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Offline landy4x4xfar

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smoking ban
« Reply #30 on: May 31, 2007, 13:09:59 »
:twisted:  :twisted: as a smoker myself i think it stinks that this ban in pubs comes in on the first of July
if i go out for a drink i have a choice to beer or stay sober and as my local as a food bit i sit in the non smoking bit to eat and move to the smoking side after I've eating or leave and smoke out side which is the way it should be but come on where as this crap about smoking in your car come from, if its a works car yes but private cars no way oh and when was the last time a cig talked back to you in the car that's why phones are illegal to use while driving you dipstick because if a cig talked to you while drive it would have to be drugs you where smoking which make you as bad as the drink driver you prat and lets get it out shall we if i walk across the car park smoking i little man would fine me as its council property what they going to do have someone sitting there all day and night waiting 4 people he would more than likely be having a fag himself and since ID cards are not mandatory how is he going to id me for having a fag take a photo and run to the police every 5 minutes, give it a rest sometimes it just makes me mad to here this crap
so what to do next live in a council house be banned from smoking only home owners be allowed.
the rich get richer and the poor pay for it.
walk across a football field council owned get a ticket walk down the pavement little jobs worth hitlers pop up give you a 50 quid fine  please.
i will have a fag when and where i want too but until then leave me alone i have no plans on stopping till the day i die and that wont be from smoking i can tell you now
smoking in the house of commons has been outlawed for the last 3 years so where do the pampas windbags go for a fag then on the street corner "no they don't"
Alcohol should be banned from all public places but you see people walking up and down your streets every day with tins in there hands do you go out side and take it off them "no"
it hacks pretty much everyone off the way he';s out of the office every 5 minutes for a sly one "so sake him if he's away from his job that much every day he's not worth employing most people can go 3 or 4 hours between fags, fire his ass for not being at work when he should be
and as for the "Im a non smoker, have never smoked, and consider myself fit and healthy etc" when you get run over by a bus jogging to the heath club eating your carrot sticks remember this you have
"one life live it"

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« Reply #31 on: May 31, 2007, 14:08:34 »
Steady now, no name calling please.
Frank Bayley,

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« Reply #32 on: May 31, 2007, 14:11:06 »
the designated smoking room, which happens to be a steel container in the car park

Offline TDi90

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« Reply #33 on: May 31, 2007, 14:18:30 »
Quote from: "landy4x4xfar"
"Im a non smoker, have never smoked, and consider myself fit and healthy etc" when you get run over by a bus jogging to the heath club eating your carrot sticks remember this you have
"one life live it"

ok, all that you have just wirtten is known as a MATTER OF OPINION.
that statemnt i have just quoted i take it is relation to what i said earlier? well, let me tell you this, what i wrote is my OPINION. so before you go telling me i am going to get run over by a bus etc etc boooooring.... just remember each person has their own opinion.
one life live it and i will live mine the way i want to as i am sure you will live yours the way you want to.
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Offline Lord Shagg-Pyle

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smoking ban
« Reply #34 on: May 31, 2007, 18:11:06 »
Quote from: "landy4x4xfar"
:twisted:  :twisted: as a smoker myself i think it stinks that this ban in pubs comes in on the first of July
if i go out for a drink i have a choice to beer or stay sober and as my local as a food bit i sit in the non smoking bit to eat and move to the smoking side after I've eating or leave and smoke out side which is the way it should be but come on where as this crap about smoking in your car come from, if its a works car yes but private cars no way oh and when was the last time a cig talked back to you in the car that's why phones are illegal to use while driving you dipstick because if a cig talked to you while drive it would have to be drugs you where smoking which make you as bad as the drink driver you prat and lets get it out shall we if i walk across the car park smoking i little man would fine me as its council property what they going to do have someone sitting there all day and night waiting 4 people he would more than likely be having a fag himself and since ID cards are not mandatory how is he going to id me for having a fag take a photo and run to the police every 5 minutes, give it a rest sometimes it just makes me mad to here this crap
so what to do next live in a council house be banned from smoking only home owners be allowed.
the rich get richer and the poor pay for it.
walk across a football field council owned get a ticket walk down the pavement little jobs worth hitlers pop up give you a 50 quid fine  please.
i will have a fag when and where i want too but until then leave me alone i have no plans on stopping till the day i die and that wont be from smoking i can tell you now
smoking in the house of commons has been outlawed for the last 3 years so where do the pampas windbags go for a fag then on the street corner "no they don't"
Alcohol should be banned from all public places but you see people walking up and down your streets every day with tins in there hands do you go out side and take it off them "no"
it hacks pretty much everyone off the way he';s out of the office every 5 minutes for a sly one "so sake him if he's away from his job that much every day he's not worth employing most people can go 3 or 4 hours between fags, fire his ass for not being at work when he should be
and as for the "Im a non smoker, have never smoked, and consider myself fit and healthy etc" when you get run over by a bus jogging to the heath club eating your carrot sticks remember this you have
"one life live it"

