OOp's it seems I have upset some people with my last post.
To Dirty Girty, Scania and any one else who may have been offended, be they female or male I humbly apologise; to mitigate and qualify my last comments, I would like to make the following points:
The original post was about 'political correctness' and the way it had inveigled its way into everyday life. My point was simply about the way four letter words have become the vernacular. Furthermore, I was trying to make the point that in the past (only 20 years ago) the use of the F word would have been restricted to primarily male oriented situaions.
I do not, however, apologise to the people who use such language in front of young children, thereby normalising its use. The use of the F word
(IMHO) should be restricted to bashing ones thumb with a hammer, scraping the skin off ones knuckles whilst attempting to remove a siezed, rusty and painted over nut, getting stuck in a bog, of realising that you have just filled the tank of your TD5 with unleaded (or any other high stress situation) not interjected between every syllable.
For what it's worth I dislike women drinking out of pint glasses as well - pass me my tin hat ...
You may not be be a Lady but I, at least, aspire to be a Gentleman ...