My cam belt went last week on my td90. So I thought I would look at fitting a tdi.
I have taken off the wings, front panel, rad ect. I also took the seat box and foot wells out as I plan to sort the gear box too.
I kept the bits in the back, secure as I have a dog guard.
One thing I never thought to remove was the TAX disc.
Yep some thieving scum bag has gone under the truck, up through the foot wells and had the TAX disc away. 10 month left on it. Gutted
I phoned the police who said there wasn't a lot they could do, fair one. But I got a crime no.
I now have to send off a V20 for a duplicate disc at the cost of £7.
No cam belt, now no TAX disc and I still haven't got and engine what a week.