A quick ciggy break, anyone? :lol: I actually quite like the idea of a ban, as it will give me a chance to get on the wick of a lot of self righteous people, the same sort who go on about:
1) people speeding through their town, but will speed through other people's towns
2) people who cluck on about 'giving the disadvantaged youth more things to do, but won't get involved in helping with local youth groups'
3) people who moan about old folk not getting enough help, but can't be botherered to check on their elderley neighbour'.
4) people who say the Police are marvellous, but then complain about lack of service and gob off about paying a cops wages, when they get done for speeding.
I could go on, but you are probably all bored by now. I'm off for a cig, with my pint, in my garage, on my land, and after that I shall have a large steak, with a fried egg on top, that was cooked in lard because I CAN!

Offline landy4x4xfar

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« Reply #35 on: May 31, 2007, 23:16:22 »
ok, all that you have just wirtten is known as a MATTER OF OPINION.
that statemnt i have just quoted i take it is relation to what i said earlier? well, let me tell you this, what i wrote is my OPINION. so before you go telling me i am going to get run over by a bus etc etc boooooring.... just remember each person has their own opinion.
one life live it and i will live mine the way i want to as i am sure you will live yours the way you want to.

dear tdi90 If it was directed at you don't you think it would have had your name in it somewhere and have been quoted by you
sorry but it was not as every one who can be bothered to look can see for themselves dear boy
so the only way to end this is

double pff with a cherry on top
im going for a fag and see if i can borrow a bus from somewhere lol

Offline Highlander1

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« Reply #36 on: June 01, 2007, 09:40:34 »
Minimun distance for smoking areas should be 15 feet away from any entrance if not then those standing in the bar porch are infringing the law in Scotland you can report the bar to the council if you feel bad about walking through the smoke to get in.

I disagree with banning the smoking by making people stand outside.

You now get the local drunks standing in the street with glasses in hand all day shouting and swearing from 11 am till closing. children tourists and elderly are intimidated by this behaviour and the ground gets covered in fag ends.

If they had continental style bars for people to sit it wouldn't be so bad at the beer gardens behind the bars but blocking the pavement and having glass outside leads to trouble antisocial behaviour increases so do complaints the trouble increases ten fold.

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Offline Lord Shagg-Pyle

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« Reply #37 on: June 01, 2007, 14:07:31 »
You see, yet another good idea from Scotland. Other ideas include, television, whisky, erm er, whisky, tarmac, kilts, strange tartan hats with red hair sticking out of them (?), haggis, whisky and most important of all, whisky!

Offline Highlander1

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« Reply #38 on: June 01, 2007, 15:27:15 »
The trouble with whisky there's never very much in a bottle. :roll:
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Offline Lord Shagg-Pyle

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« Reply #39 on: June 01, 2007, 16:07:39 »
get a bigger bottle!

Offline TDi90

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« Reply #40 on: June 01, 2007, 16:11:47 »
or get more bottles!! - how do i know that?  :oops:
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« Reply #41 on: June 01, 2007, 18:27:05 »
Quote from: "TDi90"
or get more bottles!! - how do i know that?  :oops:

Hah! Sussed you out! so you are not such a healthy clean living student after all! :wink:

Offline TDi90

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« Reply #42 on: June 01, 2007, 18:32:54 »
i am 98% of time.
the other 2% (maybe 3-4 times a year i get drunk)Rob
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Offline dazzawhipple

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« Reply #43 on: June 03, 2007, 21:23:51 »
and now when sitting in a pub garden it will be full of smokers, with butts all over the floor
Landcruiser 2004 , 4.2 Straight six, Diesel, Roo bar, Snorkel, Dual Batteries, UHF, Roof Consul, Rear Drawer storage system, 50mm Lift

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« Reply #44 on: June 03, 2007, 21:50:46 »
:sobsob:  :smack:  :smack:  :(bigcry):
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Offline hairyasswelder

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« Reply #45 on: June 03, 2007, 23:02:00 »
It is all a big circle, I am a smoker, biker, 4x4 driver, clinically obese :? have a go.... why not??? Im sure we can all find things we dont like about anyone if we want
I just dont give a toss......... I dont drink in pubs, and where I work we all smoke so....
'88 RR 3.5 efi, an on going project :o) evolving daily/slowly

Offline Bob696

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« Reply #46 on: June 03, 2007, 23:06:35 »
I dont drink much in pubs anyway so it wont be any great effort to stop going completly.

