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Guess what I've just finished doing?He seems to have done some of the stuff a very complicated way.He's how I did it (No pics I'm afraid)I started with a Turbo D 90 and a crash damaged Discovery.Use Turbo D engine mountsDONT undo the fly wheel, just get an 8.5 mm drill and a 10mmX1.5mm tap. remove the bell housing from the 90/110 and compare the hole patter between TDi & bell turbo D bell housing. there were 4 differences on mine. The holes are already there, but need drilling to 8.5mm. Then tap a thread in. Taps are easily avaialble from good tool shopsGet the exhaust conversion from Steve Parker. I'm told you can use the exhaust manifold from the Turbo D, but then you have all sorts of other issues to solve. It's expensive, but worth it.I used old air filter and cut the pipe to the turbo and joined this to the Disco pipe which was connected to the turbo. I used 2" Stainles pipe from an exhaust manufacturer to join the two + the very end of the Disco plastic bit.The bottom intercooler pipes are made up of the Disco 90 Deg flexi hose to the 90 Deg end of the metal tube + the straight flexi bit + Stainless pipe + turbo D turbo to inlet pipeThe top intercooler pipe is the flexi from the Disco extended by using the stainless tube.I swapped the steering box,pump etc. I had to move the PAS reservoir to the other side see a hydraulic companyfor extending the pipe.Fuel pipes have been cut and extended to reach bulkhead. I used the Disco screw on filter instead of the silly old fashioned take it apart one. I think standard Defender pipes should fit.I re routed the feed pipe from the tank so that a 90 Deg bend was fineHeater pipes are a combo of Disco + 6 inch of normal copper plumbing pipe.I got a new Defender top hose for radiator and merged the old Torbo D bottom hose with the Disco as water pumps are completley different. I used standard kitchen waste pipe to join the two (reliability issue?)I fitted new clutch kit & pivot armI used the old radiator reservoir.I swapped the oil filter housing from the Turbo D.I used the Disco rad & intercooler.I modified the radiator housing to chop the bracket of the bottom rather than modify the chassisI cut off the side mounting and welded the pin onto the top of the rad housing.I did this all out side. It was easy, but challenging to find solutions to the pipe issues The main prob I can see is what to do with the air filter. I have a snorkle that runs along the wingtop and enters by the front left as it was a 2.5NA originally (a long time ago) so I wanted to keep this.Good luck any questions drop me a PM
TVM, like I tried to point out in my highly shortened instructions.It is a temporary measure.Going to Nationals soon wo will be fixed as part of prep for that.