AuthorTopic: DOOR CATCH !  (Read 13261 times)

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« on: November 05, 2004, 21:16:11 »
Hi All.
         The nearside front door on my '88 E.F.I. has not been closing as it should for a while now.

The other night it nearly gave up the ghost altogether.
The problem is that the catch on the door is not locating to the bar fixed to the b post.
It either half closes, or does not close at all, leading to a very frustrating door slamming time.

Could any-one tell me if the catch off a 200 series Disco will fit, as my boss has a few doors kicking around at work.

I actually removed the catch off a Disco door yesterday,having to remove the top door frame and glass just to get to the catch!!

As I have not stripped my Range door down yet, ( and don't fancy doing it ) any advice would be welcome.

I would think that an '88 Range would have the same bits as a '90 Disco, wouldn't you ??




Offline Kevan

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« Reply #1 on: November 07, 2004, 23:24:18 »
Have you checked the door hinges? Sounds like the door might be dropped. Check to see if there is any play when you lift the back of the door, it is usually the bottom hinge. While your there check the condition of the A post from the wing side, if it is rusting through then again the door will drop ( guess how I know that!)

The catch isn't known for wearing, I presume you have given it a good WD40 attack? Also take the trim off and make sure none of the rods are stuck or bent this can also hold the lock from closing without a slam. On the 2 door there is also a spring that returns the lock mechanism in the middle of the door if that breaks then the door remains locked though  the mechanism is different in the 4 door but there may be other springs in the levers that have given up.

Good luck!

Kevan :roll:
S2a Carawagon
S3a SWB 2.5TD
Range Rover 1979


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« Reply #2 on: November 08, 2004, 20:54:05 »
Thanks for the reply Kevan.
                                         I have not had the chance to look at the door yet. With bonfire party's, shopping, and staying in bed on Sunday I have not had time.
I was planning on looking at it this afternoon, but decided to have a massive filling at the dentist's instead. ( Really!).

The drill seemed a better option than getting stressed with a fiddly job !!

Thanks for the advice mate, I will check the hinges etc. and let you know.



p.s. 4 hrs. for anaesthetic to wear off !!  OUCH !


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