Oh and the 90 isn't insured for business use so they cant stop me smoking there.
"A wise man has something to say a fool has to say something"
"Think of it as evolution in action" and yes, I do know that I can't spell thank you.
200TDi 90  "Daisy" A.K.A. "Baby"
3.5L V8 110 "Sally". The camper van with an attitude problem.

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Offline BrumLee

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« Reply #47 on: June 03, 2007, 23:44:33 »
Quote from: "Bob696"
I dont drink much in pubs anyway so it wont be any great effort to stop going completly.

Me neither  :wink:  :lol:  :lol:
Lee from Brum

Offline crazymac

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« Reply #48 on: June 04, 2007, 13:59:00 »
What interesting comments from everyone 8)
Here's my ones :P

I agree with the ban, we've had it in Wales now for a couple of months, as have Ireland and Scotland for a year or so now. we can all find research that supports our theories, but I'm told by many publicans I know locally and in Scotland that trade overall has increased, where any drop has been generally has been confined to the daytime drinkers! make from that what you will.

As regards where you will be banned from...........

Public buildings and 15ft around these buildings (IE government, local authority) which stops people smoking outside the local leisure centre entrance and giving you a lungfull as you enter....

Pubs, clubs etc, no restrictions on how close!

Business vehicles when the vehicle is shared!! if you are the only one in and to use the vehicle there is no problem unless your company decides to ban it. if you share the vehicle I.E a truck that does another route with another driver when you clock off then the ban is in place.

Hotels can nominate certain rooms for smoking as they see fit as long as public areas are smoke free.

I for one used to hate coming home from the pub and having to dump my clothes straight into the washer cos of the smell, I've been out a few times since the ban and its been great.

shame its Budda!!

Offline TDi90

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« Reply #49 on: June 04, 2007, 16:05:56 »
ace  :wink:  :lol:  8)
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Offline Highlander1

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« Reply #50 on: June 04, 2007, 16:14:16 »
I smoked for 22 years, spent most of the time thinking about giving up.

Promised to give up next day but never could when I tried I'd see all those huddled outside smoking and feel like a deprived smoker who could almost kill for a smoke.

Went cold turkey one day because I decided I was no longer a deprived smoker but a non smoker. Had few drams in the evening and declared to everyone in the pub I was a non smoker.

Was the easiest thing I ever did to give up once I got non smoker not deprived smoker into my head. After that the craving lasted couple of day's.

Still get odd milli second relapse which goes  as soon as it enters my head without me having to light up.

Saved £2.50 per day instead of spending it on tobbaco. Then took a trip of a life time round Eastern Europe on the proceeds.

Once you realise you haven't got a chimney on your head and tell the wee gremline in your head your not going to give him his fix it's easy.

Get a few funny looks when walking down the street telling it to pi** of co's your not getting a smoke for first couple of day's.

Now I feel free free free not controlled by the most powerful drug in world.

 :D  :D  :D  :D  :D  :D  :D  :D  :D  :D  :D
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Offline crazymac

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« Reply #51 on: June 04, 2007, 16:51:59 »
My Gran also went cold turkey.

She started smoking at 15 on the advice of her doctor (how things have changed!) and smoked at least 20 a day until her 80th birthday when she went cold turkey.

Each day she would walk to the post office and put the money she would have spent on ciggies into her post office account.

When she died, she had left instructions with my mum about her funeral, what to do, who to invite (who not to invite!!!!) and where to hold the wake. at the end of all this my mum was left with 17pence in that savings account. at first my mum thought that my gran had worked things out well, untill she realised that she stil had to send in the death cert. to register the death, the cost of a 1st class stamp at the time was 17pence!!!!!!!

My gran had never been in debt all her life, so ensured that my mum would not be in debt through burying her!!!!!!

shame its Budda!!

Offline Bob696

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« Reply #52 on: June 04, 2007, 16:54:49 »
Business vehicles when the vehicle is shared!! if you are the only one in and to use the vehicle there is no problem unless your company decides to ban it.

