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Topic: Mad As... (Read 633 times)
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Mad As...
September 05, 2007, 12:42:04 »
A Siberian Husky!
I just jetwashed the dog and she loves it :shock:
Was playing about with her as she loves water. Had no nozzle on the ketwash, like that it makes a great water cannon, although it has no pressure when you initally pull the trigger it fires a half second burst about 40 foot, great for water fights. So I was shooting the dog, who was busy trying to catch the water.
Put the nozzle on and fired a mist into the garden from behind the gate so she couldnt get close enough to damage herself and she was jumping up and down in it, doing dolphin leaps and going nuts.
Shes asleep in the sun now steaming gently.
Mad Hound
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Mad As...
Reply #1 on:
September 05, 2007, 12:48:48 »
Wolfies 'Katy' can be entertained for hours with the hosepipe. And I mean,
. Saphires probably the same :lol:
There's a collie in the race community called 'Plank' who's renowned for trying to rag fast-moving jets of water! Makes pressure washing the racer a bit 'hazardous'! Once Planks owner is done with his, the dog legs it to find the next friendly jet washer. Nuttier than squirrel poop, that hound!
Dogs - aren't they great! 8)
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Mad As...
Reply #2 on:
September 05, 2007, 13:02:24 »
My 3 Jack Russell's are the same, if i'm washing the truck with the jetwash ben often latches onto the end of the nozzel :shock: or hin & his brother sam are running up my wheels to get the water. The same happens in the back if i'm watering my bonsai's or the rest of the plants they go nuts after the hose :roll: But if you try & take them for a walk when it's rainning you've got know chance as they'll run out & turn around straight back to their beds :roll: :roll:
I don't suffer insaity ! I enjoy it !!!
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Mad As...
Reply #3 on:
September 05, 2007, 13:10:21 »
You're right about the hose, its the best toy available for her. Even has her own paddling pool. Will sit and try catch imaginary 'fish' for hors on end.
Sat at my feet now and stinks a little though :roll:
I must confess the the activities of the UK governments for the past couple of years have been watched with frank admiration and amazement by Lord Vetinari. Outright theft as a policy had never occured to him.
-- (Terry Pratchett,
EX HK Police Mitsubishi Pajero 2.8TD
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Mad As...
Reply #4 on:
September 05, 2007, 13:10:36 »
Ah yes, the "water snake", Muppet does love playing with it :D almost as much fun as a rock that is almost too large to physically move. Her favorite is of course a combination of a rock and water, that'll really keep her occupied.
But not deep water, she's scared of that, and for some reason is totally disinterested in the hose that is my water supply.
Wierd creature.
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Mad As...
Reply #5 on:
September 05, 2007, 13:39:56 »
Max is the same. Goes loopy when RRB washes the cars. His favourite toy is a flower you fit the hosepipe into, the top if it moves about with the pressure of the water, throwing jets of water randomly into the air.
He will also try to get the water coming out of the cold tap. A favourite bedime game involves him standing on the loo, unrolling the bog roll as he wags his tail, getting the water as it comes out of the tap. If you keep turning the tap on and off at random times, he gets really angry with the water when it does appear.
He's also stuck his paws and head into a bucket of water to get whatever is making the bubbles at the bottom, and has on occaision jumped into the shower with one of us to attack the water coming from the shower head. That's an GSD/Collie cross. The GSD, Bracken, on the other hand, dislikes water immensely, and hates being bathed/showered.
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Mad As...
Reply #6 on:
September 05, 2007, 23:13:05 »
you cant Bath Saffy.... oh no any water thats above her tummy is out of the question...
she does go for the shower... and also the drink dispensers we have @ the pub its got chilled water on there... so hold it over a bucket and shell drink the stream... had my brother in stiches with it when she came with me on Tuesday...
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Mad As...
Reply #7 on:
September 06, 2007, 12:38:07 »
my german shephard does that :lol:
its sooo funny!
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Mad As...
Reply #8 on:
September 06, 2007, 14:57:49 »
Shes asleep in the sun now steaming gently.
Mad Hound
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Mad As...
Reply #9 on:
September 06, 2007, 15:04:10 »
errrrm that looks a little wet?
Suzuki Vitara (Rabbit)- Alive and well
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