AuthorTopic: i feel a rant coming on  (Read 4242 times)

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Offline Eeyore

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i feel a rant coming on
« Reply #30 on: April 02, 2007, 10:39:55 »
Restoring a bit of a sanity check here. I think the point of the debate is being lost somewhat.

I think what has prompted this thought by our delightful politicians isn't that they have no sence of thought, but that everytime a law is introduced, people decide it's morally okay to break it (not saying that's right or wrong). Our speed limit is 70mph, yet you'll hear endless lines of people justifying why they can exceed that, or extolling how much they exceeded it by. Or that it's only dangerous because of somebody else, or I'm a better driver than you therefore.... etc etc etc.

However, the simple fact is that the more laws are broken, ignored or bypassed, more laws and penalties will be introduced - and everyone suffers as a result. In many repsects and for many laws, we are well and truly hoisted by our own pertards. In this specific case, the suggested law is to control the speed of motorbikes that can exceed the speed limit. If bikes / cars didn't exceed the limit, it wouldn't be considered a problem.  :wink:

Again, before anyone leaps at my jugular, I'm passing no moral judgement here.

My only issue is that it doesn't make riding or driving any safer, just slower. Limits in residential areas and inappropriate places, or even the drivers/riders capabilities can still be well and truly exceeded at less than the legal maximum. I've seen as many vehicles wiped out by the inadequacies of the operator,  as I have because of the inadequacies of other people.   :roll:

Makes you wonder.  :-k


*Poking Hornets Nests with a stick since 1971  :wink:
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Offline richo

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i feel a rant coming on
« Reply #31 on: April 02, 2007, 18:56:53 »
I for one would like to see speed camras out side every school in the country as they would'nt be a money maker but a safty device.
As for speed limits for bikes where will it end speed limits for walking on the pavment as you might run in to each other.
Your right eeyore as the powers at be really don't know what there on about regarding speed limits but they have to come up with something to debate about because there payed to by us and will all know how our govenment like to waste our taxs on a reports .
Have they ever thought that there might be more road deaths each year because there are more drivers/riders on the road anually
Jesus was a carpenter but god was a plasterer.

Offline Bulli

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i feel a rant coming on
« Reply #32 on: April 02, 2007, 20:15:07 »

i agree to an extent but i firmly believe that the pratts in the commons are simply trying to make a name by proposing radical this and that.

They dont really believe it will help or even make a difference they just want to get noticed. I went to work today on the bike and it was lovely. Didnt speed excessively and only when passing on the motorway to show courtesy to the fast cars....
Oh yes i filtered...shall i hand myself in?? No because i was courteous again and when the thoughtful drivers who are used to bikes filtering move over i always say thanks. I rarely get a thanks when in the car and letting someone out or change lanes ...thats because most car drivers are smoking on the phone and asleep, toss pots! The reality is that bikers are better driver as a rule and are far more alert than anyone sat in a tin box on the way to work!
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i feel a rant coming on
« Reply #33 on: April 02, 2007, 20:56:13 »
I agree with richo...speed camera's outside every school in the country.
Most of the villages around here are limited to 20mph.
I am a biker & 4x4 man & have to admit my driver awareness improved after passing my bike test & riding on the roads.
What's going to happen if bikes are speed limited :?: either the limiter will get removed, remapped or people will get imported bikes killing the UK bike market  [-X  ](*,)
It's been said but for those who don't listen....people kill people...NOT Speed  ](*,)
Did everyone see that?  Because I will NOT be doing it again!



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