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smoking ban
« on: May 30, 2007, 13:23:39 »
in light of new government legislation will the mud-club bar be a smoke free zone as well  :lol:  and will there be a smoking area outside :lol:

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smoking ban
« Reply #1 on: May 30, 2007, 13:47:39 »
BRING ON THE SMOKING BAN - it cant come soon enough. im fed up of people who smoke while im trying to eat, and have a drink in a bar smoke smoke smoke ruining my healthy sporty lungs and hurts my eyes.
outside is fine, do as they wish each to their own, but in a public place... how SELFISH.
*puts the soap box down and carries on reivsing*
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Offline Lord Shagg-Pyle

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« Reply #2 on: May 30, 2007, 14:54:14 »
Quote from: "TDi90"
BRING ON THE SMOKING BAN - it cant come soon enough. im fed up of people who smoke while im trying to eat, and have a drink in a bar smoke smoke smoke ruining my healthy sporty lungs and hurts my eyes.
outside is fine, do as they wish each to their own, but in a public place... how SELFISH.
*puts the soap box down and carries on reivsing*

Hang on a minute! You're a student! You aren't healthy. You all eat Pot Noodles and Wotsits, and share pints of Cider through half a dozen straws!
As one who is soon to be made an outlaw, I would just like to add that I only smoke in a bar if someone else is smoking. I don't smoke where people are eating, that is just rank and very bad mannered.
Fair comment about the ban in pubs, clubs and so far. But banning me from smoking in my own car? They can shove that one!
Anyway a little thought for you.
Winston Churchill consumed large amounts of Brandy, smoked big cigars and managed to be a great leader of this country, and live to a decent age.
Adolf Hitler, teetotal, vegatarian, non smoker, all round nasty bloke with a bad temper and a bad taste in facial hair, genocidal tendencies, did NOT manage to become a leader of this country, and thankfully popped his clogs fairly early on in life!

Offline denviks

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« Reply #3 on: May 30, 2007, 15:08:13 »
well here goes. i gave up smoking last year. its now 1 year and 1 month almost to the day that i stopped..... cold turkey.

now i gave up because i wanted to and because of all the talk going on about banning smoking here. i wasnt going to let someone dictate to me where and when i could smoke  :evil: . i knew that if i couldnt have a smoke with my pint i would end up not going out at all. i was smoking up to 40 a day with no ill effects, i know that i would of ended up with ill effects in the end but at the time i didnt have any.

now here is my little rant....... although i am a non smoker now, i dont agree with any of this law that is coming in now.... there has MOSTLY been a happy medium for years now ....smoking area's and non smoking area's. now this was in most places that were public...... ( ok maybe not nightclubs ) .... now this was fair..... both sides were catered for......not anymore though.... we are now heading for a society that you cant do anything that may possibly not be good for you  :evil:  :evil:

i agree that non smokers have a right to not breath the smoke of smokers but didnt they have non smoking places???? :?  :?  :?

and thats from a non smoker who's misses still smokes
more moves than a dad in a disco!!!!!!!!!!

im always @

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« Reply #4 on: May 30, 2007, 15:54:30 »
Quote from: "denviks"
there has MOSTLY been a happy medium for years now ....smoking area's and non smoking area's. now this was in most places that were public...... ( ok maybe not nightclubs ) .... now this was fair..... both sides were catered for

Happy medium...?

As a character from the Royle Family was want to comment "My rude word referring to rear end!"

Maybe.... maybe I'll agree regarding restaurants... assuming you ignore the ones where the smoke drifts into the no smoking area or where the management do not enforce their own policies.

I can't even come close to agreeing that pubs catered for non-smokers... both here in Warwickshire and back home in Glasgow (now thankfully smoke free!) the pubs I have experienced do not provide a place for me to be without the smoke of others, without having to walk through a smoking area on the way to or from the bar.

The fact that some establishments had non-smoking areas (the minimum required to satisfy whatever legislation) simply gave smokers a reason not to feel guilty.

Now in the main I've bitten my tongue all these years (except when cancerous fume spouting people insist on smoking where they shouldn't) but I'm afraid that ends now.

As far as I'm concerned the world is starting to see some sense... finally a personal habit that causes illness and death will no longer be foisted upon me. For years society has been incredibly selfish.

The day when smokers can keep their smoke, exhaled or otherwise, within their own personal zone, I'll happy let them smoke wherever they can. Until then, if you ask me "do you mind if I smoke?" the answer you'll get is... "No... do you mind if I phart in your face?"

