AuthorTopic: Socially unacceptable to drive a 4x4........  (Read 5723 times)

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Offline Range Rover Blues

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Socially unacceptable to drive a 4x4........
« Reply #30 on: March 23, 2007, 03:25:21 »
Well I fall into the "I'll go along if you're all going" catagory.

it's a long way to go to be billy no-mates, but if there are enough of us and it will do some good then it needs to be done.

Thing is I got away lightly this time, maybe sticking our heads above the parapet will make things worse :?:

Watching with interest.
Blue,  1988  Range Rover 3.5 EFi with plenty of toys bolted on
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Offline Boggert

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Socially unacceptable to drive a 4x4........
« Reply #31 on: March 23, 2007, 07:56:58 »
Someone will need to do a press release when times and dates have been organised. :lol:
If want to walk it walk it, if you want to ride it ride it just leave me alone to drive it!

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Offline barnhill4x4

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Socially unacceptable to drive a 4x4........
« Reply #32 on: March 23, 2007, 09:01:18 »
I am up for it, but it needs to be on a day that something else big is going on in parliament.

Offline hilux hl

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Socially unacceptable to drive a 4x4........
« Reply #33 on: March 23, 2007, 19:53:49 »
i could be up for it date depending

Offline Ralph

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Socially unacceptable to drive a 4x4........
« Reply #34 on: March 24, 2007, 09:29:27 »
Well we seem to be getting a slight ammount of support on here however i am sure if we get this out to a wider audience we will get a lot more support.
Glad to see that there are some others in this world with some honest get up and go lets do it attitude.
Its a protest yes, but at the end of the day it will also be a great laugh!!
We need to put a date to this now

Offline Boggert

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Socially unacceptable to drive a 4x4........
« Reply #35 on: March 24, 2007, 10:40:18 »
Perhaps we also need to see what other organisations feel about joining us for a day in the big smoke... Ie Difflock, GLASS, NCGL etc and then we need to look at a few issues like press release, planned route, date, advertising etc etc...

I would suggest someone with authority needs to take control or perhaps a joint effort. :lol:

Any suggestions or volunteers...I would, but being new to this 4x4 thing and moving house I am not the best person, however I will help as much as I can but we need a leader or leaders...

This could be real fun!
If want to walk it walk it, if you want to ride it ride it just leave me alone to drive it!

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Offline Dr Strangeglove

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Socially unacceptable to drive a 4x4........
« Reply #36 on: March 26, 2007, 21:06:12 »
Well I would prefer not to go to London.  When I go somewhere where I don't speak the language I would rather it to be nice and sunny where the people are pleasant.

I can also assure you that if the media want to entice the general public to have a go at you (as they do with the 4x4 set at the moment) they will present the story in such a way that will do it.  Remember, the news that you will see is the version that they want you to hear.

Some people I know were shooters before the hand gun ban.  They were some of the most down to earth law abiding people I have ever known.  The general public hammered them after the Dunblane tragedy.  They were as upset as anyone about the events but they had done nothing wrong.  People in general said why do you need guns anyway!  When I put this to them one of them said that he "enjoyed a sport that when he participated it made his heart beat faster"  After all - Why would anyone want to drive in accessible by a standard car!! - If you see what I mean!!!

If you choke London - Home of the media - I do not think it will serve our purpose.  I may well be wrong but let’s face it - in this country at the moment we certainly like to beat the minorities.

Sorry for getting all political but I can assure you that some of the x-shooters suffered more for protesting and being ignored than if they had done nothing!! - after all no one listened and I feel it will be the same with us.
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Offline landy4x4xfar

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Socially unacceptable to drive a 4x4........
« Reply #37 on: March 31, 2007, 20:51:41 »
OK then if you are going to do this i think the day has to be St Georges day April 23rd a Monday - Flags and all, I will not be going to london as i dont want want to go to London, but if ever there was a day to do something for this country, St Georges Day is the day to do it!   =D>  :-k Yes thats a good idea

Offline Mareng

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Socially unacceptable to drive a 4x4........
« Reply #38 on: March 31, 2007, 21:21:18 »
If it is now anti social to drive a 4x4, does that mean I can have my insurance changed to simply 'domestic and pleasure'???

I reckon that would save me a few quid.....

Offline landy4x4xfar

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Socially unacceptable to drive a 4x4........
« Reply #39 on: March 31, 2007, 21:26:09 »
about a 3rd off sound's good \:D/  \:D/  \:D/  :(biglaugh):

Offline shaun and co

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Socially unacceptable to drive a 4x4........
« Reply #40 on: March 31, 2007, 21:36:07 »
love to join you but there is one rather large problem..... If there is a gathering large enough to cause any sort of impact it then becomes illegal and the police will be allowed to disband us in any way they see fit. now it becomes a question of how far do people want to go?

In this democracy in which we live mr blair has made it illegal to protest against him. FANTASTIC
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Offline Hobnailkelly

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Socially unacceptable to drive a 4x4........
« Reply #41 on: March 31, 2007, 22:59:56 »
How about a concerted protest in several major cities on the same day?

I would suggest:

London - for all the Cockeneys

Bristol - for the Yokels

Birmingham - for everyone who lives in the midlands

Leeds - 'cos it's the capital of Gods Own County

Newcastle - Capital of Geordieland

Edinburgh or Glasgow - Let the Scots make up thier own minds!

I for one, would be reluctant to drive all the way to Lundin to protest (cost of fuel, time, other expenses) but would be more than happy to protest somewhere a bit more local.  I suspect others may feel the same.  Also, if we were countrywide we would reach more local media, not just the Lundin news.

Offline Grant

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Socially unacceptable to drive a 4x4........
« Reply #42 on: April 02, 2007, 23:47:50 »
A few hundred range rovers sitting on the north circ... the difference to normal is? Theres a massive risk the london protest wouldnt even be noticed, let alone hit the local paper!  :lol:

Offline CaptainColourful

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Socially unacceptable to drive a 4x4........
« Reply #43 on: April 03, 2007, 00:27:34 »
Quote from: "landy4x4xfar"
OK then if you are going to do this i think the day has to be St Georges day April 24th a Tuesday Flags and all, I will not be going to london as i dont want want to go to London, but if ever there was a day to do something for this country, St Georges Day is the day to do it!   =D>  :-k Yes thats a good idea

I guess that you are testing our general knowledge....  you mean the 23rd surely ?
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Offline landy4x4xfar

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Socially unacceptable to drive a 4x4........
« Reply #44 on: April 03, 2007, 18:09:07 »
date put correct sorry about that but what a day to do it

don't you think so


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