I'm selling the wife's car...
Well put it on Autotrader, in less than 24 hours Marie took a a call :lol:
He started asking questions and she said could you call my husband as I cannot answer the questions.
Well he tries, my mobile is off, so he calls Marie back, she said I'll get him to call you when he is back at 22.00.
At 21.00 he calls! Marie says he isn't back yet will get him to ring you at 22.00... no problem he says, i'm keen... :lol:
So its looking good he is keen enough to call a few times, I ring him back and he asks the right questions, says he'll have a think about it. He then rings back saying he want to look at it first thing Wednesday Morning.. No problem... 9.00 am
And guess what a no show!
Now I'm not too worried because I'm not going anywhere, but what is the point of all the calls for that... are they dreamers or do they just get a kick out of it??
Sad if you ask me.