**Disengages long restrained rant mode**

Offline Lord Shagg-Pyle

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« Reply #5 on: May 30, 2007, 16:46:54 »
The government would lose an awful lot of revenue if smoking was banned.
Mind you, drinking is just as bad. Why not ban that?
I'm off for a drive in my fume belching Disco, to feed my methane producing horses, and then I'm going to have a pint of beer and a ciggie!

Offline muddyjames

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« Reply #6 on: May 30, 2007, 16:55:22 »
I find it rude and disgusting when the guys at work all light up in the lorry. 4 blokes including me and I am the only non smoker. I find this rde and I dont wish to inhale thier smoke.

My dad died just over 18months ago at the age of 55 and I was 23years old. This is all down to him smoking and getting lung cancer that spread very fast to other areas. I feel I have lost ALOT of time doing son and dad things.  Also when I lived with my dad I inhaled alot of his smoke and then when I moved out I realised I was adicted to it. I visited him morethan I should have done to start with to get some of the smoke. It only took about a month to get over it but even so!!!

the only pluss side I can see to smoking is that whilst you smokers smoke then the goverment are getting lots of tax which if you werent paying it, I would be some other way :wink:. So I thank you for paying that bit extra tax to the goverment each year and saving me money. (also goes to you drinkers as well :lol: )
Rover 620i 223,000 miles on the clock :)
1995 300tdi auto ES Disco. Big Green Giant

Most expensive item for a Disco is????? a round piece of paper stuck on the windscreen!

Offline v8kenny

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« Reply #7 on: May 30, 2007, 17:11:36 »
Quote from: "TDi90"
smoke smoke smoke ruining my healthy sporty lungs and hurts my eyes.

And this from a man with a TDi !...........................................................................a bit two faced surely ?
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Offline welshlaner

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« Reply #8 on: May 30, 2007, 17:25:00 »
they've had the smoking ban i wales since april 2nd

The effect so far i noticed  the pubs i go to inside are smoke free, and people free as well, dead as a door nail, yes some are left inside but the regulars round the bar all gone to. . . . . . .

Outside in the beer garden, so if your a non smoker then gone are the days when you can sit outside, the smoke on non windy days lingers round the enterances.

Also noticed lots more streets smell of smoke now as staff nip outside for a fag, fire escapes, round rubbish bins, ally ways, backs of factories all busy now

even rail plateforms are non smoking so passengers wait on foot bridges then dash for the trains.

outside shopping malls, hosptials, theys a little commuity of smokers
Without a club  2008 - any takers

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« Reply #9 on: May 30, 2007, 17:28:55 »
Quote from: "v8kenny"
Quote from: "TDi90"
smoke smoke smoke ruining my healthy sporty lungs and hurts my eyes.

And this from a man with a TDi !...........................................................................a bit two faced surely ?

V8's are worse eh V8kenny!!!!!!!! lol :lol:  :lol:
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Offline rollazuki

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« Reply #10 on: May 30, 2007, 17:36:22 »
OK, Im a non smoker, have never smoked, and consider myself fit and healthy etc, so the idea of second hand smoke seems to me a bad idea.

BUT. I cant imagine what a pub will be like without fag smoke. Its part of british boozers, sticky carpets, stale beer smell, and fag smoke.

I dunno, all my friends are saying its gonna be a good thing, but I do feel pubs will lose a bit of character.
Go on....cut me in says SUZUKI all the way thru the middle!!

Offline L90OOK

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« Reply #11 on: May 30, 2007, 18:05:58 »
Quote from: "Lord Shagg-Pyle"
Quote from: "TDi90"
BRING ON THE SMOKING BAN - it cant come soon enough. im fed up of people who smoke while im trying to eat, and have a drink in a bar smoke smoke smoke ruining my healthy sporty lungs and hurts my eyes.
outside is fine, do as they wish each to their own, but in a public place... how SELFISH.
*puts the soap box down and carries on reivsing*

But banning me from smoking in my own car? They can shove that one!

Why should you be able to smoke in your car when we can't use our mobile phones?  Surely smoking in a car is more dangerous than talking on a phone?

Anyway I agree with ROLLA on this one.  The Great British Boozer will lose some of it's character after the ban...that's if whetherspoons don't screw them up first!
Did everyone see that?  Because I will NOT be doing it again!


