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I Fully understand the laws on passengers in regards to the station wagon but i wondered if it was illegal to carry passengers sitting on side monted bench seats in the rear tub of a 1969 vehicle. From the reply's recieved so far i think its safe to say this is one of the questions that no one really knows the answer to :D Darren
Not sure you need seatbelts on sideways faceing seats full stop! My mate used to have an R reg 90 with sideways seats (bench not Stationwagon) in the back and that never had a problem with an MOT.Anything built before abotu 1984 only needs front seatbelts (unless like my motor its something like pre 1965 in which case you need nothing). Aparently the main issure is there needs to be something classed as a seat there like fixed wooden slats or benches to be classed as seats and the insurers must rate it for the number of passengers. Someone I know once asked a policeman what he could be done for with people sitting on the wheelboxes whilst insured, apanantly the answer was and insecure load :shock: so maybe its just as grey for them!