I think you will find that this is incorrect. If the Vehicle COULD be shared then you are banned from smoking in it. This even involves private vehicles where you have given people a lift to work (smoker or not). In a nutshell if a vehicle is insured for business use and has more than one seat you could be fined.

It all depends on how people (the anti smoking police) interpret the law.

It is an offence to smoke in an enclosed workspace if more than one person could work (or just be) there.
Business insurance on a car implies that it will be used for work (why else would you pay the extra insurance?)
If it has more than one seat then it could be used by more than one person.

Dosn't matter anyway, the law is in I am not going to cry about it.
Next on the list for the do gooders will be booze. They wont stop till we have the swedish model of £7 a pint and £60 a bottle of scotch. Think I will vote for that as an almost non drinker. No fear of going out and being accosted by drunks in the street, no drunks walking past the house shouting at 3am, no more drunk drivers, A&E staff safe on a weekend. Bring on the booze ban  :!:
"A wise man has something to say a fool has to say something"
"Think of it as evolution in action" and yes, I do know that I can't spell thank you.
200TDi 90  "Daisy" A.K.A. "Baby"
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« Reply #53 on: June 04, 2007, 17:06:50 »
So what will be next after smoking and alcohol? Freedom of choice, perhaps?

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« Reply #54 on: June 04, 2007, 18:36:47 »
This from the smoking law website

All public transport (including taxis, trains and buses) and business owned vehicles that may carry more than one specified employee need to display a smoking prohibition symbol of at least 70mm (Dia.) in each compartment that could carry passengers

let him that hath understanding reckon the number of the beast

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Offline Lord Shagg-Pyle

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« Reply #55 on: June 04, 2007, 21:31:11 »
Quote from: "beast5680"
This from the smoking law website

All public transport (including taxis, trains and buses) and business owned vehicles that may carry more than one specified employee need to display a smoking prohibition symbol of at least 70mm (Dia.) in each compartment that could carry passengers

Well thats it! Forget the cars being driven dangerously or in a bad condition!
Break out the stingers, lay out the tyre spikes!
We've got a real nasty piece of work in that van! His 'No Smoking sticker' is too small! Call out armed response! He's going down for that one!
I can't wait to be pulled off from my patrol work to be landed with that job. That'll really make my day, and make me feel that I have done something worthwhile to protect society!

Offline crazymac

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« Reply #56 on: June 04, 2007, 23:32:54 »
Quote from: "Lord Shagg-Pyle"
Quote from: "beast5680"
This from the smoking law website

All public transport (including taxis, trains and buses) and business owned vehicles that may carry more than one specified employee need to display a smoking prohibition symbol of at least 70mm (Dia.) in each compartment that could carry passengers

Well thats it! Forget the cars being driven dangerously or in a bad condition!
Break out the stingers, lay out the tyre spikes!
We've got a real nasty piece of work in that van! His 'No Smoking sticker' is too small! Call out armed response! He's going down for that one!
I can't wait to be pulled off from my patrol work to be landed with that job. That'll really make my day, and make me feel that I have done something worthwhile to protect society!

Thats just the thing, its not down to the police to enforce. Here in Wales it is the Health and Safety Dept of the local authority and I assume that this is the case elsewhere. They are the ones that can issue on the spot fines, and refer any action to the court for any prosecution

shame its Budda!!

Offline way2deep

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« Reply #57 on: June 05, 2007, 00:31:16 »
Quote from: "Lord Shagg-Pyle"
So what will be next after smoking and alcohol? Freedom of choice, perhaps?

they have already banned freedom of chioce .motor cycle helmets ,seatbelts,laning in the winter,...why don't they ban lieing,cash for honours ,holidays for favours,

in a so called democratic society shouldn't we be allowed a say in the matters  ,it's run more like a communist state every day with b.liar in charge :x
200 tdi rangie  1989  4dr

Offline Highlander1

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« Reply #58 on: June 05, 2007, 10:21:23 »
Why should I suffer from passive smoking cancer.

leave non smokers the freedom of choice to breath clean air!

Oh and we only have about 2 enforcement officers in each city north of the border.

As and ex smoker I was always respectful to non smokers, never in their car or in their face, never in their homes, work place etc I think it comes down to good manners.

As a smoker I hated any sick [!Expletive Deleted!] who would light up in the table next to me in the cafe while I was having a meal with the kids blowing their foul stench across my pie and chips. I often lost the place with those obsequious, obnoxious, selfish, foul cretins who had  the manners of a chimp at a tea party.
Depression is merely anger without enthusiasm


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