Offline Lord Shagg-Pyle

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smoking ban
« Reply #12 on: May 30, 2007, 19:19:14 »
Quote from: "L90OOK"
Quote from: "Lord Shagg-Pyle"
Quote from: "TDi90"
BRING ON THE SMOKING BAN - it cant come soon enough. im fed up of people who smoke while im trying to eat, and have a drink in a bar smoke smoke smoke ruining my healthy sporty lungs and hurts my eyes.
outside is fine, do as they wish each to their own, but in a public place... how SELFISH.
*puts the soap box down and carries on reivsing*

But banning me from smoking in my own car? They can shove that one!

Why should you be able to smoke in your car when we can't use our mobile phones?  Surely smoking in a car is more dangerous than talking on a phone?

Anyway I agree with ROLLA on this one.  The Great British Boozer will lose some of it's character after the ban...that's if whetherspoons don't screw them up first!

OK, point taken, but surely a common sense approach is called for here. The next time you go for a drive and see someone using a phone while driving, look at what they do. They are either holding the phone to their ear with the opposite hand, have their head cranked to one side, or if texting :roll:  holding the phone at a level where they think it can't be seen while tapping away.
Now, don't get me wrong, according to the Highway Code, certain bits of the Road Traffic Act and other and the Police Driving Manuals say that you must be in control of the car at all times, namely both hands on the wheel.
Just have a look around. How many people do you see, tuning the radio, changing a tape or CD, picking their nose, scratching their arse, arguing with their partner, gobbing off at the kids, eating or drinking, putting make up on (yes, I have seen both genders doing it!) or worse.
You mean to tell me that someone driving along with music loud enough to cause your brain to implode, if heard from two streets away, is not distracted from driving? Please, get real here!
The rare occasions I smoke in the car, the cig is either in my hand or my mouth. Lets face it, where else is it likely to be?
Yes, I probably will try to give up the 'Evil Weed' on 1st July, because I honestly wish I had never started, it is a stupid, pathetic, wasteful addiction.
My main gripe is that this another thing that this bunch of hypocritical losers in charge, are forcing upon us. Freedom of Choice!
Is the House of Commons going to become a smoke free zone? Is it 'F'!
What next?
"Hey man, you can't guff in your own car, because it upsets the carbon deposits and might offend someone"

Offline muddyjames

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« Reply #13 on: May 30, 2007, 19:45:51 »
Quote from: "Lord Shagg-Pyle"
["Hey man, you can't guff in your own car, because it upsets the carbon deposits and might offend someone"

:lol: I shouldnt laugh as it probably will be true one day.
Rover 620i 223,000 miles on the clock :)
1995 300tdi auto ES Disco. Big Green Giant

Most expensive item for a Disco is????? a round piece of paper stuck on the windscreen!

Offline landyman37

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« Reply #14 on: May 30, 2007, 19:51:59 »
Quote from: "denviks"
well here goes. i gave up smoking last year. its now 1 year and 1 month almost to the day that i stopped..... cold turkey.

now i gave up because i wanted to and because of all the talk going on about banning smoking here. i wasnt going to let someone dictate to me where and when i could smoke  :evil: . i knew that if i couldnt have a smoke with my pint i would end up not going out at all. i was smoking up to 40 a day with no ill effects, i know that i would of ended up with ill effects in the end but at the time i didnt have any.

now here is my little rant....... although i am a non smoker now, i dont agree with any of this law that is coming in now.... there has MOSTLY been a happy medium for years now ....smoking area's and non smoking area's. now this was in most places that were public...... ( ok maybe not nightclubs ) .... now this was fair..... both sides were catered for......not anymore though.... we are now heading for a society that you cant do anything that may possibly not be good for you  :evil:  :evil:

i agree that non smokers have a right to not breath the smoke of smokers but didnt they have non smoking places???? :?  :?  :?

and thats from a non smoker who's misses still smokes

Too rite dennis i packed up a month earlier than you and i also still fancey one.What are they going to do next take out sweet machines at work to stop obesity????
Regards Phil

Ya twisting me melons man.


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« Reply #15 on: May 30, 2007, 19:58:45 »
from the owner of a local country pub with has had one bar no smoking from easter i say NO COMMENT!
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Offline rollazuki

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« Reply #16 on: May 30, 2007, 20:30:06 »
Has it changed owt BUNNIE ? Better or worse with the ban?
Go on....cut me in says SUZUKI all the way thru the middle!!

Offline beast5680

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« Reply #17 on: May 30, 2007, 20:39:34 »

where i work i think is unusual in that there is only 1 person in the whole staff of about 30 who smokes(not me by the way i,m a non smoker) and you wouldnt really know he does as its rare he goes out for a fag anyway :?

let him that hath understanding reckon the number of the beast

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Offline Evilgoat

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« Reply #18 on: May 30, 2007, 20:51:16 »
We have one smoker

and it hacks pretty much everyone off the way he';s out of the office every 5 mins for a sly one. And thats included weed more than once!

