AuthorTopic: brown trouser moment  (Read 1462 times)

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brown trouser moment
« on: November 30, 2004, 13:03:11 »
blasting down a steep hill yesterday, hit the brakes at about 60mph approaching the bottom..... pedal squelches to the floor..... oh F**K! i'm in a 2 ton monster with no brakes..... pump like mad which does very little...... try a little handbrake but it's a range rover so just acts like an on/off switch and all 4 wheels lock and i slide sideways........ F**K F**K....... let handbrake off ....... pump like mad again...... car waiting at the T junction at the bottom..... oooh this gets interesting......let off the brakes and barrel past the car on it's inside and scrabble round the junction on the limit of the tyres..... recover from major heart palpitations and drive home at 20mph in low box.

anybody else got any stories?


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brown trouser moment
« Reply #1 on: November 30, 2004, 19:35:59 »
last lap o the bathgate night compsafari,been battling with the bowlers all day & nite,fueled it up before i went out & it struggled to restart,prob due 2 runnin 4 forward facin spots & headlights & heater & 4 rear facin fogs,
anyway,gets round bout 3/4 o that lap just about on the back straight it spins in 2 the fence,just as it touches i try 2 dip the clutch & blip the throttle cos it cuts out when uve been roastin it,just at that cuts out & im sitting with all the above lights on,quick frenzy in switching everything off to save battery power to relight the beast,try startin a few times,nothin just slow winding over,in a last ditch attempt switch of EVERYTHING fuelpumps included & wait for 2-3 minutes to let the battery boost back up,try again & it fired up,red mist now well down & on a mission,get 2 the last corner with the finish line in sight & press the middle pedal 2 slow down for the bomb hole,pedal went "dunk" as it hit the floor & i flew in to the bombhole doin bout 50mph in 2nd @ 5000rpm,frantic search for reverse & i discovered it wont go in at that amount o revs no matter how hard u pull,start 2 get myself 2 gether & pull out around the hole at the red line in 1st & 2nd & go over the finish line sideways with the oil light on & temperature gauge out the scale,was worth it when i finished 5th overall in front o a bout 4 bowlers :lol:
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brown trouser moment
« Reply #2 on: December 01, 2004, 18:09:30 »
Took a LDV Minibus to a MOT station outside nottingham, couple of months ago, Drove nicely no pobs, but noisy on the transmission, come trundling down this backroad bout half a mile from station, pressed brake, nothing, its amazing how fast you can change gears and apply handbrake to slow down before you end up in field at the bend in the road.

Left the thing at the station, told the testers, they wouldn't tough it.

Got back to the garage, it seems after i had left they owner phoned up to mention that the brakes sometimes dissapear without warning.  :cry:

It was a church group users bus, boy do they really believe or what, a 12 seater, with no brakes! I definately found something about religion and god very quickly going down that lane.

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Not every problem can be solved with duct tape, and it's exactly for those situations we have WD 40


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brown trouser moment
« Reply #3 on: December 06, 2004, 22:27:10 »
i heard of a guy who got rung up to fix a land rover with no brakes.... waited ages for him then gave up and went out
on way down his road had a VERY near miss with another land rover who proceeded to shout and scream blame at him
"hang on" he says "are you on your way to get those knackered brakes of yours fixed?"
yes it was the same bloke
he shut up pretty quickly....

by the way i have brakes again... yipee!


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brown trouser moment
« Reply #4 on: December 07, 2004, 08:48:16 »
Had a slave cylinder go on an old Maestro, took a r/about at close on 50 with horn, lights and everything. Had slight braking as the pedal went down, but then had to let go.... Was pratting about with a mate so left braking very late and then tried to stand the car on it's nose.... Blew the slave.

The Wranlger is fun after playing too.... rear drums that are meant to autoadjust, but don't.... so 100% front braking is alway good on wet roads..... :(


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brown trouser moment
« Reply #5 on: December 07, 2004, 12:15:29 »
Mine was the blow out On the M1, doing 65, center lane, over taking.

It was the husband who had the brown trouser moment, when he saw the outer part of the trye over take us, the we over took it! :twisted:

I was fine till I got out and saw what wasn't left of the tyre  :shock:



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brown trouser moment
« Reply #6 on: December 07, 2004, 12:21:47 »
Taking of no brakes, spoke to a couple who after early retirement went teaching in various places such as Peru and Africa.

Got talking Landys (as you do  :lol: ) and they told me when they were in Africa the only transport was a couple of landrovers... none of which had any brakes, so they had to use trees and ditches to 'stop'.

There where regular 'stopping' points at most places, and it was the most fun they ever had driving! Went away with real grins on their faces

This couple where in there late 60's early 70's and were dead cool!


Offline graham2306

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brown trouser moment
« Reply #7 on: December 07, 2004, 21:02:56 »
I used to have a wire wheeled MG Midget.  rebuilt the back axle in an evening (and night) on the way home at about 4:30 am in central cambridgea rear wheel overtooke at about 40 mph.  The spinners are handed and I put the halfshafts and spinners back the wrong way wround, it was getting late, and the heels undid themselves as I drove.

At least I can't do that in the Land Rover, no wire wheels, oh and those unequal half shafts!
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brown trouser moment
« Reply #8 on: December 19, 2004, 23:13:00 »
mine has to be a sideways skin on the M6 in a LWB Mercedes Sprinter van.
 Someone didn't see a crash in the inside lane until last minuet and decided they’d try there luck with my van instead of plowing in to the accident ahead. They swerved in front of me and slamed there breaks on. Soon as I piled on the breaks, in the wet, I lost the back end. The only damage was to my underwear and the break pedal as I tried to push it through the floor!

I had a nerves passenger with me, i have never herd a grown man scream the way he did :twisted:
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