2007, 22:19:53 »
"Former director of Friends of the Earth".  And adviser to Butcher Blair. THAT says it all. :roll:   Also like it Datalas. :wink:

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