I must confess the the activities of the UK governments for the past couple of years have been watched with frank admiration and amazement by Lord Vetinari. Outright theft as a policy had never occured to him.

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Offline beast5680

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« Reply #19 on: May 30, 2007, 20:57:48 »
Quote from: "Evilgoat"
We have one smoker

and it hacks pretty much everyone off the way he';s out of the office every 5 mins for a sly one. And thats included weed more than once!


spray him with a fire extinguisher then apologies cos you thought he was on fire :lol:  :lol:

where our local parish hall is they are not allowed smokers on the premises as its owned by the council so when the ban comes into force if you happened to walk into the car park apparently you will be liable to a fine if caught :roll:

let him that hath understanding reckon the number of the beast

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Offline Evilgoat

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« Reply #20 on: May 30, 2007, 21:24:24 »
Quote from: "beast5680"
Quote from: "Evilgoat"
We have one smoker

and it hacks pretty much everyone off the way he';s out of the office every 5 mins for a sly one. And thats included weed more than once!


spray him with a fire extinguisher then apologies cos you thought he was on fire :lol:  :lol:

where our local parish hall is they are not allowed smokers on the premises as its owned by the council so when the ban comes into force if you happened to walk into the car park apparently you will be liable to a fine if caught :roll:

My brother got a half-hearted verbal warning for using a faom extinguiser on a customer that wouldnt put his fag out while filling up on the forecourt.

Isolated the pumps, went out and let rip
I must confess the the activities of the UK governments for the past couple of years have been watched with frank admiration and amazement by Lord Vetinari. Outright theft as a policy had never occured to him.

-- (Terry Pratchett,

EX HK Police Mitsubishi Pajero 2.8TD
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« Reply #21 on: May 30, 2007, 21:43:02 »
:(bigsmoke):  smoking ban...bring it on.

I work as a research midwife for a large trial aimed at helping pregnant women to stop smoking. Not only are these women killing themsleves but their babies and everyone else around them.....

Yours, previous 20 a day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I like it mucky!
PYGlet..1955 S1 landy

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« Reply #22 on: May 30, 2007, 21:44:27 »
But alcohol kills just as many people and harms a lot more. Are you going to ban that?


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« Reply #23 on: May 30, 2007, 21:58:15 »
Alcohol should be banned from all public places and only to be consumed in the home.
If you are found in a public place with the equivalent of the drink/drive limit in your system you should be made to do automatic community service of 60 hours.....Alcohol is as damaging as fags.

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« Reply #24 on: May 30, 2007, 22:23:44 »
Quote from: "Lord Shagg-Pyle"
But alcohol kills just as many people and harms a lot more. Are you going to ban that?

Sounds good to me,  loud music too,  and talking too loudly or swearing,  or ....

(ps, I'm applying for a job at the home office)

Offline richo

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« Reply #25 on: May 30, 2007, 22:58:39 »
Why should you be able to smoke in your car when we can't use our mobile phones?  Surely smoking in a car is more dangerous than talking on a phone?

It is if you hold it up to your ear as it might burn you
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« Reply #26 on: May 31, 2007, 00:53:46 »
In Wales where the ban has been in a while now, I have noticed that busy pubs no longer smell of smoke but they do smell of sweaty people!

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« Reply #27 on: May 31, 2007, 10:56:07 »
just to answer a earlier point, smoking in the house of commons has been outlawed for the last 3 years

Offline beast5680

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« Reply #28 on: May 31, 2007, 11:17:53 »
Quote from: "barnhill4x4"
In Wales where the ban has been in a while now, I have noticed that busy pubs no longer smell of smoke but they do smell of sweaty people!

ban them as well then :twisted:  nothing puts you off your pint like a rank armpit :lol:

let him that hath understanding reckon the number of the beast

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« Reply #29 on: May 31, 2007, 11:59:52 »
Quote from: "beast5680"
Quote from: "barnhill4x4"
In Wales where the ban has been in a while now, I have noticed that busy pubs no longer smell of smoke but they do smell of sweaty people!

ban them as well then :twisted:  nothing puts you off your pint like a rank armpit :lol:

  You just wait, I went to see a Queen Tribute band th other night and there was quite a nasty aroma surrounding the dance floor. My missus smokes so I would go outside with her when she went for a fag, when we walked back in the smell would really hit you!


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