AuthorTopic: Snorkel theft - 10/02/07 Scarborough  (Read 407 times)

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Snorkel theft - 10/02/07 Scarborough
« on: February 10, 2007, 11:29:15 »
its a long shot, and also a word of warning.

i woke up this morning, looked out the window and saw that somebody has stolen the snorkel of our series 3.

it happened in scarborough, outside my girlfriends house, last night between 11pm and about 9am this morning.

it's black, and is fitted to the side of the wing on the passenger side. it was in near perfect condition, but with the odd few light markings from branches etc

if anyody hears of one being offered to them can you please let me know, either in this post or through an instant message.
i know its a long shot, but if you could please keep eyes and ears open.

its also a warning to the rest of you to keep an eye out for suspicious looking characters around your own.

thanks, matt


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