AuthorTopic: Fragile  (Read 604 times)

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Offline Evilgoat

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« on: February 01, 2007, 08:48:39 »
Got some bad news last night. A very good friend has been Diagnsed with a fairly aggressive frontal lobe tumour. I'd noticed a few changes in her and convinced her to go see the doctors and now it seems it was a bit more serious. She's my age, 30, and the consultant has given her a 45% chance of never regaining conciousness and 70% chance of being a vegatable. Regardless she is going to loose a lot of memories and skills after the surgery.

Makes you realise how unfair life is and how fragile. In the weeks since I badgered her into seeing her doctor she has all but lost her short term memory, the ability to write. She cant walk without a cane and she cant recognise faces anymore.

Just feel so utterly useless, there is nothing I can say or do to help :( Part of me is so worried she wont recognise me after.
, is that strange?
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Offline andyhubbard

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« Reply #1 on: February 01, 2007, 08:57:15 »
Sorry to hear that mate and it sure is a downer,may i suggest take time out and enjoy what you have rather than think of the future.I know it sounds hard but at least you will have the memories,good luck and best wishes to you and your friend Andy.


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« Reply #2 on: February 01, 2007, 09:42:02 »
Be strong and look to the near future and take each day as it comes with hope.
A couple of years ago my stepson who is now nearly 13 had non hodgekins lymphomer and the out look was very bleak acording to the doctors.
 But he is here and every inch a kevin and perry teenager  :D , we know this can come back anytime, but we make the most of every day.
Be strong for her and she will smile :wink:

Offline discomummy

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« Reply #3 on: February 01, 2007, 16:19:28 »
Sorry to hear about your friend - hope all goes well with the surgery.


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Re: Fragile
« Reply #4 on: February 01, 2007, 16:42:58 »
Quote from: "Evilgoat"
Just feel so utterly useless, there is nothing I can say or do to help :( Part of me is so worried she wont recognise me after.
, is that strange?

No, certainly not strange at all. I have a certain empathy with you. A chap I used to work for many years ago had a bad stroke, sometime after I had left that company. We were actually quite good friends, both into cars in a big way. He was being allowed to go into work as part of his recovery process, so I went back down to St.Albans to see him one day, but I was warned it was unlikely he would recognise me. You can imagine my utter delight when he instantly recognised me  :D OtherS around at the time were astonished because he wouldn't remember them from one day to the next.

Whatever happens, my best wishes are with your friend and yourself. Just getting it off your chest on here, when you know you're amoungst friends, probably helps a little, doesn't it? I hope so.

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Offline rollazuki

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« Reply #5 on: February 01, 2007, 16:44:51 »
What is there to say.

Best wishes for your friend, look positive, chin up eh!

Be there for her.

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