AuthorTopic: helping some one and come off wosrt AGAIN!!!!  (Read 470 times)

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helping some one and come off wosrt AGAIN!!!!
« on: July 22, 2007, 15:15:20 »
went with my brother to fetch his caravan off a travellers site after a disagreement with one young man on there.

coming off he decided to throwa handful of stones/bricks over the fence and over the main road across one lane and hit our rrc.

smashed the back window which our son was sat next to, turned round and went back the rest of the travellers not happy with the other mn as as they said 'we all get tarred with the same brush and we are not all like that'  we involved the police and ALL the other travellers told them exactly what happened as they were not happy that he had done it to some one else property and that a child was in it too.

the man has RUN off in his car to BARSNLEY took his caravan a couple of days ago.
North Nottinghamshire rep for GLASS

Offline chris.hunt22

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helping some one and come off wosrt AGAIN!!!!
« Reply #1 on: July 25, 2007, 20:20:54 »
Terrible that, I have to work near a lot of travellers and they usually stick together like glue, fair play to them for sticking up for you!!  Apart from a back window at least everyone was OK, I end up getting roped into jobs I wished I had never bothered voulenteering for all the time!  I just hope the Police catch up with him.
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