AuthorTopic: Young Children and Series Landrovers - Advice please  (Read 2559 times)

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Young Children and Series Landrovers - Advice please
« on: April 17, 2007, 14:36:27 »
I am seriously wanting to buy a Series 1 land rover.  Ideal is for a fun drive at the w/e, short camping trips etc etc.  However, I have 2 young boys (age 2 and 3.5) that I want to take along with me.  My father-in-law has a Series 1 and has fitted lap-belts to the front seats.  Whilst my wife is happy for the oldest to use a lap-belt for the occasional trip out whilst with the grandparents she is not happy with the more frequent use that would come with my own.

So some advice please:

(i) What does the law state about carrying young children in the front of older vehicles.  I have read the ROSPA advice, but this would require full 3-point seat belts - which would not be possible on a series vehicle?

(ii) What are the alternatives?  I have seen the Exmoor trim full seats that can go into the load area of Series II and III - is this the only realistic alternative?

Thoughts/help appreciated.  Kids safety is clearly paramount but also do not want to wrap in cotton wool!!


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Re: Young Children and Series Landrovers - Advice please
« Reply #1 on: April 17, 2007, 14:52:41 »
Quote from: "glovert"
(i) What does the law state about carrying young children in the front of older vehicles.  I have read the ROSPA advice, but this would require full 3-point seat belts - which would not be possible on a series vehicle?

It is possible to fit a three point seat belt with relative ease to a Series.  Mine has them for driver and passenger, with a lap belt for the central seat.  The seat belt mechanism is sited on the back of the bulkhead, and comes down in the normal fashion from there.  There is nothing to stop this being done for the central seat either.

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Young Children and Series Landrovers - Advice please
« Reply #2 on: April 17, 2007, 15:38:23 »

Thanks for the prompt reply.  So, if I understand you the 3-point would come up from the bulkhead and then over the shoulder?  

Does a 3-point work fully in this configuration?

Do you think it would work with a child seat?


Two young kids and a Toylander under construction - no more time!

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Young Children and Series Landrovers - Advice please
« Reply #3 on: April 17, 2007, 15:43:56 »
Hi Sorry, further response:

Found the following which cleary shows the config.

Any views as to whether this would work on a Series I (Exmoor have only under Series II/III) and whether with child seats?


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Young Children and Series Landrovers - Advice please
« Reply #4 on: April 17, 2007, 16:06:40 »
I can't really comment on the seats themselves, as I'm not sure of what laws effect them when it comes to children.

What I can say is that yes, the belt setup will bring the belt over your shoulder.  Not the most ideal thing to have though.

Offline S188

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Young Children and Series Landrovers - Advice please
« Reply #5 on: April 17, 2007, 18:39:28 »
What sort of roof does it have?  The rear bulkhead on a series 1 is considerably lower than that of any later landy and so isn't nearly shoulder height like it is on other landys (even for small people).

With that in mind I'd say a 3 point seatbelt is dangerous in a series 1 if the top mount is not fitted to a hard top defender style (which I think should fit fine, though I've yet to do it to my stationwagon) or some sort of roll bar (hood sticks have no strength!).  This is because if the belt comes down off your shoulder behind you it'll be squashing your spine in a crash.  A lap belt would be safer!

All other mounts can be made useing mounting plates from later models with little if any modifiaction.

I know nothing about the laws of child travel and seats personly but don't you need booster seats for most kids these days unless they are pritty much fully grown?  Presumably it'd be possable to mount some type of seat useing a lap belt or by adding hooks like those isofix things seem to be in a new car?

I've found as series 1's predate seatbelt laws many traiders are unhappy to recomend on the fitting of them for fear it won't be rated properly.  My personal view is the structure of an S1 is simular to a modern landy and presumably they are properly rated. So copying what the factory fit to them should result in something more plesent than going through the windscreen.  Ofcause not having seatbelts in an S1 is perfectly fine (unless its different for kids now) as thats how they were built.  When they are fitted though they must be scrutinised as a proper working seatbelt setup.
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Young Children and Series Landrovers - Advice please
« Reply #6 on: April 19, 2007, 18:15:06 »
In my old series landy I fitted 3 point recoil seat belts for driver and passenger. The seat belt from the side which was an over the shoulder jobby I fitted to the middle seat. It passed the mot. I didnt like the over the shoulder belt for driving with. My mate found it good enough for when I took her off roading upand down steep hils and it didnt come off her shoulder that often.

there are new laws about children in cars now and about height limits and needing a booste seat.
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Young Children and Series Landrovers - Advice please
« Reply #7 on: April 21, 2007, 00:08:32 »
Hi! You're boys will love it in the landy BUT you have to make it safe for them.

I know some of the Series Ones have the curved style front seats and TBH I am not sure that these would be sutiable for a child-seat and in the UK children under 12 MUST be in a child seat. See here or more information:

And more on child seat belts / seats here:

Personally, if you're not sure or want belts fitted, I would get them done professionally or at least get professional advice. Finding out a DIY fitting isn't up to the job is not best done while you're scraping yourself and your kids of the floor......... :shock:

I carry my boy in my series 3 in his child seat and he thinks its the bees-knees! :) [/url]


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