I have a 1988 landrover 90.
Its is in very good shape on the underside but its showing all the normal rust points round the body.
I want to get it painted when i have finished all the mods but have seen so many paint jobs on landrovers only a year or so old that have started showing rust through again. I want to do the prep myself so i know its not just had new paint over old rust.
Has anyone done this before and have any advice on the method of prep.
Did you remove all the paint our just rub down the rusty bits. how did you treat the rusty bits before painting over.
What is best on things like the doors. I was going to paint the steel frames but what about the part in contact with the door skin.
Any idea what i will pay for the re spray. Not looking for show car finish (its an old landrover) but want it looking smart and rust free.